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Besides humanizing state-level prison sentences, FEDERAL SENTENCING LAW must be overhauled too.

March 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

We must COMPLETELY RE-THINK federal sentencing law: Tackling Excessive Sentences Thousands of people in federal prison are serving severe, outdated sentences that Congress no longer believes are fair. A 2022 Supreme Court decision that seemed to broaden the availability of reduced prison time has been interpreted inconsistently, extending uncertainty on this issue. In the short term, carefully crafted rules can allow judges to offer relief on a case-by-case basis. But ultimately, ending unjust penalties will require a top-to-bottom rethinking of federal sentencing law.   Congress must pass the “SECOND LOOK” legislation to reduce some sentences: A man who had been […]

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To solve political-social-economic problems, we must organize PEOPLE-POWER grassroots movements

February 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Several years ago, a guest on one of my TV programs said that only 5% of democracy is about voting, while 95% of democracy is about organizing grassroots movements.  I agree. People who have official power (politicians, big businesses, etc.) want ordinary people to feel powerless and get out of the way, so they themselves can make all of the important decisions. Alice Walker said, “The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any.” If ordinary people actually did recognize our power — and our huge potential to organize strategically from the grassroots […]

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Strategically smart messages toward abolishing the death penalty

February 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Building a movement to abolish the death penalty – both through changing public opinion and then through passing legislation – requires strategically smart messaging. Below I’m attaching something I wrote that uses 3 smart steps to help people recognize that the status quo is broken and to decide we can abolish the death penalty without sacrificing public safety: Fact #1:  The death penalty does not deliver what it promises. Fact #2:  The death penalty makes existing problems worse and it causes more problems. Fact #3:  We can let go of the death penalty and still be safe.   I wrote […]

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Here is what a REAL “Christian nation” would look like

February 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Right-wing Christians and most Republicans keep saying they want the U.S. to be a “Christian nation.” But they do NOT want it to be the kind of society that Jesus was actually promoting. Jesus NEVER objected to abortion or homosexuality or immigration. What Jesus REALLY kept teaching and practicing are ethical, humane, loving, compassionate actions: Feed the hungry Heal the sick Welcome the stranger (and the foreigner and other ethnic groups) with equal human dignity as ourselves Instead of attacking LGBTQ persons or persons who want abortions, Jesus REPEATEDLY LAMBASTED: Rich people who failed to share with the poor Self-righteous […]

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Nonviolent Ways to Heal Our Society’s Dysfunction — Watch Glen’s TV program online or on cable

February 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The February 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides insights and inspiration to help people solve problems that have been getting worse in our society. After mentioning some serious problems, we pivot toward proposing some smart nonviolent ways to solve the problems.  This TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative and practical. Rivera Sun is the expert guest who helps us explore these topics.  Rivera Sun is an author, activist, and the Programs Coordinator for Pace e Bene / Campaign Nonviolence. People in Thurston County WA who have cable TV can watch it on channel 22 three times a […]

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Martin Luther King, Jr., said these things about various issues

January 8, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

When people refer to MLK as the “Reverend Dr.,” they are recognizing that he did indeed earn a Ph.D. in philosophy in addition to completing formal theological studies and being ordained.  He thought clearly and wisely.  Below I’m sharing with you some things he said about several different issues — and always grounded in humane ethics.     On April 4, 1967, King spoke about the Vietnam war and overall U.S. foreign policy to an audience at Riverside Church in New York City.  Many of the things he said there have been quoted widely.  He explicitly denounced the injustices and […]

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Martin Luther King strongly opposed nuclear weapons — and publicly since 1957

January 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Martin Luther King, Jr., understood the connections among a variety of issues and how they intersected with race, economics, peace, and so forth. He publicly stated his opposition to nuclear weapons many times.  He wrote this in an Ebony Magazine article way back in 1957:  “I definitely feel that the development and use of nuclear weapons of war should be banned. It cannot be disputed that a full scale nuclear war would be utterly catastrophic. Hundreds and millions of people would be killed outright by the blast and heat, and by the ionizing radiation produced at the instant of the […]

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Vietnam War: Here are a few interesting resources.

November 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

One of Martin Luther King’s most powerful and insightful speeches exposed the cruelty and stupidity of the U.S.’s war in Vietnam.  His “Beyond Vietnam” speech on April 4, 1967 (exactly one year before he was murdered) put the war in the context of the U.S.’s long-standing foreign policy — and also in the context of the U.S.’s failure to provide real democracy for African Americans in our nation, even while our government falsely claimed that we were creating democracy in Vietnam.  The speech was very, very controversial at the time because many people did not yet understand the connections. Every […]

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“Choose a Bold, Humane Future” — Glen’s November 2022 TV program

November 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The November 2022 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides many fresh insights that can inform and empower you to take bold, positive actions on issues you care about. The American people know serious problems exist.  Public opinion polls keep showing that increasing majorities say our nation is “on the wrong track.” So what do we do about it?  Take small steps only?  Or solve the big problems? Our November 2022 TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative, and encouraging.  Besides working to stop what we oppose, what if we also worked equally hard and skillfully to accomplish what we […]

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The U.S. Senate is horribly undemocratic: States with small populations are over-represented.

September 28, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. Constitution gives an equal number of senators (2) to each state, regardless of population.  This means that the states with very small populations (e.g., Wyoming, Alaska, South Dakota) have the same power in the Senate as do the states with very huge populations (e.g., California, New York, Illinois).  The small-population states tend to be more white and more Republican, while the bigger states tend to be more diverse and more Democratic.  The correlations are not perfect, but the tendencies are strong.   Republicans have half of U.S. Senators, but represent FAR LESS than half of U.S. population.  The […]

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Gov. DeSantis’s FEDERAL FELONIES: Kidnapping immigrants + transporting them across state lines

September 27, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Sign the petition: Ron DeSantis must be investigated. You read that right. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis may have violated federal law by using over $600,000 in taxpayer dollars to lure 50 asylum seekers onto a flight that diverted them from Florida and sent them to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. That’s transporting human beings across state lines under false pretenses. Lawmakers and experts think that DeSantis broke the law. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice cannot stand by and let this continue. The asylum seekers DeSantis deceived were told they would be given housing and jobs. Instead, they […]

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Spending for Military and Nuclear Weapons Makes Poverty Worse — Glen’s October 2022 TV program

September 23, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2022 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series “connects the dots” between poverty in the United States and excessive military spending, including the costs of nuclear weapons: This TV program begins by recognizing the extent of poverty in the United States – the richest nation on earth. Poverty is a serious crisis – and it is getting worse. Next, we recognize how excessively expensive the U.S. military has become. The U.S. spends a gigantic amount on the military – much, much more than is necessary.  Both political parties keep increasing military budgets far, far beyond reason. We spend […]

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YES! We really CAN organize grassroots movements to solve big, hard, scary problems!

September 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Many important issues (climate, nuclear weapons, etc.) are big and scary to think about, so many people do not want to think about them.  Many people feel that those problems are so big and are imposed upon us by powerful forces (big businesses, the Pentagon, etc.).  This power imbalance causes many people feel that they are powerless to solve the problems because the problems were created and are perpetuated by forces that are so big and powerful, and that we are too small and weak to oppose them.  It’s easier to simply avoid dealing with them.  As a result, the […]