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What’s Wrong with “Christian Nationalism”

April 28, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2024 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series examines a problem that cuts across political and religious boundaries – because some people want to blur those boundaries by imposing their own narrow religious beliefs upon everybody else and upon our political system. The problem has been called “Christian Nationalism” – the false notion that the U.S. was designed to be a “Christian nation” with conservative Christians in charge.  Real historians keep disproving this false claim.  Most Christians oppose it too, because it would have politically conservative Christians claim to speak for all other Christians.   Also, people in […]

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Republicans are deliberately breaking democracy so they can install a dictator

April 14, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

This is part of their methodology:  Posted Feb 1, 2024: Officeholders Under Siege In recent years, elected officials in local and state governments across the country have faced a barrage of intimidation. A troubling new Brennan Center report compiles national surveys of state legislators and local officeholders, and the results are stark. These threats and attacks have made officials wary of freely interacting with constituents, taking controversial positions, and even continuing in public service at all. Unaddressed, the problem stands to endanger not just individual politicians but the functioning of representative democracy itself.     Posted Feb 8, 2024: Thom […]

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Organizing with 100% nonviolence works better than using even small amounts of violence

April 3, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

Many people assume there is a spectrum of organizing methods ranging from 100% nonviolence (nice, but not strong enough) to violence (powerful and effective.)  ACTUALLY, THAT ASSUMPTION IS FALSE!!! Actually, RESEARCH HAS PROVEN that adding any violence to an effort REDUCES the likelihood of winning.   I highly recommend the easy-to-read book by Erica Chenoweth and Maria J. Stephan – Why Civil Resistance Works – in which they researched a century of major campaigns for change.  They found that those that were scrupulously 100% nonviolent were much more likely to win than those that included some violence.  I mention this […]

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2 ways Trump’s courtroom behaviors PROVE he is GUILTY

April 3, 2024 GlenAnderson 0

Trump is in many kinds of legal trouble.  He reacts in TWO basic ways.  EACH of his behaviors PROVES that he is GUILTY! An innocent person would want a SPEEDY TRIAL in order to clear his good name.  But Trump keeps delaying, delaying, delaying, delaying.  This PROVES Trump knows he is GUILTY.  He wants to avoid accountability for his crimes.  That’s altogether different from an innocent person wanting a speedy trial to clear the defendant’s good name. An innocent person would want the judicial process to proceed fairly and honestly without unjust pressures and threats of violence.  But Trump keeps […]

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Many Republicans AGGRESSIVELY PROMOTE homosexuality

December 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

In addition to vigorously opposing abortion, many Republican politicians want to sharply restrict birth control. Those Republicans are INTERFERING with — and thereby OPPOSING — heterosexual activities. Unwittingly, those Republicans are telling people to meet their sexual needs WITHOUT persons of the opposite sex. To avoid pregnancy, women should have sexual intercourse only with other women. To avoid impregnating women, men should have sexual intercourse only with other men. Who would have guessed that Republicans are such big supporters of the gay/lesbian movement?        

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How to discuss global issues without “triggering” a negative dogmatic reaction

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

During a recent peace vigil in downtown Olympia, I held a sign:  “New treaty prohibits nuclear weapons.”  A pedestrian came along and struck up a conversation.  We talked for about 20 minutes about a wide range of issues. One of his recurring points led me to post this message to my blog. Many people in the peace movement want to transcend narrow nationalism and affirm “world citizenship.” The person I talked with kept expressing disagreement with the “globalists” who want to dominate the world.  In our conversation I got him to clarify that what he was opposed to was “global […]

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Expose the propaganda and lies that claim a big “crime wave” is endangering us.

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Very often, conservatives and complicit (negligent) mainstream media want to frighten us about something.  Very often, the fears they are promoting are based on propaganda and lies.  They want to frighten us and stampede us into bad “solutions” (more nuclear weapons, “tough-on-crime” laws, oppression of LGBTQ+ people, etc. Now the big new scary thing is a “crime wave.”  Actually, this is bogus.  See these sources of information:   This was posted on October 17, 2023:   We need to reform and humanize our criminal justice system, but this was reported on May3, 2023:  “Media Crime Hype Helps Roll Back […]

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Protect honest science from attacks and declining public trust!

December 3, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

At federal, state and local levels, right-wingers and businesses are applying pressures to hurt honest science. Fewer Americans now understand and respect science. Here are some recent articles:   Americans’ trust in science is declining:  Americans’ Trust in Scientists, Positive Views of Science Continue to Decline   Why Don’t Americans Believe in Science?   The psychology behind right-wing authoritarians’ denial of science:   Don’t Let Them Fool You: Disinformation Is Not an Accident. – Union of Concerned Scientists (   Politically motivated bullies want to “tear down the fabric of science.”   State and Local […]

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Death penalty: Recent PROGRESS toward abolishing it

November 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

2021 was the 21st consecutive year of Death Row population decline:   Virginia’s abolition of the death penalty seems so secure now that the abolitionist organization is shutting down. More than two years ago both bodies of Virginia’s legislature voted to abolish it, and the governor signed the abolition bill into law.  The November 2023 election continued a comfortable majority of abolitionists in both bodies.  The abolitionist organization feels so secure that the death penalty is gone that they are shutting down.   POLL: For the First Time, More Americans Believe the Death Penalty Is Applied Unfairly in the […]

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Interesting insights into psychological aspects of gun issues

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Here are some very interesting psychological aspects related to people’s attitudes about guns (both pro and con).  Let’s use these insights to help us reduce gun violence. This very interesting article that packs a lot into 7 pages: A different link at the same website offers smart insights into how we might use the overall principles in our organizing about guns.  See this fascinating, practical 5-page article about “Death Anxiety and Social Change”: Seven years ago I interviewed an expert about the topic for my November 2016 TV program.  I titled that episode, “Social and Political Implications of […]

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The idolatry of gun worship

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The idolatry of gun worship The U.S. needs to reckon with the way some are distorting sacred scripture and religious tradition to fuel gun violence. Ariel Gold August 13, 2023          

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Trump really is a fascist. He is doing many things that Hitler did.

August 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Trump really is a fascist.  He does not want America to think.  See this:   See this article titled: “Trump Wants to Make the US a Nazi Nation”: Trump Is Maintaining Popularity and the Hitler Parallels Are Terrifying.  Here is the article:   Leading civil rights lawyer shows 20 ways Trump is copying Hitler:   Is Trump following the same well-worn path blazed by other terrorist leaders?  See this:   Trump posed like Hitler for their mug shots.  Notice that the weird lighting almost looks more like a painting than a photograph.  Trump’s mug shot looks […]

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Trump has absolutely NO conscience. He acts ONLY to promote his EGO, WEALTH and POWER.

August 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Throughout all of Trump’s behaviors, crimes, vindictive insults, etc., we must recognize these TWO HARD REALITIES: 1. Trump has NO CONSCIENCE. 2. Everything Trump does is for his own EGO, POWER and WEALTH. Trump has NO CONSCIENCE whatsoever.  He was a spoiled brat who never grew up.  All he cares about is his own ego, his own wealth, and his own power.  He will NEVER REPENT because his psychological disabilities prevent him from understanding that he has ever done anything wrong. He must be stopped (nonviolently, of course) and prevented from causing any further damage to the world. I’ve posted […]

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“No Labels” really is a front for Republicans and conservatives

August 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

For a number of months starting in early 2023, a new group called “No Labels” — No Labels — has claimed to be an independent organization that is NOT a political party and is promoting an alternative to presidential nominees from the two big political parties.  However, it is building state-level organizations and it is acting like a political party — or at least a front for one (the Republicans).  It seems to be well financed from “dark money” sources.  It seems to be organizing to take more votes away from Biden than from Trump in the 2024 presidential election.  […]

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Bad news about the war against science

August 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Montana Governor Signs Bill Banning State Agencies From Analyzing Climate Impacts:   Texas Education Officials Weaken Climate Science in Textbooks:   This alarming news occurred in 2021:  University of Florida researchers destroyed data on COVID-19 to avoid offending Ron DeSantis:   In July 2021 — during Biden’s tenure — this alarming news came out:  EPA scientists allege in letter that the ‘war on science’ has continued under the Biden administration:   Trump’s EPA significantly sabotaged honest science.  Biden has not done enough to restore scientific integrity and eliminate corruption in the EPA. BOTH Trump and […]