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“Let’s Boldly Create the Future We Really Want”

February 21, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2020 episode of my TV series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” is already on my blog, and is watchable at any time from now into the distant future.  You may also read the transcript, which ends with many links to additional sources of information.  (SEE BELOW) It will air on Thurston Community Television’s channel 22 for cable TV subscribers in Thurston County WA three times a week throughout June 2020:  every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm. This TV program and the transcript start by confronting the serious problems in our […]

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Enjoy working with other Olympia folks to abolish nuclear weapons

February 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is always doing several kinds of strategically smart work to reduce the likelihood of nuclear war – and to abolish nuclear weapons altogether. We meet on the third Thursday of each month – and we make more progress at every meeting! Our meetings are informative, productive, and actually enjoyable! Please mark your calendars now and plan to join us at 5:00 sharp on the THIRD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH (February 20, March 19, April 16, etc., in 2020) at our usual location, the Mixx-96 meeting room at the SW corner of State & […]

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Sign up NOW for 6 workshops to help you organize more effectively for the climate!

February 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Sign up NOW for this informative, inspiring, practical series of 6 workshops! Glen Anderson will facilitate them from 6:30 to 8:30 pm on 6 Tuesdays from March 3 to April 7 in Olympia. Sign up NOW for a series of 6 exciting, practical workshops to help you organize more effectively for the climate. Thurston Climate Action Team (TCAT) is sponsoring this series, and these workshops are open to EVERYONE who wants to protect the climate. Glen designed these workshops to inform, inspire and empower EVERYONE, regardless of how much experience you already have.  Novices will learn and empower themselves, and […]

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These articles provide insights into the Religious Right and their support for Trumpism

February 8, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The Religious Right is obsessed with the End Times. Trump’s war against Iran plays into this for his political benefit.  SEE THIS:   White fundamentalist theocrats empower — and bog down — the Republican Party.  SEE THIS:   Read this insightful article about the right wing’s billionaires, media, fundamentalists, and political strategies.  SEE THIS:   “Christ the King:” How Jesus Became Donald Trump!  At the bottom of page 1 be sure to click the link to continue to page 2:–How-Jes-by-Mike-Rivage-Seul-CHRISTIANS-CANNOT-BE-CONSERVATIVES_Christian-Religion_Christian-Values_Christianity-191118-36.html   On January 11, 2020, an excellent non-profit organization (Americans United for the Separation of Church […]

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Economic sanctions are NOT an alternative to war: Economic warfare hurts innocent people in Iran and beyond.

February 8, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Economic sanctions are NOT an alternative to war.  They are a different kind of war.  Economic warfare hurts innocent people in Iran and beyond. See this article: Also, see this article I wrote in mid-2019 that makes a similar case against economic sanctions:  Economic sanctions are bullying without bombing or sending troops    

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Green New Deal: Excellent information and resources

February 7, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The Green New Deal is a TRULY AMAZING AND WONDERFUL “win-win-win-win” for the climate, for jobs, for local communities, for the next generation, for social & economic justice, and more!   Bernie Sanders’ Green New Deal proposal is hugely important!  It is a good step toward international climate justice.  SEE THESE:   The Green New Deal would create many jobs. Let’s do it now!  SEE THIS:   Noam Chomsky and Robert Pollin say a Green New Deal is necessary if we want a future.  SEE THIS:   See and share this informative, supportive link:   […]

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Why the Pentagon Never Wins Wars Anymore But Needs Bigger and Bigger Nearly Trillion-Dollar Budgets

January 26, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Read Juan Cole’s article in the January 22, 2020, post at Tomdispatch: I have written about this topic before.  For example, see the explicit, informative handout I provided to participants in a workshop I presented to the public in September 2016:  De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy — WORKSHOP handout for participants and others I can provide much additional information about the entrenched economic and political powers of the Military-Industrial Complex and the need to CONVERT FROM A PERMANENT WAR ECONOMY TO A PEACE ECONOMY.  I conducted a huge amount of research in 1976-1977 about how military spending actually HURTS THE […]

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Obama was far too timid for 8 years. His “centrism” hurt the USA and helped to elect Trump.

January 26, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The Democratic Party keeps glorifying Barack Obama and claiming he had a terrific legacy. Actually, Obama governed like a “CENTRIST” REPUBLICAN!  He kept caving in to Republicans.  He failed to take positive actions within his power.  Instead, he promoted War and Wall Street.  Obama was a grossly inadequate president!   When Obama took office in January 2009, Democrats had majorities in both the House and the Senate. He could have done a lot if he had wanted to. The massive support from labor unions and non-profit organizations got him elected. They had some hot priorities. But Obama and the Democrats running […]

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A new report highlights 2019’s new trends in criminal justice policies

January 26, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The Sentencing Project is a TRULY EXCELLENT non-profit organization that monitors and analyzes information about criminal justice sentencing — and pushes effectively for progressive reforms.  I donate financial support to them and receive regular news from them.  I hope you will connect too.  See In 2019 they — and formerly incarcerated activists, lawmakers, and advocates — worked to challenge mass incarceration. They made good progress in 2019, as they have in recent years.  See their new 4-page report, “Top Trends in State Criminal Justice Reform.” It highlights key changes in criminal justice policy achieved in 2019, including these examples: […]

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How could we move our whole society higher on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

January 26, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

In 1943 psychologist Abraham Maslow wrote that people have five categories of needs.  Our most basic needs are for our physiological (air, food, etc.), and the next higher category is for our safety (personal security, employment, etc.).  The next step up in the hierarchy is our need for love and belonging (friendship, connections, intimacy, etc.).  Above that is our need for esteem (respect, positive self-image, freedom, etc.), and the highest level of need in Maslow’s hierarchy is the need for self-actualization (becoming the very best person you can be). His theory states that only when a person has sufficiently satisfied […]

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“Nuclear Weapons: Updates on the Crisis and Opportunities” — PART 2

January 21, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Nuclear weapons threaten life on earth, but most people have not kept current with the recent frightening changes — or the exciting new opportunities to reduce the danger or even ABOLISH nuclear weapons. Three knowledgeable guests explore the problems and solutions in an interview that you can watch on cable TV in Thurston County WA — and/or watch through this blog.  The blog post also includes a very thorough summary with a huge number of links to more sources of information. The interview’s PART 1 is the DECEMBER 2019 TV program, and its PART 2 is the FEBRUARY 2020 program […]

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To reduce gun violence, the U.S. must STOP THE WARS and CREATE A NONVIOLENT FOREIGN POLICY!

January 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Overwhelmingly huge percentages of the American people support various proposals for reducing gun violence (background checks, denying guns to domestic violence abusers, banning assault weapons, etc.). Several nationwide, statewide and local groups keep promoting these worthy proposals.  I support them. But they are OVERLOOKING THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM! The U.S.’s VIOLENT, MILITARISTIC FOREIGN POLICY assumes that shooting people solves problems!  Our federal government spends BILLIONS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS to promote that mistaken notion.  The federal government SETS A BAD EXAMPLE for ordinary people who follow the government’s bad example that SHOOTING PEOPLE would solve their problems! If the […]

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I warned the Democratic Party in 2016 and now again for 2020.

January 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Throughout 2016 I kept telling the national Democratic Party and its various front groups that Bernie Sanders was the VERY BEST on the issues, and he RESONATED WITH THE PUBLIC’S DEMAND FOR STRONG PROGRESSIVE CHANGES, and he was INSPIRING NEW PEOPLE TO VOTE, so if Bernie Sanders would become the nominee, he would WIN IN A LANDSLIDE, and he would have long coat-tails that would elect Democrats all the way down the ballot, including Congress and state and local offices. Instead, the national Democratic Party TRAMPLED OVER THE VOTERS’ INTERESTS and crammed Hillary Clinton down our throats, despite the fact […]

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Info about Trump’s NAFTA 2.0, the USCMA

January 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

In January 2020 Congress passed NAFTA 2.0 (Trump’s USMCA), which increases fossil fuel pollution in Mexico:   People who care about the environment and the climate opposed Trump’s NAFTA 2.0 (USMCA), but Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats caved in to Trump and the oil companies.  U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi, the House’s top Democrat, caved in to Trump and moved his trade toward House passage DESPITE its failure to include any of the key changes environmental and climate groups have been demanding over the last year.  Trump’s trade deal does not even mention the climate crisis, let alone do anything […]