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Republicans are NOT “pro-life.” They keep doing stupid, cruel things that hurt our nation and our people

May 23, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Do NOT let anyone tell you that Republicans are “pro-life.”  Their actual decisions are the OPPOSITE! Republicans define “life” so narrowly that it pertains only to fetuses.  But once the child is born, Republicans are TAKING AWAY HEALTH CARE and TAKING AWAY FOOD from children who need them.  Also, Republicans keep TAKING AWAY HEALTH CARE and keep TAKING AWAY FOOD from pregnant women, so Republicans are KNOWINGLY HURTING FETUSES too. Jesus fed hungry people and healed sick people.  Republicans do the opposite, but they pretend to be Christians.  On many, many occasions Jesus strongly criticized the HYPOCRITES who pretend to […]

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Nuclear weapons are HORRIBLY EXPENSIVE! Congress funded even more! That money has better uses for health, etc.

May 23, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

For decades people who want peace have publicized the horribly expensive military budget, and we have been urging ordinary people to demand that Congress and presidents spend money for better purposes instead of killing people. Now that Obama and Trump and both houses of Congress have committed us to BUILDING ALL NEW NUCLEAR WEAPONS — including all new warheads and all new missiles and all new submarines and all new bombers — and now while our nation continues to suffer from horrible poverty and homelessness and lack of education and lack of health care — and now while the Coronavirus […]

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Hot news about Trump’s scam about Hydroxychloroquine

May 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump has been VIGOROUSLY promoting Hydroxycholoroquine  REPEATEDLY in his official presidential TV broadcasts. Recently it was reported that Trump owns part of a company that makes the snake oil medicine he has been VIGOROUSLY promoting. He was using his power as President of the U.S. to make presidential briefings on nationwide TV networks about the Coronavirus pandemic that is devastating our nation.  But — instead of providing truthful information — he turned these nationwide broadcasts into “INFO-MERCIALS” in which Trump (a notorious liar and pitch-man for his many fraudulent business scams) promoted what could be called a “snake oil: medicine made […]

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U.S. ranks low among rich nations on several measures of well-being, so we were already weak when COVID-19 hit — and are slow to recover from it.

May 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Four months after the November 2016 election, it was clear what Trump and Congress’s Republicans would do.  Here is what I had written in March 2017 to expose the “Make America Great” baloney: The new administration and Congress want to weaken or abolish many laws and regulations that have been protecting the environment. This would cause more pollution. A polluted nation is not “great.” A polluted nation is dirty, and it makes people sick. If we want our nation to be “great,” we must demand that governments at all levels – federal, state and local – take strong actions to […]

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This context explains Trump’s refusal to protect us from Coronavirus and Trump’s destruction of governmental functioning

May 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

You already know that Trump and his entire Executive Branch have utterly refused to deal effectively with the Coronavirus pandemic. The reason is NOT ONLY because they are stupid and incompetent. Another crucially important reason for their failure is that Trump and Republicans believe the government should NOT solve problems and should NOT help people. They have been SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYING GOVERNMENT bit by bit. We see it especially now.   I wrote a SHORT ARTICLE explaining this: Our society is suffering in many, many ways. The problems are all around us — and they are interconnected. They are rooted in […]

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A Muslim woman replied cleverly to a man’s anti-Muslim tweet

May 13, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Recently a man sent this anti-Muslim tweet: You think COVID-19 is bad?  Give me a break.  Wait until Mislims hit critical mass in America.  You’ll look back on these times fondly.   A Muslim woman replied with this tweet: Sweetie everyone’s already washing their hands five+ times a day, covering their face, not shaking hands + avoiding bars.  Not only are we already here, you’re all Muslim.  Salam brother.        

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Build support for the U.N. treaty to PROHIBIT nuclear weapons!

May 11, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

While there are good efforts underway (in Congress, in local communities, and elsewhere) to REDUCE the likelihood of nuclear war, there is also a POWERFULLY INSPIRING AND NECESSARY effort underway WORLDWIDE. The United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear War passed the U.N. General Assembly in 2017, and efforts are underway for nations to ratify it.  See this blog’s “Nuclear Weapons” category for information I have posted previously. HERE ARE MORE INFORMATION, UPDATES and OPPORTUNITIES:   TALKING POINTS to support the treaty: In July 2017 a strong majority of the United Nations General Assembly (122 nations) passed the Treaty […]

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Here are several smart articles about the Green New Deal

May 1, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The Green New Deal was devised for good reasons. Before the 2018 election season ramped up, people wanted to stimulate populist constituencies – including those who were not yet active in the climate movement – to start supporting bold climate actions. For this purpose – and to generate support from the labor movement and from areas that needed jobs – a federal jobs program made sense. Now people do understand at a visceral level that we need bold actions for the climate AND youth organizing such as the climate strikes AND grassroots organizing to meet the needs of local communities, […]

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Sign up NOW for my 6 practical workshops to help you organize at the grassroots for the climate

April 21, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The climate crisis is serious, and powerful forces keep making it worse. But YOU can reverse those trends and proactively push to make progress to help the climate! I’m offering again my series of 6 workshops on Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing so YOU can empower yourself with insights, strategies, and practical ways to make progress on the climate – and, indeed, on the other issues YOU care about. Instead of dealing with technical scientific information, these workshops provide PRACTICAL information, insights, inspirations, resources and tools to HELP YOU ORGANIZE at the grassroots to build a strong movement to protect the climate. […]

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PART 2 of “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World”

April 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The December 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV program is PART 2 (following up on the November episode) of the topic, “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World.”  The November program focused especially on problems with worldview that has been dominating the U.S., and the December program focuses more on solutions and how to achieve them. Cable TV subscribers in Thurston County WA can watch the December program on TCTV channel 22 three times a week all month long:  every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm. Links for […]

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The “Back from the Brink” campaign promotes FIVE SMART CHANGES to reduce the danger of nuclear war.

March 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Nuclear weapons are a VERY SERIOUS issue.  But grassroots people and many organizations are ORGANIZING SMART CHANGES in our nation’s policies in order to reduce the likelihood of nuclear war. The “Back from the Brink” campaign proposes five policy solutions to prevent nuclear war. See the website and this page about their five policy solutions:   In 2017 two nationwide organizations – the Union of Concerned Scientists ( and Physicians for Social Responsibility ( – created the “Back from the Brink” campaign. Some other organizations have joined the effort. The “Back from the Brink” campaign recognizes problems and […]

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3 smart books support nonviolent alternatives to nuclear weapons

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Today I posted some information to my blog some information related to nuclear weapons.  Here is some information about three books I have not previously mentioned: #1: My blog post about Gene Sharp’s insights about power and nonviolence — — made me think about his excellent, short book from 1970 (and 1985) titled, “National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense.”   In the 1970s and 1980s there was a small, exciting movement for “civilian-based defense,” which was also called “nonviolent national defense” and “transarmament.”  It proposed that instead of using military violence, we could convert to a nonviolent strategies for national defense, […]

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Connect with these info sources AND organized efforts to reduce the danger of nuclear war

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

A great many organizations are working for peace in a variety of smart ways.  Various organizations focus specifically on: Changing the U.S.’s foreign policy overall Changing U.S. foreign policy regarding specific regions of the world (Latin America, Iran, Burma, etc.) Opposing nuclear weapons Organizing and mobilizing people of various faith communities (Quakers, Jews, Lutherans, Muslims, Presbyterians, Catholics, etc.) Working through Congress Organizing at the grassroots level in local communities throughout our nation   I live and organize in the area near Olympia, Washington, so I recommend these resources: Currently I chair the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (OCANW). We […]

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Yes, ordinary people DO have the power to prevent nuclear war and other calamities!

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The world is facing extremely serious dangers, including — but not limited to — the climate crisis and the danger of nuclear war. These are very scary topics. Most people try to avoid thinking about nuclear weapons and the climate crisis.  But if we are to solve these problems, we MUST think about them — and we MUST get past the debilitating emotions and actually EMPOWER OURSELVES to solve the problems. When we reach out to the general public to inform them and engage them, we must recognize people’s feelings of fear, overwhelm, despair and disempowerment.  If we recognize those […]

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Nonviolence is powerful! Gene Sharp’s theory of power supports nonviolent action and nonviolent resistance

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Gene Sharp was perhaps the world’s greatest researcher about the power of NONVIOLENCE in protecting populations from invaders, dictators and oppressors.  I have enjoyed — and learned much from — reading the books he wrote since the 1970s. For more than half a century, Gene Sharp has researched and written about nonviolence and how to use it effectively. I recommend the publications available at his website, the Albert Einstein Institution,  Many of them can be downloaded for free. When I conduct workshops about the power and practicality of nonviolence, I include insights from Gene Sharp’s thinking.  I encourage people […]