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3 smart books support nonviolent alternatives to nuclear weapons

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Today I posted some information to my blog some information related to nuclear weapons.  Here is some information about three books I have not previously mentioned: #1: My blog post about Gene Sharp’s insights about power and nonviolence — — made me think about his excellent, short book from 1970 (and 1985) titled, “National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense.”   In the 1970s and 1980s there was a small, exciting movement for “civilian-based defense,” which was also called “nonviolent national defense” and “transarmament.”  It proposed that instead of using military violence, we could convert to a nonviolent strategies for national defense, […]

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Connect with these info sources AND organized efforts to reduce the danger of nuclear war

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

A great many organizations are working for peace in a variety of smart ways.  Various organizations focus specifically on: Changing the U.S.’s foreign policy overall Changing U.S. foreign policy regarding specific regions of the world (Latin America, Iran, Burma, etc.) Opposing nuclear weapons Organizing and mobilizing people of various faith communities (Quakers, Jews, Lutherans, Muslims, Presbyterians, Catholics, etc.) Working through Congress Organizing at the grassroots level in local communities throughout our nation   I live and organize in the area near Olympia, Washington, so I recommend these resources: Currently I chair the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (OCANW). We […]

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Yes, ordinary people DO have the power to prevent nuclear war and other calamities!

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The world is facing extremely serious dangers, including — but not limited to — the climate crisis and the danger of nuclear war. These are very scary topics. Most people try to avoid thinking about nuclear weapons and the climate crisis.  But if we are to solve these problems, we MUST think about them — and we MUST get past the debilitating emotions and actually EMPOWER OURSELVES to solve the problems. When we reach out to the general public to inform them and engage them, we must recognize people’s feelings of fear, overwhelm, despair and disempowerment.  If we recognize those […]

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Nonviolence is powerful! Gene Sharp’s theory of power supports nonviolent action and nonviolent resistance

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Gene Sharp was perhaps the world’s greatest researcher about the power of NONVIOLENCE in protecting populations from invaders, dictators and oppressors.  I have enjoyed — and learned much from — reading the books he wrote since the 1970s. For more than half a century, Gene Sharp has researched and written about nonviolence and how to use it effectively. I recommend the publications available at his website, the Albert Einstein Institution,  Many of them can be downloaded for free. When I conduct workshops about the power and practicality of nonviolence, I include insights from Gene Sharp’s thinking.  I encourage people […]

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Would YOUR non-profit org or faith community or group of friends host our fascinating, informative course on nuclear weapons?

March 7, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Four knowledgeable, active members of the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons have carefully crafted a fascinating, engaging, informative course titled, “Nuclear Weapons Nowadays: What You Can Know and Do.”  It consists of four two-hour sessions with plenty of handouts. We are conducting it now at a local religious congregation, and we are eager to offer it again to other faith communities, non-profit organizations, or groups of friends (with preferably at least six participants, to make it worth the time and efforts of the four presenters). The course is presented by four active and well informed members of the Olympia […]

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Republicans’ policies make Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread more — and make people die from it

March 7, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I’ve been studying the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in detail.  I’ve posted some information to this blog, and I will post more. Our nation needs to take smart actions, but Republicans’ policies are actually SPREADING the pandemic further and MAKING PEOPLE DIE from it. Here — briefly — are FOUR EXAMPLES: 1.  It is highly contagious, so when people have symptoms they should STAY HOME FROM WORK.  However, Republicans keep opposing legislation that would require employers to grant PAID SICK LEAVE from jobs, so people working at low-wage jobs without decent benefits GO TO WORK EVEN WHILE THEY ARE SICK AND […]

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Trump is RECKLESSLY MISLEADING PEOPLE about Coronavirus — and ENDANGERING our population!

March 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump is RECKLESSLY MISINFORMING people about Coronavirus (COVID 19).  Trump’s INCOMPETENCE and LIES are ENDANGERING our population!   TWO articles about Trump’s utterly dangerous incompetence about Coronavirus:   Trump is undermining the U.S.’s response to Coronavirus:   Short VIDEO clip about Coronavirus and Trump: Info about Coronavirus and Trump starts just before 1 minute into this and goes until 11:30   Another short VIDEO clip showing the Trump regime’s utter incompetence regarding Coronavirus: The video coverage starts at 16:41 in this video and runs for just a few minutes until 21:20:         […]

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Actual National Security Budget Is Nearly Twice as Much as Announced Budget!

March 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The informative article at the link below exposes the many “national security” budget items that are in addition to the Pentagon’s “base budget.” For example, nuclear weapons ($27.6 BILLION) are in the Dept. of Energy’s budget. This article provides information that almost no Americans know or understand. We need to blow the whistle on this recklessness.  

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More experts and organizations are urging pension funds and other entities to DIVEST from fossil fuels.

March 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

People USED TO THINK that investing in coal and oil companies would be safe investments.  Now THE OPPOSITE is true!  The climate crisis and the rapid transition from fossil fuels to green energy has changed everything — except some people’s thinking.   The climate advocacy group 350 Seattle ( has begun organizing vigorously for divestment from fossil fuels.  Recently they wrote this: Over 1100 institutions. More than $14 trillion. Fossil fuel divestment is, by far, the largest divestment movement in history — and yet Washington State remains deeply invested in the Exxons, Chevrons, and BPs of the world. Can you […]

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Insights into the 2020 presidential election

March 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Since the 1970s political and economic decisions have been hurting ordinary people’s economics and transferring their incomes and wealth to big businesses and extremely rich people. Ordinary people – voters – are angry about what they have been suffering. Many of President Bill Clinton’s policies had already showed his utter subservience to those economic elites, and Hillary was cashing in and perpetuating that cozy subservience by raking in millions of dollars for speaking to groups of elite bankers and Wall Street wheeler-dealers. Both Bill and Hillary did many things that hurt ordinary people and the labor movement. In 2016 many […]

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U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar Has a Plan to Revolutionize U.S. Foreign Policy

February 27, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Ever since the 1940s, the U.S.’s foreign policy has been overwhelmingly bi-partisan.  Regardless of which party is running the Executive Branch or the Congress, the U.S. has promoted a U.S. empire that has dominated much of the world politically, economically and militarily. Dick Cheney’s horribly stupid and cruel Endless War on Terrorism persisted through 8 years of George W. Bush’s presidency — and through 8 more years of Obama.  Obama actually ESCALATED some aspects of the Bush-Cheney abuses!  Obama escalated the drone wars, deployed military “Special Forces” to parts of Africa, radically increased the deportation of Latin American immigrants, and […]

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Abolish WA’s death penalty! Here is my testimony to a State Legislative Committee about this.

February 27, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

On Monday February 24, 2020, I testified to the committee of the Washington State House of Representatives that was considering the State Senate’s SB 5339, which the Senate had passed.  It would repeal the law underlying Washington State’s death penalty.  The law remained on the books even though our WA State Supreme Court UNANIMOUSLY ruled it unconstitutional in October 2018 because of its long history of pervasive racism. The legislative committee hearing allowed only two minutes of testimony from each person, so I summarized my testimony VERY BRIEFLY from the thoughtful, informative testimony I had prepared. Here is the full […]

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Watch this informative, insightful interview about Iran and U.S. foreign policy

February 23, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Olympia’s Veterans for Peace chapter (#109, the Rachel Corrie Chapter — has a TV series on Thurston Community Television (Thurston Community Media, that provides interesting information for veterans and everybody else.  Each episode airs THREE TIMES A WEEK:  MON 5:00 pm, THURS 8:00 pm, and SAT 2:00 pm. The TV program’s episode that is starting in late February 2020 focuses on Iran and related aspects of U.S. foreign policy.  Mark Fleming interviews Peter Bohmer and Glen Anderson. Mark provides background information since the early 1900s that lays out the context for what has happened from 1953 through the present time. […]

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WA State moves closer to abolishing the death penalty!

February 23, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The WA State House of Representatives committee hearing will occur on MON FEB 24, 2020, and more action will occur on THURS FEB 27. The Washington State Senate has already passed SB 5339 to abolish the death penalty, and the House Public Safety Committee will hold its hearing on SB 5339 on Monday February 24, 2020, at 1:30 pm in Hearing Room D of the O-Brien Building (slightly SW of the Capitol Bldg). I will testify to the House committee. Here is a fleshed-out version of what I will say to the committee during the brief time allotted to each […]