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U.S. has committed more “crimes against humanity and more genocide than any other nation since World War II

August 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The article at this link —–We-Will-Break-by-Dennis-Kaiser-Breaking-All-The-Rules_Investigation-190324-34.html — provides powerful information. The article explains the U.S. government’s hostility to human rights and international law.  The U.S. government is antagonistic toward the International Criminal Court (ICC). A summary says this: No country in the post WWII era has committed so many crimes against humanity, and supported so many genocides, as the United States of America. And in summary, no other part of the world has murdered more people on our planet, than Europe. And most North Americans are descendants of the Europeans. The ‘foreign policy’ of the US is directly derived from […]

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Most Americans do not adequately understand or value science, so I produced this episode of my TV series.

August 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The July 2018 episode of my new TV series, “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” clearly explains the scientific method so anyone can understand it. My guests and I urge governments at all levels to use honest science as an important foundation for viable public policy. People can watch the interview – and/or read the thorough summary I wrote – at this link: Also, some other postings on my blog deal with science in various ways. One recent program explained why local governments do such a bad job of protecting the environment. My guests provided a number of smart insights. To watch […]

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August 10, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

EXAMPLE #1: Mid-July 2019: The Trump regime is PREVENTING the US Geological Survey from studying climate effects past the year 2040. Major scientific trends — such as the climate crisis — emerge and develop OVER A PERIOD OF TIME. If you want to PREVENT scientists from understanding those hard realities, you can SHORTEN THE TIME PERIOD they are allowed to study. This is what the Trump regime is doing to the U.S. Geological Survey.  He is PREVENTING the USGS from looking for effects after the year 2040. This is a DELIBERATELY STUPID way to ENFORCE IGNORANCE AND CLIMATE DENIALISM. It […]

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Trump is PSYCHIATRICALLY UNFIT, so let’s use 25th Amendment to remove Trump!

August 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Certainly Congress must impeach Trump because he has repeatedly violated the Constitution in so many ways and repeatedly broken so many federal laws. The Constitution provides an additional remedy that high-ranking federal officials must pursue.  The Constitution’s 25th Amendment calls for another remedy when high level governmental officials determine that a president is physically or mentally unfit to continue in office. Many psychologists and psychiatrists have publicly stated that Trump has serious psychological or psychiatric problems that make him too dangerous or too unfit to be president.   HERE IS SOME INFORMATION:   Trump is crazy, so we must use […]

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Thom Hartmann’s 10-minute video says TRUMP IS SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL.

August 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The problem is not just that Trump is wrong on the issues.  The more serious reality is that TRUMP IS SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL. Trumps serious mental illness has made the U.S. a MUCH WORSE place than before he took office. He is deliberately provoking racism and violence against vulnerable people.  He has targeted and abused Muslims, Latinos, African Americans, LGBTQ people, poor people, the working class, and other vulnerable people because he is a bully, and bullies attack vulnerable people.  His mental illness and corruption have hurt our economy in many ways. His serious mental illness has RECKLESSLY ENDANGERED PLANET […]

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Does Trump think he would win a nuclear war? The Pentagon agrees with him!

August 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Trump’s threats of using nuclear weapons in Afghanistan (recently) and North Korea and elsewhere are not merely his own psychologically distorted fantasies. Trump’s threats also reflect several decades of official thinking and planning in the Pentagon – and the purposes of some of the new nuclear weapons that the U.S. has been building for several decades. Just recently the Joint Chiefs of Staff wrote this in a formal document:  “Using nuclear weapons could create conditions for decisive results and the restoration of strategic stability. Specifically, the use of a nuclear weapon will fundamentally change the scope of a battle and […]

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These short videos call for impeaching Trump.

August 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In just 32 seconds, this video shows Robert Mueller giving clear answers to questions about Trump’s behavior:   In a little more than 2 minutes, this video provides more compelling information based on Mueller’s investigation.  It briefly explains why Congress ABSOLUTELY MUST impeach Trump.  U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib provided this video:   In 4 1/2 minutes, Robert Reich explains convincingly why we absolutely must impeach Trump in order to protect the Constitution and the separation of powers, to prevent tyranny, etc..  This short video explains that our nation’s founders created the Constitution in order to prevent tyranny.  They […]

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Groups working to reduce gun violence ALWAYS NEGLECT to oppose war and military violence, which set the tone for gun violence within the U.S.

July 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Just now I responded to an e-mail survey sent out by a prominent nationwide non-profit org that works to reduce gun violence throughout the U.S. They asked what their top priority should be. I said they should work to stop all of the U.S.’s war’ and de-militarize our foreign policy. I told them that the U.S.’s addiction to war and military violence create a culture that assumes shooting people is a good way to solve problems. The U.S.’s persistent militarism sets the tone for gun violence within the U.S. This really is “the elephant in the room” that the anti-gun […]

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More news on death penalty — and a PETITION YOU CAN SIGN to abolish it

July 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Despite Faulty Drugs & Racist Implementation, Trump Is Bringing Back the Federal Death Penalty:  The radio broadcast and website “Democracy Now!” reported this news and information on July 29, 2019:     For more information on Attorney General William Barr’s promotion of federal death penalty, see the second news item in this collection of news items.  The death penalty article includes some links for additional information.     California’s vigorous non-profit org working to abolish the death penalty is called Death Penalty Focus (  On July 29, 2019, they reported that even though California’s Governor imposed a moratorium […]

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Trump’s Atty. Gen. Barr revives federal death penalty and will start executing people again

July 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

On July 25, 2019, this bad news came out.   Brand New Congress ( reported this: Earlier today, Attorney General William Barr ordered the reinstatement of the federal death penalty for the first time in 16 years. Only 3 federal executions have taken place since 1988. Despite this, the Trump Administration has authorized executions may take place as early as December of 2019. The death penalty is an inhumane practice. It doesn’t deter. It doesn’t rehabilitate. It isn’t moral. It only punishes. It’s time for America to ban legalized murder.  … We have watched this Administration openly peddle in racism […]

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MORE good news: House Votes to Defund TWO New Nuclear Weapons Programs

July 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Contrary to the “conventional wisdom” that nuclear weapons protect us, they actually ENDANGER us.  Nuclear weapons THREATEN our national security and the security of everyone else on Planet Earth. Just now I posted to my blog the GOOD NEWS that the House has refused to spend money for a reckless new nuclear weapon.  Now THIS blog post reports on a second one that the House has refused to fund. This information came in late June 2019 from a different source, the Arms Control Association (, a long-standing and well-respected organization working to limit nuclear weapons: House Votes to Defund Two […]

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Democrats help Republicans hurt immigrants!

July 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Many people assume that Republicans are bad and Democrats are good, so all we have to do is replace Republicans with Democrats and our problems will be solved. WRONG! In many, many ways, Democrats are part of the problem.  Very often they actively go along with Republicans or timidly fail to oppose them.   Robert Reich’s July 1, 2019, article said the Democrats caved in to Republicans about the border, despite huge public concern:   This June 28, 2019, article reports that the highest-ranking Democrats in the Senate (Schumer) and the House (Pelosi) HELPED REPUBLICANS GIVE TRUMP $4.6 BILLION […]

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4th of July is Trump’s excuse to glorify himself at taxpayers’ expense

July 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For many years a Fourth of July celebration in Washington DC has been NON-PARTISAN celebration of our nation.  But in 2019 Trump hijacked it and made it about him and his partisan supporters: In early July the Washington Post and other reliable sources reported that Trump has forced the National Parks Service (which is already underfunded and unable to keep up with necessary maintenance) to divert $2.5 million that had been intended for improving parks, so the NPS can pay for costs related to Trump’s Fourth of July event on the National Mall. The entire extravaganza will be very […]

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“Houselessness, Human Dignity, and the Right to Survive”

June 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The July 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” takes a fresh look at problems and solutions related to homelessness. We dispel some of the myths that interfere with realistic understanding and smart solutions. Instead of talking about it from afar, one of guests (Jamie Joy) actually is homeless.  His first-hand experiences and insights help us understand the problems and solutions. Our other guest (Tye Gundel) co-founded a great local grassroots organization — “Just Housing” — in 2016 and has been working effectively with a variety of people and local governments to inform the public, advocate for compassionate and practical solutions, […]

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Stop the cruel economic sanctions and economic disruptions against Venezuela, Iran, and elsewhere.

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In order to bully other nations with whom the U.S. government does not get along, our government imposes cruel economic sanctions — and sometimes viciously disrupts the economies — against other nations. Most Americans go along with this.  They just don’t want American troops “on the ground,” so economic abuses are a way to attack other nations.  But this kind of bullying is wrong too. I wrote this one-page article to explain.  Please urge the U.S. government to stop this abuse. Economic sanctions are bullying without bombing or sending troops