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“Let’s Boldly Create the Future We Really Want”

August 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2020 TV program for the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series addresses the serious problems that we are experiencing and encourages people to boldly envision solutions. People know the status quo is bad – and they want to solve the problems. But nearly everybody is bogged down in feeling powerless.  They don’t feel empowered to solve the problems, and they don’t know how to proceed. This TV program — and the transcript I have posted at this link,  2020.06 BOLD FUTURE — TRANSCRIPT with MORE INFORMATION and RESOURCES — start by confronting the serious problems in our world, our nation, […]

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Urge Congress to PASS GOOD legislation and DEFEAT BAD legislation about NUCLEAR WEAPONS

August 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Most Americans do not pay attention to what Congress is doing about nuclear weapons.  Congress funds horrible weapons, but a few members of Congress do introduce good legislation to restrain the nuclear arms race.  I produced this document with information about GOOD BILLS TO SUPPORT — and BAD BILLS TO DEFEAT. See this: Federal legislation and policies to SUPPORT or OPPOSE Please contact your members of Congress (House and Senate) to urge appropriate actions. Thanks!                    

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Call COVID-19 the “TrumpVirus” because his incompetence and cruelty made U.S. #1 in infections and deaths.

August 4, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump refuses to take responsibility for any of his many horrible decisions and failures.  He blames the Coronavirus on Chinese people, Democratic governors, the news media, and so forth, but he refuses to admit that Trump’s own stupidity, ego, incompetence, mismanagement made the crisis much, much worse than it would have been if we had a competent president. When he took power in January 2017 the Executive Branch agencies included two offices that were responsible for watching out for pandemics and planning in advance how to effectively manage pandemics in case they emerge.  Trump ABOLISHED those, so he PREVENTED our […]

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Let’s use HUMOR and SATIRE for political purposes!

July 31, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

One smart way to deflate the egos of egocentric persons and entities is to RIDICULE them with humor and satire. In our current crisis — actually our MULTIPLE CRISES — we have many opportunities to disempower them through humor and satire. Watch this short video, which encourages this:      

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“Jesus Taught and Practiced Nonviolence”

July 7, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The July 2020 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series (on cable channel 22 in Thurston County WA and on this blog) provides fresh information and insights that will be interesting to people whether or not they are Christians. We live in a society where Christianity is the dominant religion, but most people – including most Christians – do not adequately understand that Jesus taught and practiced profound nonviolence. The July 2020 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series helps Christians and non-Christians alike to see the radical, practical Jesus that Jesus taught and practiced. Dave Bellefeuille-Rice shares his interesting […]

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Nearly all Americans are “deniers” of the nuclear weapons crisis.

July 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Most Americans recognize that the climate crisis is VERY SERIOUS. We disagree with the “climate deniers” and with the “Coronavirus deniers.” But another existential crisis is VERY SERIOUS too:  Nuclear weapons can kill us all in just a few minutes.  Trump and both political parties in Congress are recklessly provoking and escalating a new nuclear arms race.  They are weakening the restraints against nuclear war. Most Americans are “DENIERS” that this crisis is happening.  Their negligence is even more deadly than the “climate deniers” and “Coronavirus deniers.” Mainstream news media are complicit in horribly failing to publicize the realities. Decent […]

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Informative handouts for OCANW’s course: “Nuclear Weapons Nowadays: What You Can Know and Do”

June 28, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons offers a 4-session course (2 hours per session) titled, “Nuclear Weapons:  What You Can Know and Do.”  It provides solid information, including background and recent updates.  It addresses the serious problems and what we can do to solve those problems.  To sign up, contact Joanne Dufour at (206) 550-1841 or  Each of the four presenters (Joanne Dufour, Mark Fleming, Jim Manista and Glen Anderson) offers handouts for these sessions. Here are Glen’s handouts. Session #1: IMPORTANT: “Fact Sheets for 6 Myths” — These fact sheets correct 6 common misunderstandings about nuclear weapons […]

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Military weapons could NOT save us from Coronavirus! We must REDUCE weaponry and care for people instead!

June 21, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

If your only tool is a hammer, you will treat every problem as if it were a nail. The U.S. is SO HEAVILY MILITARIZED that our REAL SECURITY is SUFFERING!!! Congress keeps wasting our tax dollars on military weapons that DID NOT PROTECT US from Coronavirus. Trump eliminated two federal offices that had been planning to deal with pandemics because he wanted to spend that money on militarism. Read this one-page article that I wrote a few days ago: Military weapons could not save us from Coronavirus Ordinary people need to organize a powerful grassroots movement to SLASH the Pentagon […]

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Racial Justice Insights for White Folks

June 20, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

A few people (a few whites along with a few others) try to promote “white guilt.” But that approach misses the mark and only makes many white people feel defensive so they fail to work on solving the problems. For half a century I have said that instead of “white guilt” we need to promote “white responsibility.” That puts the emphasis where it needs to be – recognizing that racial injustices benefiting white people have existed for centuries – and taking responsibility for solving the problems that have given us unfair advantage and privilege. Too many white people are negligent […]

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We can recognize our political angers and frustrations — and harness them to SOLVE the problems.

June 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Much of our nation – across the entire political spectrum – is very angry right now. This is a reality. Instead of escalating in back-and-forth escalations (or circular firing squads), we can recognize the reality that much anger exists. If we recognize that reality we can harness our own anger and move toward solving the underlying problems.  See the practical information below. (FULL DISCLOSURE: I myself have been angry about political matters for more than half a century. But instead of wallowing in anger and cynicism, I keep learning, keep sharpening my analysis, and work with other people to actually […]

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Locally and nationwide, we must CHANGE THE POLITICAL CULTURE. Sign up for these practical workshops.

June 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Governments are the LAST to figure things out. (Mainstream news media are the next-to-last.) They will do what we want ONLY WHEN a strong nonviolent grassroots movement forces them to do what is needed. Recent history has proved this a number of times. (In the 1960s Congress passed civil rights legislation only because the Civil Rights Movement forced them to. President Obama opposed LGBTQ rights to marriage until the grassroots movement forced him to support equal rights. The list goes on and on.) Our local community includes a number of people who want to protect the environment – and protect […]

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Jesus Taught People How to Nonviolently Resist Oppression.

June 12, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Near the end of my July 2020 TV interview, I present the information at the link below.  But this information fits neatly into a short article (1 1/2 pages) that I’m attaching it at the link below. We live in a society where Christianity is the dominant religion. Most people – including most Christians – do not adequately understand what Jesus taught and what he did nonviolently to promote social justice.  Instead, most Christians put Jesus into a comfortable role (about saving people from sins), but they do not adequately understand or value his very bold teachings actions about nonviolence […]

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This insightful article promotes profound nonviolence instead of reflecting Trump’s hatred back to him.

May 26, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I enjoyed reading the article by Jon Katz that I am linking below. We need to maintain this article’s perspective of nonviolence. Too much anti-Trump hatred only reinforces Trump’s hatreds. This article is a remedy for the toxicity that is poisoning our nation now. Someone who took my 6 workshops about “Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing” said she is using what she learned in those workshops. She sent me this article and wrote, “Iwanted to share a piece by Jon Katz, who speaks about the power of love, the futility of hate at this time in our collective human history. It echoes […]

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Trump is destroying conservative Christianity. They’re rejecting the Gospel and worshiping a gold (orange) idol.

May 26, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump is destroying conservative Christianity. Many conservative (“evangelical”) Christians are rejecting Jesus’ actual teachings (the Gospel) and have replaced Jesus’ message of love, compassion and social justice with Trump’s lies and public policies promoting egomania, hatred, greed, violence, and violations of human rights. In the Hebrew scriptures (the Old Testament book of Exodus), Moses led people out of slavery in Egypt into the “Promised Land,” but along the way his people lost their faith and – after Moses returned from a mountain where he had received the Ten Commandments – he discovered that his people had built a golden calf […]