Click to urge President Biden to take these actions …

Many non-profit organizations are urging President Biden to take smart actions.  I have collected some recent ones here.  You might want to provide your own name and contact information and click to send.  For a few of these you may remove my name and contact information and substitute your own.

Also, you can contact President Biden through the White House website — — or through the White House phone switchboard — (202) 456-1414 

Grassroots pressure has produced positive governmental actions on some issues.  Let’s keep it going!


Human rights, democracy, and peace for Myanmar (traditionally known as Burma):

On February 1, 2021, Myanmar’s military overthrew democracy and installed itself as a military dictatorship.   People have been nonviolently protesting, but Myanmar’s military has been severely brutalizing the population and has killed hundreds of innocent people.  On April 13, 2021 the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet called for immediate, decisive, and impactful measures to end the Myanmar military’s campaign of repression and slaughter of its people.  Some oil and gas companies are bankrolling Myanmar’s military.  Boycott Chevron, which is one of the worst abusers.  Biden has taken a few modest positive actions.  Tell President Biden to sanction Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE).   Sign this petition from a knowledgeable non-profit organization that I have supported for many years:  Sign our petition urging President Biden to take action to end the flow of money from foreign corporations to Myanmar’s military.


Tax the estates left by extremely rich people:

The wealth gap between extremely rich people has been growing rapidly for nearly half a century.   President Biden’s proposals for the economy are far too weak to solve this huge problem.  To pay for investments in infrastructure, etc., we need to raise taxes on extremely rich people.  The smart non-profit organization Americans for Tax Fairness urges a significant tax on estates that extremely rich people are leaving when they die.  Biden OPPOSES a serious tax on wealth.  To ensure millionaires and billionaires are paying their fair share, we need to tax accumulated wealth, so the estate tax is the best way to tax big fortunes.  Recently, Senator Bernie Sanders introduced the For the 99.5% Act, which strengthens the estate tax to more fairly tax dynastic wealth as it’s passed down from generation to generation. We need to make sure that a stronger estate tax, along the lines of Sanders’s bill, is included in President Biden’s forthcoming proposal.  The best way to ensure the estate tax gets strengthened is by ensuring it is included in the Biden administration’s proposed legislation.  Sign the petition to President Biden, calling on him to include the For the 99.5% Act or similar improvements to the estate tax in his upcoming tax proposal.


Close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo now:

For 20 years the U.S. has imprisoned Muslim men — and sometimes tortured them — at an especially cruel prison at Guantanamo, Cuba.  Most are held without trial — and without any formal charges filed against them.  Effectively, the U.S. has “disappeared” them with absolutely no “due process.”  If you care about human rights, please take this action:  Please sign on to our petition demanding that President Biden close the prison at Guantánamo Bay, which will forever be synonymous with torture, and end a horrendous chapter in American history.


Shut down the Dakota Access Pipeline:

The 1,000-mile-long Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) has been operating — and endangering lands, waters, the Standing Rock Sioux, and many other people — in violation of a court order requiring a long-overdue environmental review.  On April 9, 2021, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decided to allow it to continue operating without the federally required environmental review.   Obama tried to stop it, but Trump kept the project going.  Now we must demand that President Biden shut it down immediately.   Send a message to President Biden: It’s time to shut down DAPL.


Stop the cruel sanctions against Cuba:

For 60 years the U.S. government has been punishing Cuba because Fidel Castro and his movement overthrew the corrupt U.S.-sponsored dictator Batista.  The U.S. has been waging diplomatic and economic war against Cuba.  The U.S.’s cruel economic sanctions are punishing innocent people there.  Click to tell President Biden to let Cuba breathe and stop the sanctions:


Tell Biden to eliminate Title 42, which cruelly keeps immigrants out of the U.S.:

Trump used every gimmick he could to hurt immigrants and keep them out of the U.S.  The pandemic was another excuse for the Trump to empower Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to expel immigrants immediately rather than let them process their claims for entry.  The gimmick was about protecting people detained in immigrant prisons from new immigrants who might spread COVID-19.  But that was a fig-leaf for just another Trump abuse.  Now President Biden is continuing Trump’s cruel use of Title 42.  Please urge Biden to stop and actually eliminate Title 42.   Tell Pres. Biden to repeal CDC’s cruel Title 42; it’s only making the situation at the border worse.


Stop the ongoing damage caused by Trump’s Muslim ban:

One of Trump’s first actions in January 2017 was his notorious, sweeping, unjustified “Muslim ban.”  While President Biden has stopped that, some ongoing damage to families is persisting.   Tens of thousands of Diversity Visa recipients — Muslim and African families torn apart by Trump’s bans — must be allowed their fair shot at immigration.  Biden’s remedy is too limited and too complicated with “red tape.”  He must grant entry to all individuals who have faced discrimination due to the Muslim and African bans.  Sign the petition: Put pressure on the current administration to stop perpetuating the effects of Trump’s islamophobic and racist immigration policy.


Understand and deal with the ROOT CAUSES of migration:

We and our colleagues already understand the information linked below.  People who are relatively new to the issue – or who lack our solid understanding of the background of the immigration crisis might benefit from reading this overview.  AFSC does good work based on their good values.  For many people in Latin America, U.S. policies have historically made difficult conditions worse. The Biden administration has a historic opportunity to make real, structural changes.  SEE THIS:












About GlenAnderson 1515 Articles
Since the late 1960s Glen Anderson has devoted his life to working as a volunteer for peace, nonviolence, social justice, and progressive political issues. He has worked through many existing organizations and started several. Over the years he has worked especially for such wide-ranging goals as making peace with Vietnam, eliminating nuclear weapons, converting from a military economy to a peacetime economy, abolishing the death penalty, promoting nonviolence at all levels throughout society, and helping people organize and strategize for grassroots movements to solve many kinds of problems. He writes, speaks, and conducts training workshops on a wide variety of topics. Since 1987 he has produced and hosted a one-hour cable TV interview program on many kinds of issues. Since 2017 he has blogged at He lives in Lacey near Olympia WA. You can reach him at (360) 491-9093