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What’s Wrong with “Christian Nationalism”

April 28, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2024 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series examines a problem that cuts across political and religious boundaries – because some people want to blur those boundaries by imposing their own narrow religious beliefs upon everybody else and upon our political system. The problem has been called “Christian Nationalism” – the false notion that the U.S. was designed to be a “Christian nation” with conservative Christians in charge.  Real historians keep disproving this false claim.  Most Christians oppose it too, because it would have politically conservative Christians claim to speak for all other Christians.   Also, people in […]

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Republicans are deliberately breaking democracy so they can install a dictator

April 14, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

This is part of their methodology:  Posted Feb 1, 2024: Officeholders Under Siege In recent years, elected officials in local and state governments across the country have faced a barrage of intimidation. A troubling new Brennan Center report compiles national surveys of state legislators and local officeholders, and the results are stark. These threats and attacks have made officials wary of freely interacting with constituents, taking controversial positions, and even continuing in public service at all. Unaddressed, the problem stands to endanger not just individual politicians but the functioning of representative democracy itself.     Posted Feb 8, 2024: Thom […]

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Our two political parties are ENEMIES OF HONEST DEMOCRACY

April 14, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

Political parties should derive their energy and support from the grassroots – and promote candidates that most voters want. But now we have two big, stupid corrupt political parties that are hell-bent to nominate for president two candidates who are OPPOSED BY MOST VOTERS, according to the opinion polls. But the parties don’t care about what the voters want.  They are dominated by political elites and economic elites.  They cram unpopular candidates down our throats. Indeed, both George W. Bush and Donald Trump LOST THE POPULAR VOTE, but the Supreme Court and the Electoral College (respectively) installed them as president.  […]

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The U.S. is planning for simultaneous wars against Russia and China!!! That’s “a strategic nightmare”!!!

April 5, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

President Biden has — for decades — been an EXTREME WAR HAWK — a fierce COLD WARRIOR.  He is continuing that now that he is President.  He has filled his administration with officials who strongly want wars against both Russia and China. Congress keeps appropriating more and more and more money for the Pentagon — and for provoking and escalating a new nuclear arms race.   This was posted on October 14, 2023.   Biden keeps escalating the crisis:                

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U.S. nuclear weapons polices have been RECKLESS, DANGEROUS, CRAZY for decades

April 5, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

This long article has fascinating – and frightening – information. Almost no Americans know how horribly reckless, dangerous, crazy the U.S. policies for nuclear weapons have been for many decades. This article was posted March 27, 2024: America’s Nuclear War Plan in the 1960s Was Utter Madness. It Still Is. We rarely consider the dangers these days, but our existence depends on it.            

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Military “solutions” do NOT work anywhere — including NOT in Israel-Palestine

April 3, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

Military “solutions” do not work! They only make problems worse. Each side’s violence against the other side provides an excuse for retaliation. We must stop the cycle of violence. We must understand the root causes and use honest diplomacy (not bullying and threats) to solve the underlying problems.   During the Cold War – and again now – each side’s fear of the other has led to an escalation of nuclear weapons that are more technologically sophisticated – and DESIGNED to make it easier to start a nuclear war.  I have written about practical steps toward reversing that.   We […]

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Organizing with 100% nonviolence works better than using even small amounts of violence

April 3, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

Many people assume there is a spectrum of organizing methods ranging from 100% nonviolence (nice, but not strong enough) to violence (powerful and effective.)  ACTUALLY, THAT ASSUMPTION IS FALSE!!! Actually, RESEARCH HAS PROVEN that adding any violence to an effort REDUCES the likelihood of winning.   I highly recommend the easy-to-read book by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan – Why Civil Resistance Works – in which they researched a century of major campaigns for change.  They found that those that were scrupulously 100% nonviolent were much more likely to win than those that included some violence.  I mention this […]

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2 ways Trump’s courtroom behaviors PROVE he is GUILTY

April 3, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

Trump is in many kinds of legal trouble.  He reacts in TWO basic ways.  EACH of his behaviors PROVES that he is GUILTY! An innocent person would want a SPEEDY TRIAL in order to clear his good name.  But Trump keeps delaying, delaying, delaying, delaying.  This PROVES Trump knows he is GUILTY.  He wants to avoid accountability for his crimes.  That’s altogether different from an innocent person wanting a speedy trial to clear the defendant’s good name. An innocent person would want the judicial process to proceed fairly and honestly without unjust pressures and threats of violence.  But Trump keeps […]

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Prison Sentences — Problems and Solutions: Glen’s TV program

March 26, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

You can WATCH this through the blog link below and/or READ what we said during the interview at a different link below. The April 2024 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides fresh information and insights into prison sentences.  Besides discussing several problems about prison sentences, we will also discuss some solutions that deserve more public awareness, support and implementation.  He said that every program in this TV series discusses problems – and also pivots toward solutions.  He said today’s interview will pivot several times. Glen welcomed an expert guest who helped us explore this topic.  Alexandra Bailey works […]

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U.S. Empire — Watch and/or read this interview with rich info + fresh insights

February 25, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

You can WATCH this through the blog link below and/or READ what we said during the interview at a different link below. This program is so richly informative and insightful that you will want to share this with other people. The March 2024 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides much solid information about some parts of the world that are in the news.  Glen and his guest Khury Petersen-Smith help you understand those realities in some fresh ways.  Later in the interview, we pulled the pieces together and see how they fit into a larger – and deeper […]

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Poor People’s Campaign — WATCH and/or READ powerful interview

February 1, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

You can WATCH this through the blog link below and/or READ what we said during the interview at a different link below. The February 2024 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides information, insights, and enthusiasm for supporting social and economic justice through the Poor People’s Campaign. You might know that the Campaign had existed in the late 1960s.  Well, it is back and organizing vigorously for the original purposes – and for making progress on related issues. Glen said today he is interviewing one of the tri-chairs for Washington State’s Poor People’s Campaign.   Anyone anywhere can watch […]

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Martin Luther King Was a Radical, Not a Moderate

January 13, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

King called himself a democratic socialist. He believed that America needed a “radical redistribution of economic and political power.”            

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How the Vietnam War pushed MLK to embrace global justice, not only civil rights at home

January 13, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

How the Vietnam War pushed MLK to embrace global justice, not only civil rights at home It is a radical concept of love that demands we embrace those we know and those we don’t, to acknowledge, as King said, “that all life is interrelated, that somehow we’re caught in an inescapable network of mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny.”            

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When Democrats nominate war-hawks for president, Republicans win by running as peace candidates

January 6, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

In the spring of 1968, President Johnson realized that his horribly unpopular war in Vietnam would PREVENT him from being re-elected, so he withdrew from his presidential campaign.  His VP, Hubert Humphrey, became the Democratic nominee.  But instead of listening to the public, which opposed the Vietnam War, Humphrey campaigned as a pro-war candidate. Richard Nixon campaigned as a “peace” candidate with a promise to end the war, so voters elected Nixon, even though he was horrible in every other way. Leading up to 2016, the Democratic Party kept promoting Hillary Clinton as the only candidate it would consider.  (Remember […]

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Many Republicans AGGRESSIVELY PROMOTE homosexuality

December 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

In addition to vigorously opposing abortion, many Republican politicians want to sharply restrict birth control. Those Republicans are INTERFERING with — and thereby OPPOSING — heterosexual activities. Unwittingly, those Republicans are telling people to meet their sexual needs WITHOUT persons of the opposite sex. To avoid pregnancy, women should have sexual intercourse only with other women. To avoid impregnating women, men should have sexual intercourse only with other men. Who would have guessed that Republicans are such big supporters of the gay/lesbian movement?