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What’s Wrong with “Christian Nationalism”

April 28, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2024 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series examines a problem that cuts across political and religious boundaries – because some people want to blur those boundaries by imposing their own narrow religious beliefs upon everybody else and upon our political system. The problem has been called “Christian Nationalism” – the false notion that the U.S. was designed to be a “Christian nation” with conservative Christians in charge.  Real historians keep disproving this false claim.  Most Christians oppose it too, because it would have politically conservative Christians claim to speak for all other Christians.   Also, people in […]

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Poor People’s Campaign — WATCH and/or READ powerful interview

February 1, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

You can WATCH this through the blog link below and/or READ what we said during the interview at a different link below. The February 2024 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides information, insights, and enthusiasm for supporting social and economic justice through the Poor People’s Campaign. You might know that the Campaign had existed in the late 1960s.  Well, it is back and organizing vigorously for the original purposes – and for making progress on related issues. Glen said today he is interviewing one of the tri-chairs for Washington State’s Poor People’s Campaign.   Anyone anywhere can watch […]

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Pope Francis keeps speaking BOLDLY FOR PEACE!

December 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Pope Francis message for 2023 Christmas included this: “To say “yes” to the Prince of Peace, then, means saying “no” to war, to every war and to do so with courage, to the very mindset of war, an aimless voyage, a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly. This is what war is: an aimless voyage, a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly. To say “no” to war means saying “no” to weaponry. The human heart is weak and impulsive; if we find instruments of death in our hands, sooner or later we will use them. And how can we even […]

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“No room at the inn” — U.S. policies provoke immigration but refuses to accommodate the victims

December 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The Christmas story highlights a young family — Joseph and Mary who was 9 months pregnant — who were forced by the oppressive undemocratic government that ruled over them to travel to a distant place.  But there was “no room at the inn,” so they had no choice but to stay in a stable, where Mary gave birth to Jesus. This iconic story of gross injustice keeps playing out nowadays with different characters and new ironies. For many decades the U.S. has supported brutal right-wing governments (sometimes overthrowing democracies in order to install those oppressive regimes) in Latin America and […]

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Islam teaches nonviolence, human rights, compassion, fairness and peace.

December 17, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Most Americans do not understand or appreciate Islam.  Much of what people think is not accurate at all.  Despite how some people have perverted the faith, Islam actually teaches positive values, including compassion, fairness, social/economic justice, nonviolence and peace. Don’t let the perversions by some individuals and groups deceive you. Christianity also teaches nonviolence, love, compassion, social/economic justice, and peace.  But for about 1,700 years, national leaders and war-hawks have perverted it into blessing their wars. Likewise, Gandhi kept affirming throughout his life that his Hindu faith inspired his nonviolence.  However, during most of India’s history since gaining independence in […]

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Puns related to religion

November 24, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

I wanted to be a Gregorian monk, but I never got the chants.     Pope:  There’s an image of Jesus in the margarine! Dalai Lama:  I can’t believe it’s not Buddha!     They say the Sistine Chapel has the best ceiling.  I don’t know if it’s the best, but it’s certainly up there.     My friend didn’t pay his exorcist, so he got repossessed.     First two wise men:  “We bring you gold and frankincense. Third wise man:  “But wait — there’s myrrh.”          

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Israel’s war against Palestinian people VIOLATES and SERIOUSLY HURTS the Jewish faith!

November 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

One of the many reasons why I oppose the Israeli government’s war against Palestinian people is that Israel’s government is actually HURTING the Jewish faith by VIOLATING some of its core ethical values: The First Commandment says we must have no other gods besides the one true God.   But Israel’s government violates that commandment by worshiping the false idol of nationalism and the false idol of military violence.  I wish they would put their faith in God instead of military weapons. Other commandments prohibit coveting anything that belongs to our neighbors. But Israel’s government is breaking that commandment by coveting […]

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Support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

On October 30, 2023, the Olympia City Council passed a resolution supporting the TPNW.   Thanks to Bob Zeigler, Mark Fleming and others who had a hand in this.  City Council member Clark Gilman strongly promoted this. TPNW Resolution     Please SHARE and ENDORSE this interfaith statement for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW): Olympia’s Joanne Dufour will be going to New York and attending the upcoming meeting at the United Nations of nations that have ratified the TPNW.  She encourages us to share this interfaith statement and get faith communities (local and larger) to endorse it.  […]

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The idolatry of gun worship

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The idolatry of gun worship The U.S. needs to reckon with the way some are distorting sacred scripture and religious tradition to fuel gun violence. Ariel Gold August 13, 2023          

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“Active Nonviolence in Daily Life” — My speaking engagement includes practical and religious aspects

November 6, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Olympia’s Westminster Presbyterian Church invited me to speak there about “Active Nonviolence in Daily Life” on Sunday October 8, 2023. I prepared a message that solidly delivered on the topic they gave me.  The audience liked very much – and they told me so.  Although this was a speaking engagement rather than a sermon, one person said it was the best sermon they had ever heard.  Much of what I said will be new to the friends and family members to whom I’m sending this e-mail. I shared: Insights into understanding profoundly what nonviolence is – and why it is […]

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Olympia’s Bob Zeigler wrote this smart article about nuclear weapons

August 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Bob has volunteered since the 1970s in the movement to abolish nuclear weapons.  He wrote this article in August and submitted it to Works In Progress with the hope that they’ll publish it in their September 2023 issue.  Here is Bob’s smart article: Revised WIP Submission by Bob Zeigler on Nuclear Weapons            

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Many Bible verses call for peace

June 27, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

While many right-wing religious people support war, actually many Bible verses call for peace. I saw this recently and want to share it with you: