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Divest from fossil fuels! Let’s organize a strategically savvy grassroots movement!

September 13, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Let’s organize a savvy grassroots movement to divest from fossil fuels and protect the climate!   Divesting from fossil fuels is a powerful strategy for protecting the climate. More and more governments, pension funds, colleges, religious organizations, investment funds, and so forth are selling their fossil fuel investments. We can significantly strengthen this positive trend by organizing a bigger, more strategically savvy grassroots movement.  Let’s educate the public and various public and private entities.  Let’s build a grassroots movement to convince them to sell their fossil fuel investments. I’m offering a series of 6 FREE online workshops providing practical ways […]

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U.S. is a “rogue nation” in failing to take humane, ethical actions that other nations have taken

September 13, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is the only (or almost the only) modern industrial nation that fails to help its people and the world in these important ways:   The U.S. health care system keeps ranking LAST among rich nations. The U.S. does not offer paid leave for new mothers, but 186 other nations do. The U.S. has not ratified the Cluster Munitions Treaty. The U.S. is one of only 14 members of the United Nations that have failed to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The U.S. is the only nation in the U.N. that has failed to […]

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YES! We really CAN organize grassroots movements to solve big, hard, scary problems!

September 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Many important issues (climate, nuclear weapons, etc.) are big and scary to think about, so many people do not want to think about them.  Many people feel that those problems are so big and are imposed upon us by powerful forces (big businesses, the Pentagon, etc.).  This power imbalance causes many people feel that they are powerless to solve the problems because the problems were created and are perpetuated by forces that are so big and powerful, and that we are too small and weak to oppose them.  It’s easier to simply avoid dealing with them.  As a result, the […]

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Many Americans are ignorant about — or denying — science. Here are a few articles.

September 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Aldous Huxley’s famous quotation about denying science is worth repeating:  “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”     U.S. Has Highest Percentage of People Not Worried About Climate Change in Survey of 31 Countries: Clearly, the climate deniers, the fossil fuel companies’ propagandists, and the right-wing media have been succeeding: We must get more savvy in communicating effectively with the general public.  I offer FREE online workshops to help people build a stronger grassroots movement for the climate.  Although the opportunity linked here has passed, I invite you to contact me if you’d like me […]

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Empower ourselves to build a grassroots movement to stop gun manufacturers from killing us.

September 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

On issue after issue, powerful forces want to dominate and oppress us.  They want to make us feel that THEY are so big and powerful — and they want to make us feel that WE are too small and weak to stop them. This is true of the gun industry, just like it is true of other oppressors. We really can empower ourselves to make progress against gun violence! See this article from June 14, 2022: Now Is Not the Time to Lose Hope on Tackling Gun Violence The gun industry relies on a sense of powerlessness to maintain its […]

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Let’s organize a savvy grassroots movement to significantly reform the Port of Olympia!

August 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

For many years local folks have been frustrated that the Port of Olympia has been hurting the environment, violating principles of honest democracy, and abusing Thurston County’s taxpayers. We can solve problems if we organize a strategically savvy grassroots movement to educate the public and elect good Port Commissioners.   I’m offering a series of 6 FREE online workshops providing practical ways to strategize and reach out effectively to the voting public and various constituencies so we can build a strong, grassroots movement to significantly reform the Port of Olympia. The workshops will help you make better progress on other […]

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What issues do YOU care about? FREE online workshops help you organize grassroots movements: Sept-Oct 2022. Gather online. Learn together. Organize to solve problems!

August 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

You have more power than you know! On issue after issue, the status quo is horribly broken. The good news is we can organize grassroots movements to solve the problems! You can strengthen your skills and strategies for organizing grassroots movements!   Here is FREE HELP for ALL of the issues you care about! Let’s choose a bold, positive future! Let’s solve the problems! Let’s build savvy grassroots movements to accomplish bold goals for whatever YOU care about: peace, social/economic justice, environment/climate, humane politics, and more!   You can significantly strengthen your skills – and gain new resources – if […]

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Some People in the Military Refuse Orders

August 26, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

EVERYONE EVERYWHERE can watch this through my blog (see link below).  Also, cable TV subscribers in Thurston County WA can watch it 3 times a week throughout September 2022 on cable channel 22:  every Monday 1:30 pm, every Wednesday 5:00 pm, and every Thursday 9:00 pm.   Some People in the Military Refuse Orders — Glen’s September 2022 TV program and MANY more resources The September 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” shares first-hand experiences, insights, and information about people in the military who refuse to fight wars.   The experience of being in the military – especially while the […]

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Fresh Insights into Felony Sentencing — Glen’s August 2022 TV program and more resources

August 10, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The August 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides fresh information and insights into prison sentences.  Besides discussing several problems about felony sentencing and imprisonment, we will also discuss some solutions that deserve more public awareness, support and implementation. Even if you are already fairly well informed about felony sentencing, you will learn a lot more from this interview.  If you are not already well informed, you will learn a lot! An expert guest helped us explore this topic.  Nazgol Ghandnoosh earned a Ph.D. in sociology and wrote her doctoral dissertation about reducing long prison sentences.  Nazgol works for a […]

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Fossil fuel companies and right-wing media fool many, many Americans into denying climate crisis and falling for phony “greenwashing” remedies

July 5, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

“U.S. Has Highest Percentage of People Not Worried About Climate Change in Survey of 31 Countries” –Clearly, the climate deniers, the fossil fuel companies’ propagandists, and the right-wing media have been succeeding.  See this:   We must get more savvy in communicating effectively with the general public.  The FREE online workshops I offer could help the climate movement do this.  I will offer my series again through Zoom in September and October 2022.  Publicity for that series will be similar to this:   This article was posted on March 18, 2022:  Decades of Lobbying Weakened Americans’ Gas Mileage […]

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How to organize a grassroots movement against gun violence

July 5, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

On six Mondays starting July 11, 2022, I will conduct a series of workshops to help you and other people organize a strategically savvy grassroots movement against gun violence.  Please see information at this link — — and contact me to sign up for this interesting, practical series of workshops. The workshops — and all of the organizing I have been doing for many decades — are based on powerful insights and strategies grounded in principled nonviolence.  Gandhi and King used the great power of nonviolence to build grassroots movements that liberated many millions of people. When King’s first […]

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We can devise smart strategies to protect local communities from real estate developers’ abuses, etc.

July 3, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Local communities in many parts of our nation — including the Olympia WA area where I live — are being hurt in several ways by real estate developers and other entities that cut down trees and build on lands that should not be built upon (including areas with toxic waste buried underground, areas on dangerous slopes, and so forth).  Those wealthy financial entities have corrupted local governments to let them do that.  In some cases they even are allowed to avoid having to pay taxes that they should be paying — and are subsidized in various ways by local governments […]

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Here is a GREAT EXAMPLE of how to use humor in our outreach: This movie satirized the Cold War.

July 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

During the workshops I conduct to strengthen people’s skills in organizing grassroots movements, I encourage the participants to use humor, wit and satire in raising issues.  Even hard, scary issues such as nuclear weapons can be approached.  When people are laughing, their defenses are lowered, so they can see things in fresh ways.   You can watch for FREE the movie I linked here.  It came out in 1966, during the height of the Cold War.  It pointed out – in very funny ways – the ridiculousness of some people’s fears, and also the humanity of Russian submariners.   I […]

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We CAN’T abolish nuclear weapons until we MAKE THE PUBLIC FACE THE PROBLEM!

July 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

In 1962 James Baldwin wrote an essay for The New York Times titled, “As Much Truth As One Can Bear.”  He wrote, “Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”  In 1962 Baldwin was writing about the U.S.’s extremely serious problem about pervasive and persistent racial injustice.   Baldwin’s insight is still true, and it pertains also to nuclear weapons.  Since 1945 nuclear weapons have been a persistent – but largely ignored – part of the status quo.  Government propaganda fooled the American public into accepting nuclear weapons as an ongoing […]