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TAKE THESE ACTIONS NOW … (updated to April 22, 2021)

April 22, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Let’s pay attention to hot issues that need our attention. Let’s take actions online and in other ways. Here are some recent “action alerts” from non-profit organizations I respect and trust.  For some of them you can simply add your own name and contact information and click to send.  For others, you’ll need to remove my name and contact information before you add your own. While there are many ways we can organize for issues we care about, these “clictivist” activist opportunities are quick and easy.  Topics are listed in random order here with one or more “ACTION ALERT” opportunity […]

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Click to urge President Biden to take these actions …

April 13, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Many non-profit organizations are urging President Biden to take smart actions.  I have collected some recent ones here.  You might want to provide your own name and contact information and click to send.  For a few of these you may remove my name and contact information and substitute your own. Also, you can contact President Biden through the White House website — — or through the White House phone switchboard — (202) 456-1414  Grassroots pressure has produced positive governmental actions on some issues.  Let’s keep it going!   Human rights, democracy, and peace for Myanmar (traditionally known as Burma): On […]

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URGENT (late Feb. 2021) ONLINE ACTIONS for these issues

February 23, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Most of us receive many e-mails urging us to take online actions to tell a governmental or business entity what to do. These are especially urgent now in late February 2021 about several different issues.   Urge Biden to rejoin the Iran nuclear deal: The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA, commonly known as the “Iran nuclear deal:) was working well until Trump pulled the U.S. out of it and escalated his bullying against Iran — including escalating threats of war against Iran.  Instead of getting “leverage” to force Iran to yield to Trump’s demands, Trump’s scheme backfired.  The Iranian […]

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URGENT (early Feb. 2021) ONLINE ACTIONS for these issues

February 8, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Most of us receive many e-mails urging us to take online actions to tell a governmental or business entity what to do. These are especially urgent now in early February 2021 about several different issues.   IMMIGRANTS: Nearly two million immigrants arrived in the U.S. as children when their parents immigrated here without documentation.  They grew up and became adults in the U.S., but they are still at risk of deportation.  Please urge Congress to pass the DREAM Act, which has been re-introduced in the new 2021 Congress.  This would protect these immigrants from deportation and allow them to work […]

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Now We Empower Ourselves to Achieve Bold Goals

December 30, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The January 2021 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV program will help YOU make progress on the issues YOU care about. Many of our nation’s problems had existed for a very long time.  These include racial injustice, economic inequality, environmental problems, a foreign policy that is both cruel and violent, and some dysfunctional aspects of our electoral systems.  From 2017 through 2020, Trump made these and other problems even worse.  Really, this goes beyond partisanship.  Many of our nation’s problems are long-standing and bi-partisan.  The American people have values that are better, wiser, more compassionate, and more progressive than either of […]

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Besides Protesting What We Oppose, Let’s Organize Even More Vigorously to Accomplish Positive Goals

December 28, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

We need to keep protesting against the cruelty, corruption, injustice and violence that continually assault us.  But if we spend most of our time and efforts fighting the bad stuff, the oppressors will continue to have the upper hand because they can keep throwing bad stuff at us and we will always be on the defensive. We need to spend most of our time and efforts taking the initiative to organize for the positive goals that we want instead.  We need to be proactive, envision the future we want instead of the current mess, and organize to achieve the positive […]

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Powerfully informative resources prove Trump’s horrible corruption, incompetence, etc.

December 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

We keep seeing various articles documenting various ways in which Trump is cruel, corrupt, incompetent, etc.  Recently two reputable national magazines focused entire issues on compiling such articles.  They are powerful resources.  I recommend them highly.   The July-August 2020 issue of Mother Jones focused especially on Trump’s extreme mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic.  The front cover says:  “PLAGUED:  Grift, Greed, Gaslighting:  A Special Report on Trump’s COVID Corruption.”  Read it here:   The October-November 2020 issue of The Progressive contains many articles on a wide variety of Trump’s terrible public policies and other actions.  It documents his cruelty, corruption, and […]

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“How to Deal With the U.S.’s Current Crises”

December 14, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

“How to Deal With the U.S.’s Current Crises” October 2020 Our nation is suffering from several extremely serious problems all at once.  The crises are deeply rooted and actually go beyond individual elected officials and political parties.  Problems include the COVID-19 pandemic, economic injustices, homelessness, excessive military spending, racial injustices, the criminal justice system, unfairness to immigration, right-wing extremism, the climate crisis, nuclear weapons, and Trumpism. Instead of merely lamenting “ain’t-it-awful,” three guests (Jean Gant Delastrada, Liz Moore, and Glen Gersmehl) provide smart insights into those problems and lift up some positive values that can help us solve them.  We […]

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International Declaration of Human Rights passed the U.N. General Assembly December 10, 1948

December 7, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I’m posting this to my blog a few days before International Human Rights Day, December 10.  This day celebrates when the U.N. General Assembly passed the International Declaration on Human Rights on December 10, 1948.  It’s good to re-read the International Declaration on Human Rights every few years. Information and the text are at this link: A .pdf with a simple, readable font is at this link: Thanks to Eleanor Roosevelt who had worked skillfully to create and pass this landmark document. Bonus questions:  (1) How many of these internationally recognized human rights has the U.S. (and/or states […]

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Here are more things Biden should do promptly after taking office

November 12, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Two days ago I posted a list of some things that a variety of good organizations and smart individuals are urging Biden to do as soon as he takes office.  Here is that blog post:   More organizations are urging additional actions, so I am listing some of them here:   Americans United for the Separation of Church and State ( wrote: The Biden-Harris administration has the opportunity and the moral obligation to right the wrongs of the Trump administration and build a better future – one that values religious freedom and equality for all.  That’s why AU has announced a […]

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Good organizations urge Biden to take these good actions promptly

November 10, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Throughout the past four years Trump has done many, many bad things.  Some of Trump’s damage is irreversible (lives lost by his incompetent mismanagement of the pandemic, ecosystems destroyed and cancers caused by his environmental deregulations, families broken apart by cruelty to immigrants, and much, much more). But Biden can REVERSE many of Trump’s cruel and corrupt actions — especially those Trump accomplished by executive actions and by “reinterpretations” of federal laws and regulations. A variety of good organizations are recommending good actions that Biden should take promptly.  Here are just a few.  I might compile more recommendations for Biden […]

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How to De-Polarize American Society

October 18, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Here is info about the NOVEMBER 2020 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV program. Please publicize it in whatever ways you can.  Thank you! How to De-Polarize American Society The November 2020 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series (also watchable on your computer) is very timely now in late 2020 — and beyond.  Our nation is sharply polarized regarding politics and public policy issues.  Many Americans recognize that we must heal the extreme polarization that is tearing our country apart.  Three guests share their insights and remedies so all of us can help to de-polarize our nation. Thurston County’s […]

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Register now for SUN OCT 18 7:00 pm Zoom “ACTION HOUR” to take quick actions to protect democracy from Trump’s coup

October 18, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

More and more people are alerting the public and organizing nonviolent actions to protect honest democracy from Trump’s coup, which is already underway and will likely proceed beyond election day. I’ll send you info about that today, but right now you can SIGN UP FOR TONIGHT’S “ACTION HOUR” on Zoom so you can take quick actions to protect the election and stop Trump’s coup. Here is information I edited from an organizer of TONIGHT’S “ACTION HOUR” on Zoom:   Join with other people to take preventative action to stop Trump’s coup and support a free and fair election! Register now […]