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We urgently, desperately need HONEST SCIENCE so we can solve problems

May 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Do you remember the decades-old saying, “Garbage in — Garbage out”?  It referred to the problems with computer systems that receive inputs that are not accurate and — as a result — produce inaccurate outputs. The remedy, of course, is to make sure we have valid, accurate inputs in order to produce good results. Nowadays, the Trump/Republican federal government and many state governments are stuffed with climate deniers, dogmatic religious extremists, and other people who are subservient to special interests.  Instead of open-mindedly and honestly trying to solve problems, they exploit governments in order to distort public policies for corrupt […]

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U.S.’s long history of anti-intellectualism is bearing rotten fruit now

May 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In 1962 the great historian Richard Hofstadter published his book Anti-Intellectualism in American Life.  I bought it in about 1970 and always wanted to read it.  Now I am starting to read it because its message is so horribly relevant now. A long stream of anti-intellectualism has hurt the U.S. in various ways throughout our history.  It seems to be worsening now, as the federal government has made the U.S. a “rogue nation” that denies science in many aspects of public policy (environment, climate, health issues, etc.) and deletes honest, accurate scientific information from the federal government’s websites.  Under Trump […]

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The U.S. Empire is BI-PARTISAN.

May 2, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

It’s easy to criticize the hawkish foreign policy that Trump and the Republicans are promoting.  Their gross cruelty causes some people to overlook the fact that Obama, Bill Clinton, and the Democrats have done similar things when they were in the White House and Congress. A year ago Courage to Resist ( published in its May 2017 newsletter an article (“Empire War Status” written on April 6, 2017, by Bob Meola, a member of Courage to Resist.  The information below includes some of his ideas and some of my own. He wrote: “A lot of people miss Barack Obama because […]

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Protect the 2020 census and DEMOCRACY ITSELF from Trump’s racist, partisan abuse!

April 28, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

I’ve been reading a lot about Trump’s blatant attempt to violate the Constitution by politicizing and racializing the 2020 census.  This article from MoveOn does a good job of summarizing the crisis succinctly, and it provides an URGENT PETITION that you can sign: Donald Trump and his Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, want to add a question about citizenship to the census. The Constitution states that “all people” must be counted for the census, not just citizens. If this question goes ahead, all urban areas — and big states like California, Florida, New York, and Texas — will lose federal funding […]

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Media lets Melania’s white hat distract them from covering important news

April 28, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

France’s leader spoke to the U.S. Congress in April 2018.  He gave a stunning rebuke to Trump and Trumpism by denouncing the deliberate denial of science and the climate crisis.  He denounced the nationalism and isolationism.  He really nailed it! What did the U.S.’s mainstream news media cover?  They focused on the pretty white hat that Trump’s wife wore.  This utter incompetence and negligence are dumbing down the USA.  Trumpism relies on ignorance and distraction from the important issues.  The mainstream news media play along and support Trumpism in this way. See a closely related article (“The Republic Crumbles, Melania […]

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Ancient Chinese philosophers predicted Trump’s disruptions of earth’s climate!

April 22, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Some ancient Chinese philosophers — especially the Taoists, but others too — emphasized the need for moderation, harmony, etc., rather than greed or arrogance or violence.  My readings of Taoism show how far the U.S. is away from “the good life” of peace and harmony and public well-being. I’ve been reading books about ancient Chinese philosophy.  Just now I read that in about the 3rd or 4th century BC, some Chinese philosophers I the “Grand Norm” school of thought identified what are referred to as “various indications.”  The book I’m reading (citation below) says: “These are rain, sunshine, heat, cold, […]

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Trump, politicians, media mislead the public about immigrants

April 22, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump’s 2016 political campaign rhetoric and lies about immigrants have continued in subsequent years.  Many other politicians act as if Trump’s lies were true. Mainstream media have failed to correct Trump’s lies, so most Americans seem to believe them. There is NOT a flood of immigrants entering the U.S. from Mexico.  Actually, the numbers dropped 90% from 1.7 million in 2005 to only 170,000 in 2015.  Also, more Mexican people are LEAVING the U.S. and moving to Mexico than vice versa. Most people who are here illegally did NOT come from our southern border.  Most came here on tourist visas, […]

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NPR supports Trump’s attack on Syria — interviews Pentagon’s big-wigs but NO peace supporters

April 13, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

On Friday April 13, 2018, Trump attacked Syria.  National Public Radio provided special radio coverage for a long period of time.  I listened to it and found it ENTIRELY ONE-SIDED with NO meaningful challenge to its wisdom and NO interviews with any peace supporters or anyone who would provide context.  NPR played Trump’s announcement and interviewed military generals and other Pentagon big-wigs and other hawks. Other sides do exist. See the info I quickly compiled here, based on appeals from the past few days seeking PEACE and urging Congress to take responsibility (as the U.S. Constitution requires) rather than letting […]

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How to understand Trump’s current rants about “caravans” of immigrants coming to the U.S.

April 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The Quixote Center ( has done great solidarity work with Central America for decades.  They put into context the ranting of Trump in early April 2018. Trump is feeling increased pressure about his many scandals, etc., so he is trying to divert scrutiny of his own bad behavior and that of his appointees by demonizing “The Other” and trying to get Americans to fear “The Other” and support Trump’s claim that militarizing the US’s southern border and violating the human rights of undocumented immigrants here will protect us. This article deserves to be read by many people: A great […]

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John Bolton will push Trump into war(s) and more violent foreign policy

April 1, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump’s main criterion for appointing people is their loyalty to him.  He has been firing people who have tried to moderate Trump’s extremism and recklessness.  In March 2018 he appointed an extremely dangerous person — John Bolton — who has been wrong on a great many issues over the years and who shamelessly lied in order to help Dick Cheney and George W. Bush start their horrible war against Iraq in 2003. John Bolton will pollute Trump’s mind even further and delude Trump into thinking that he is getting smart advice from an expert, when really Trump will be  getting […]

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Trump wants to start WAR against Iran. Here are some info resources.

April 1, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump’s recent actions show he is gearing up to START A WAR against Iran. Appointing John Bolton to be Trump’s national security advisor has alarmed a great many people. Bolton is an extremely dangerous person who pushes for more wars. His lies helped George W. Bush start his horrible war against Iraq. I will be posting information to my blog – – so you can learn more. My blog has a section on Iran. You might want to read several items there, including this recent post: You can also watch my interview with two Iranian-Americans at the time […]

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Watergate book & film “All the President’s Men” is highly relevant now!

March 13, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Last night I watched the feature film “All the President’s Men,” which accurately lays out the Watergate scandal and the criminality of Nixon’s administration.  I had watched the film a number of years before and read the book many years before that. Now it is more relevant than ever, especially because: — The extremely corrupt Trump regime is violating the Constitution and the rule of law — News media nowadays do not dedicate themselves to investigative reporting and seeking the truth, nearly so much as they did before — Media consolidation — especially by right-wing owners — has created enormous […]

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Prevent Trump’s war against Iran

March 3, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Decent people must prevent Trump from starting a totally unnecessary war against Iran. Obama helped the U.S., France, Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, China and Iran use diplomacy to create a deal that stopped Iran’s nuclear weapons program. This Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has been working very well. The only people who oppose the JCPOA are Trump and hawks who have always wanted war against Iran. George W. Bush lied and falsely claimed that Iraq was building certain weapons. Bush rejected diplomacy in order to start his war against Iraq in 2003 – a war we are still fighting. […]

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We must DEBUNK “the Myth of Redemptive Violence.”

February 24, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

U.S. culture has long perpetuated what has been called “The Myth of Redemptive Violence.” Look at the plots of movies about the Wild West, about cops & robbers, about spies, etc. Nearly every movie ends with a big shoot-out in which “the good guys” use violence to defeat “the bad guys.” The U.S. assumes that our military is “the good guys” and we can use violence to defeat “the bad guys” just like in the movies. The problem is that reality does not work that way. The U.S. LOST the wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. Violence is also PROFOUNDLY […]

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Trump’s 2018 “Nuclear Posture Review” document is reckless and frightening!

February 24, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

See links to articles about Trump’s 2018 “Nuclear Posture Review” document at the end of this information about it: On February 2, 2018, the Trump Administration released its Nuclear Posture Review (NPR), which lays out how the Trump Administration and its Pentagon (which wrote the document for Trump) understand the role of nuclear weapons. Previous Nuclear Posture Reviews were issued in 2010, 2002, and 1994. Trump’s 2018 NPR does significantly change U.S. policy regarding nuclear weapons. A significant break from Obama’s NPR (which stated that the U.S. would not use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries that had signed the Non-Proliferation […]