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Protect the 2020 census and DEMOCRACY ITSELF from Trump’s racist, partisan abuse!

April 28, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

I’ve been reading a lot about Trump’s blatant attempt to violate the Constitution by politicizing and racializing the 2020 census.  This article from MoveOn does a good job of summarizing the crisis succinctly, and it provides an URGENT PETITION that you can sign: Donald Trump and his Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, want to add a question about citizenship to the census. The Constitution states that “all people” must be counted for the census, not just citizens. If this question goes ahead, all urban areas — and big states like California, Florida, New York, and Texas — will lose federal funding […]

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Trump, politicians, media mislead the public about immigrants

April 22, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump’s 2016 political campaign rhetoric and lies about immigrants have continued in subsequent years.  Many other politicians act as if Trump’s lies were true. Mainstream media have failed to correct Trump’s lies, so most Americans seem to believe them. There is NOT a flood of immigrants entering the U.S. from Mexico.  Actually, the numbers dropped 90% from 1.7 million in 2005 to only 170,000 in 2015.  Also, more Mexican people are LEAVING the U.S. and moving to Mexico than vice versa. Most people who are here illegally did NOT come from our southern border.  Most came here on tourist visas, […]