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What issues do YOU care about? FREE online workshops help you organize grassroots movements: Sept-Oct 2022. Gather online. Learn together. Organize to solve problems!

August 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

You have more power than you know! On issue after issue, the status quo is horribly broken. The good news is we can organize grassroots movements to solve the problems! You can strengthen your skills and strategies for organizing grassroots movements!   Here is FREE HELP for ALL of the issues you care about! Let’s choose a bold, positive future! Let’s solve the problems! Let’s build savvy grassroots movements to accomplish bold goals for whatever YOU care about: peace, social/economic justice, environment/climate, humane politics, and more!   You can significantly strengthen your skills – and gain new resources – if […]

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Fresh Insights into Felony Sentencing — Glen’s August 2022 TV program and more resources

August 10, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The August 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides fresh information and insights into prison sentences.  Besides discussing several problems about felony sentencing and imprisonment, we will also discuss some solutions that deserve more public awareness, support and implementation. Even if you are already fairly well informed about felony sentencing, you will learn a lot more from this interview.  If you are not already well informed, you will learn a lot! An expert guest helped us explore this topic.  Nazgol Ghandnoosh earned a Ph.D. in sociology and wrote her doctoral dissertation about reducing long prison sentences.  Nazgol works for a […]

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Trends in U.S. Corrections — an 8-page .pdf

August 9, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

This 8-page .pdf provides a lot of information: 2022.08 Trends-in-US-Corrections We discussed some of these graphs in the August 2022 TV program, “Fresh Insights into Felony Sentencing.” You can watch that TV interview program and/or read a thorough summary of what we said at a different link in this blog’s “TV Programs” category or “Criminal Justice” category.                  

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Recognize and Counter Mainstream Media Bias

June 24, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The July 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides fresh information and insights about a systemic problem that perpetuates war and all kinds of injustice.  This systemic problem also interferes with our efforts to solve all of the problems we care about. This TV interview is about bias in mainstream news media. Media bias is very pervasive – and because it is so very pervasive, it is often not even noticed.  It distorts what people know about vital issues such as war and peace, the economy, race, the criminal justice system, the climate, and all of the other important issues.  […]

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Everything is wrong with the death penalty. Read this report.

June 8, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Read this report about what is wrong with the death penalty:   If you want to strengthen your insights, skills, and resources, sign up for my powerful, practical and empowering workshops about HOW TO ORGANIZE AN EFFECTIVE GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT TO ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY.  See information here:            

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U.S. militarism invades and hurts Africa, but the American people are not informed about this!

June 4, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Can We Demilitarize U.S. Policy in Africa?  In 2021, the House passed a bill that sounds good, but doesn’t end Washington’s failed, militarized approach or get to root problems.   Troops trained by AFRICOM have been behind nine coups d’etat on the African continent in the thirteen years of the military command’s existence. This news was reported by the Black Alliance for Peace, which does a good job of connecting issues of race and militarism.  See — and much information at various parts of their blog, including this collection of informative resources about AFRICOM, the U.S. military entity […]

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Big businesses aggressively fund politicians who support legislation to suppress voting!

June 4, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

On April 5, 2021, Public Citizen (, the excellent watchdog organization founded by Ralph Nader more than half a century ago, published this powerful information: The Corporate Sponsors of Voter Suppression Since 2015, Corporations Have Contributed $50 Million to the State Lawmakers Supporting Voter Suppression Bills, Trade Groups Have Given Another $36 Million   Key Findings Corporations have contributed $50 million since 2015 to state legislators supporting voter suppression bills, including $22 million during the 2020 election cycle. AT&T has given the most, $811,000. AT&T is followed by Altria / Philip Morris ($679,000), Comcast ($440,000), UnitedHealth Group ($411,000), Walmart ($377,000), […]

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The “pro-life” Supreme Court says it is OK TO EXECUTE someone who might be INNOCENT

May 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on May 23, 2022, hurts death row defendants whose lawyers were not doing their jobs at an effective level of professional quality. Many people have been sentenced to death after their lawyers failed to raise important issues, failed to introduce crucial evidence, failed to effectively argue against police who bullied innocent suspects into confessing, etc., etc. Here is an article about this stupid, cruel decision by the Republican-dominated Supreme Court: The Quaker-based American Friends Service Committee (AFSC, repeated its long-standing call to ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY once and for all: This is […]

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Fresh info, insights and examples: Replace police and jails with nonviolent grassroots alternatives

May 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

For decades I have subscribed to and read a fascinating magazine published in the UK about all kinds of issues with fresh international perspectives.  A few days ago I read the current issue, which includes a number of articles with fresh information, insights and practical examples about people who are currently replacing police and jails with nonviolent, community-based alternatives. I read the print version of this magazine issue.  Now it is on their website. Here is the link:              

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ABOLISH THE FILIBUSTER in order to reduce gun violence and solve MANY other problems!

May 29, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

On MANY, MANY issues, the American people want to solve problems, but Senate Republicans (and “Democrats” Manchin and Sinema) keep using the filibuster to PREVENT the Senate from solving them!!! I remember the 1960s when racist Southern Democrats used the filibuster to prevent passing Civil Rights legislation.  In the late 1960s the parties flipped, and now it is the Republican Party that is extremely racist. Now Republican senators use the filibuster to PREVENT solving problems related to the environment, climate, poverty, racial justice, voting rights, health care, gun violence, economic justice, and many other issues. EXAMPLE:  GUN VIOLENCE:   Republicans keep […]

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ABOLISH DEATH PENALTY! Sign up for FREE ONLINE WORKSHOPS from mid-June to mid-July 2022

May 24, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The death penalty has existed for a long time, so our society accepts it as the status quo.  In order to abolish the death penalty, we must organize from the grassroots up. I’m conducting FREE online workshops from mid-June to mid-July to significantly strengthen our skills and strategies to help us build a strategically savvy movement to actually abolish the death penalty! Nonviolent grassroots organizing has been proven to be effective, but everyone who cares – even experienced activists – could make much more progress by strengthening our skills.  This series of FREE online workshops (“Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing”) really can […]

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Sign up NOW for FREE, PRACTICAL ONLINE WORKSHOPS to help you make more progress on issues YOU care about

May 23, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Sign up NOW for FREE, PRACTICAL ONLINE WORKSHOPS to help you make more progress on issues YOU care about ALL OF US — new people, experienced organizers, and everybody in between — can STRENGTHEN OUR SKILLS and add resources to our “toolboxes” so we can make more progress in working on our issues. That’s why I’m offering my 6 FREE ONLINE WORKSHOPS. Please see information on the flyer I posted at this link – and SIGN UP NOW! 6 practical workshops on Grassroots Organizing — 2022 JUNE-JULY — FLYER Let’s build strong nonviolent grassroots movements that will significantly move public opinion — […]

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Republicans like to SAY they are “the party of Lincoln,” but they DO THEY OPPOSITE!

May 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Republicans like to SAY they are “the party of Lincoln, but actually they DO THE OPPOSITE!   Lincoln freed the slaves and fought the Civil War to end slavery, BUT: Republicans allow their party members to bring Confederate flags to Republican Party events. Republicans pass laws to prevent teaching school children about racial discrimination in U.S. history. Republicans have prevented immigrants from African nations. Republicans vigorously oppose efforts to reduce gun violence, even though Lincoln himself was murdered by a gun.   If Republicans REALLY were “the party of Lincoln, they would STRONGLY SUPPORT: Black Pride Black Lives Matter Teaching […]

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We CAN’T abolish nuclear weapons until we MAKE THE PUBLIC FACE THE PROBLEM!

May 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

In 1962 James Baldwin wrote an essay for The New York Times titled, “As Much Truth As One Can Bear.”  He wrote, “Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”  In 1962 Baldwin was writing about the U.S.’s extremely serious problem about pervasive and persistent racial injustice. Baldwin’s insight is still true, and it pertains also to nuclear weapons.  Since 1945 nuclear weapons have been a persistent – but largely ignored – part of the status quo.  Government propaganda fooled the American public into accepting nuclear weapons as an ongoing reality.  […]

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How YOU can make more progress on issues YOU care about

April 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

We are always the underdogs in working for the issues we care about.   These FREE online workshops really can strengthen our skills and strategies so we can make truly significant progress on ALL of the issues you care about! Nonviolent grassroots organizing has been proven to be effective, but people – even experienced activists – could make much more progress by strengthening our skills.  This series of workshops (“Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing”) really can help! ALL OF US — new people, experienced organizers, and everybody in between — can STRENGTHEN OUR SKILLS and add resources to our “toolboxes” so we can […]