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Much smarter, more efficient rail transportation for passengers and freight

January 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Progressives keep talking about “bullet trains” and other very high speed rail projects. There are BETTER REMEDIES than those! Some Olympia area folks have watched and discussed this short video – – but there are MUCH BETTER ALTERNATIVES than what this short video discusses. For several years I have been supporting “SOLUTIONARY RAIL” (, which would significantly reduce carbon emissions in transportation, reduce air pollution at transportation hubs, reduce highway/freeway congestion, help transportation workers, and provide other benefits. My December 2017 TV interview focused on that, and my November 2019 TV interview will provide more information about it. Here […]

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Imagine McConnell’s Senate impeachment trial behavior in a regular criminal trial

January 8, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Republican Senate Leader Mitch McConnell’s behavior in the Senate’s trial about impeaching Trump is truly outrageous.  No reasonable person would think it anywhere near acceptable in a regular criminal trial, but in the Republican-dominated perversion of the U.S., this is the “new normal.” Suppose some SERIOUS CRIMES have occurred anywhere in the U.S., and PROSECUTORS HAVE COMPILED OVERWHELMING, EXPLICIT EVIDENCE. Just when the criminal trial is set to begin — BEFORE THE DAMNING EVIDENCE IS PRESENTED — THE JURY DECLARES that it REFUSES TO HEAR THE EVIDENCE and simply DECLARES THE DEFENDANT INNOCENT. That is what the Republican-dominated U.S. Senate […]

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Information and Insights about Trump’s New War Against Iran

January 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump keeps doing one incredibly cruel and stupid thing after another. On January 2, 2020, he committed an illegal act of war against Iran.  This will surely backfire against innocent people in several nations, including Iran, Iraq, and American people who are overseas. I wrote a short (4 ½-page) article with information and insights about the war that Trump is provoking against Iran. I posted it to my blog, so you can read it at this link:  Info and Insights about Trump’s New War Against Iran. By approximately January 7 or 8 I will also write another document with additional […]

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THESE should be Articles of Impeachment to remove Trump!

December 29, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Trump has committed MANY, MANY violations of the Constitution and MANY, MANY violations of federal law. But the House Democrats have given him a FREE RIDE — negligently EXONERATED him — for NEARLY ALL of those violations, which REALLY ARE IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES! THESE ITEMS IDENTIFY SOME TRULY IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES.  The House should create Articles of Impeachment for these:   Ted Rall, who — besides being a skilled cartoonist — is also a savvy political analyst, urges these impeachable offenses:   Paul Blumenthal urged impeaching Trump for these reasons:   One of the strongest, most consistent non-profit organizations urging […]

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The U.S. has many monuments glorifying veterans and war. We need just as many supporting peace and peace organizers.

December 29, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

A society creates special places and builds statues to express what it values.  The U.S. has many monuments glorifying militarism, so it’s obvious that the U.S. clearly values war. We would be a better society if we were to honor peace — and the courageous peace organizers who have sacrificed much (sometimes their lives) in order to resist war and create a nonviolent world. See this article:        

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This is TRULY ALARMING! MANY, MANY psychologists and psychiatrists are alarmed about Trump’s deteriorating mental condition!

December 28, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Mainstream media and both big political parties picture Trump as a politician and fail to recognize the EXTREME DANGER he poses to the entire world because of his SERIOUS MENTAL DISORDERS.   MORE AND MORE psychologists and psychiatrists are alarmed about Trump’s deteriorating mental condition!   Here are some RECENT assessments and warnings:   Yet one more psychologist calls for an intervention because Trump is increasingly sociopathic:   Psychiatrists sent an urgent warning to Congress about Trump’s deteriorating mental state.  The article I linked below starts with these short paragraphs and continues: A petition signed by at least 350 […]

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Biden’s anti-Trump campaign strategy is simplistic and deceptive — and a sure way to lose in 2020.

December 28, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In 2016 Hillary Clinton campaigned by telling voters that the status quo was just fine and she would tinker only a little around the edges. In contrast, Trump recognized that problems existed and voters were angry. (Trump lied about many things, but at least he did tap into the anger, so millions of voters rewarded him.) Once Trump took power, the entire Republican Party rallied around him with absolute loyalty like a cult’s true believers. Actually, the entire Republican Party really has been very Trump-like for many years (racist ever since Nixon’s 1968 “Southern Strategy” of racism, utterly subservient to […]

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The U.S. should NEVER start a nuclear war! Here are some excellent info resources on “No First Use”!

December 28, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This article makes a clear, strong case for a “NO FIRST USE” policy to prevent the U.S. from starting a nuclear war:   MORE INFORMATION about No First Use: We can make more progress in our efforts to prevent nuclear war and to abolish nuclear weapons if we know where public opinion is now. The fact sheet linked below provides useful information that can help us devise strategies for reaching out to move the public. Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND – provides this information about No First Use of nuclear weapons: No First Use is basically a […]

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On Christmas Day 1914, British & German soldiers practiced PEACE during World War I

December 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Some people know this story, but many people do not. It is indeed possible for soldiers fighting a brutal war to STOP — AND PRACTICE PEACE — even for one day.  On Christmas Day, 1914, British and German soldiers fighting brutal trench warfare during World War I stopped, laid down their weapons, got out of their trenches, and joined together face-to-face to enjoy human solidarity. If they can do it for one day, why can’t we do that EVERY day — and STOP WAR ALTOGETHER?     Read this article:   I RECOMMEND THIS SONG VERY HIGHLY!!!  “Christmas in […]

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“State and Local Efforts to Protect Immigrants’ Rights”

December 23, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The January 2020 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series (also watchable anytime through Glen Anderson’s blog — SEE BELOW) brings you up to date on what has been happening to immigrants – and what people at the state and local levels are doing to solve the problems. If you are a little fuzzy on understanding the problems and solutions, this program is for you. And if you are already well informed people will learn more. Also, everyone will be inspired and encouraged by the positive work that’s being done statewide and here in our local community. Two knowledgeable guests […]

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This smart strategy could help REDUCE GUN VIOLENCE

December 22, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Public opinion polls keep showing OVERWHELMING PUBLIC SUPPORT for several kinds of strong, common-sense laws and policies to reduce gun violence.  The laws propose such remedies as: • Restricting access to high-capacity magazines • Requiring background checks for ammunition sales • Addressing the intersection of alcohol abuse and gun violence • Keeping kids safe from guns where they learn and play • Supporting community-based violence prevention programs All of those are good ways to reduce gun violence.  But all of those focus on THE GUNS THEMSELVES and IGNORE THE LARGER CONTEXT in which the U.S. government PERSISTENTLY SUPPORTS SHOOTING! The […]