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This context explains Trump’s refusal to protect us from Coronavirus and Trump’s destruction of governmental functioning

May 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

You already know that Trump and his entire Executive Branch have utterly refused to deal effectively with the Coronavirus pandemic. The reason is NOT ONLY because they are stupid and incompetent. Another crucially important reason for their failure is that Trump and Republicans believe the government should NOT solve problems and should NOT help people. They have been SYSTEMATICALLY DESTROYING GOVERNMENT bit by bit. We see it especially now.   I wrote a SHORT ARTICLE explaining this: Our society is suffering in many, many ways. The problems are all around us — and they are interconnected. They are rooted in […]

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“The Lawbreaker-in-Chief”

May 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

A recent issue of The Progressive magazine ( (I didn’t write down which month in late 2019 or early 2020) reported this during the timer when Trump’s impeachment was underway: “Donald Trump and his allies like to throw around terms like ‘witch-hunt’ when talking about the ongoing impeachment probe. In fact, there are innumerable instances in which the President appears to have actually broken existing laws. Here are some of them:   U.S. Constitution’s foreign emoluments clause: It is illegal for any U.S. federal office-holder to accept anything of value from any foreign official or government: Trump, who calls this […]

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A Muslim woman replied cleverly to a man’s anti-Muslim tweet

May 13, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Recently a man sent this anti-Muslim tweet: You think COVID-19 is bad?  Give me a break.  Wait until Mislims hit critical mass in America.  You’ll look back on these times fondly.   A Muslim woman replied with this tweet: Sweetie everyone’s already washing their hands five+ times a day, covering their face, not shaking hands + avoiding bars.  Not only are we already here, you’re all Muslim.  Salam brother.        

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Trump acts like a neo-fascist dictator. Here are a few articles from April and early May 2020.

May 13, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Everybody knows the old story about putting a frog in water and warming it slowly enough that the frog won’t notice the change from one moment to the next, so it won’t jump out of the water, but after a while the frog has been cooked to death. That familiar story seems to pertain to the U.S. under Trump and his loyal supporters in the Executive Branch and Congress.  Here are some alarming stories about what Trump and Trumpism are doing to our nation:   How Trump is turning the American presidency into a dictatorship:   The U.S. is […]

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A Department of Actual Defense in a Time of Coronavirus

May 12, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. wastes our tax dollars on militarism and nuclear weapons, when we should be funding better health. You cannot defeat Coronavirus with nuclear weapons or any kind of military violence. This article by David Swanson urges us to think differently – and to push our government to act more wisely and effectively: A Department of Actual Defense in a Time of Coronavirus By David Swanson                  

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Faith-based supports for protecting the environment

May 12, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

  Commonly people think about the environment in purely rational ways (science, etc.) — or in political ways (governmental decisions, etc.) — or in emotional ways (feeling good about being in nature, etc.). In addition, some people draw strongly from their religious and spiritual groundings in order to motivate their environmentalism and also to help them organize for the environment by connecting through their local congregations and larger religious denominations. See a variety of faith-based environmental organizing efforts, resources, etc., at In addition, we have some regional non-profit organizations who are doing this kind of work.  I recommend these: […]

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Anti-nuclear org’s leader discusses his positive approach to abolishing nuclear weapons

May 11, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I’m sharing this truly inspiring and compelling information from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (NAPF) widely with you and other people who want to make a better world by working for peace, protecting the climate, and persisting with a positive “can-do” attitude to make the world better in other ways. I supported NAPF when its founder David Krieger was leading it, and now under its current leader, Rick Wayman. NAPF’s current leader Rick Wayman started when he was young, and now he persists boldly with what they call “shameless idealism” and the confidence that – if we organize effectively – […]

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Build support for the U.N. treaty to PROHIBIT nuclear weapons!

May 11, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

While there are good efforts underway (in Congress, in local communities, and elsewhere) to REDUCE the likelihood of nuclear war, there is also a POWERFULLY INSPIRING AND NECESSARY effort underway WORLDWIDE. The United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear War passed the U.N. General Assembly in 2017, and efforts are underway for nations to ratify it.  See this blog’s “Nuclear Weapons” category for information I have posted previously. HERE ARE MORE INFORMATION, UPDATES and OPPORTUNITIES:   TALKING POINTS to support the treaty: In July 2017 a strong majority of the United Nations General Assembly (122 nations) passed the Treaty […]

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Learn about the Green New Deal from my MAY 2020 TV program. It’s also posted to this blog.

May 1, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Here is an article about my MAY 2020 TV program about the Green New Deal. It is airing on Channel 22 of Thurston Community Television (TCTV, TC Media, for cable TV subscribers in Thurston County WA) three times a week all month long:  every MONDAY at 1:30 pm, every WEDNESDAY at 5:00 pm, and every THURSDAY at 9:00 pm throughout May 2020. A technical problem is preventing the TV program’s video itself from being linked to this blog, but I did type up a thorough summary of what we planned to discuss during the interview.  Our actual interview differed somewhat […]

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Governments should take PROMPT, STRONG actions for the climate — as they did for Coronavirus

May 1, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Some governments did take PROMPT, STRONG actions to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic. The climate crisis is a serious emergency, but they keep dawdling and failing to act. We must push governments to act with the same sense of urgency for the climate crisis. See this:        

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Obama did NOT do enough for the climate. See MLK’s quotation about real leadership.

May 1, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I wrote this a good number of years ago, but it needs to be repeated now: President Obama says the climate crisis is serious, but he shies away from taking the bold Executive actions that this crisis requires. Instead, in mid-February 2013 he said he would wait to work out a bipartisan deal with Republicans in Congress. This is, of course, doomed to failure. A real leader would lead. Obama persistently refuses to act as boldly as the climate crisis requires. In early 1968, when Martin Luther King, Jr., was being criticized for taking a bold, unpopular stand against the […]

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PART 2 of “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World”

April 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The December 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV program is PART 2 (following up on the November episode) of the topic, “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World.”  The November program focused especially on problems with worldview that has been dominating the U.S., and the December program focuses more on solutions and how to achieve them. Cable TV subscribers in Thurston County WA can watch the December program on TCTV channel 22 three times a week all month long:  every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm. Links for […]

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“Affordable Housing: Facts vs. Myths about the ‘Missing Middle'”

March 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The April 2020 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives TV program helps the public understand the serious shortage of housing that is truly affordable for people who are not rich.  Local governments in Olympia and elsewhere want to solve the problem, but they have misdiagnosed the problem, so they have proposed the wrong solutions, such as the so-called “Missing Middle.” This interview and the compelling graphs we show help you understand the real reasons for the problem – and why the “Missing Middle” would NOT solve the problems. We need better solutions. For background Glen encouraged people to watch his March […]

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The “Back from the Brink” campaign promotes FIVE SMART CHANGES to reduce the danger of nuclear war.

March 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Nuclear weapons are a VERY SERIOUS issue.  But grassroots people and many organizations are ORGANIZING SMART CHANGES in our nation’s policies in order to reduce the likelihood of nuclear war. The “Back from the Brink” campaign proposes five policy solutions to prevent nuclear war. See the website and this page about their five policy solutions:   In 2017 two nationwide organizations – the Union of Concerned Scientists ( and Physicians for Social Responsibility ( – created the “Back from the Brink” campaign. Some other organizations have joined the effort. The “Back from the Brink” campaign recognizes problems and […]

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Abolish nuclear weapons. Replace our nukes with simply leaving our shoes untied.

March 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. government keeps promoting more nuclear weapons in order to make Americans secure. Instead of that, I propose that we ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS and INSTEAD, SIMPLY LEAVE OUR SHOES UNTIED. NEITHER POLICY PROTECTS OUR NATION, but my alternative policy offers two benefits: 1. We will save many billions of dollars. 2. And although either policy – nuclear weapons or untied shoelaces – could cause an accident, if an accident occurs, tripping on shoelaces will cause much less damage than a nuclear war. PLEASE SHARE THIS NEW POLICY PROPOSAL – and my reasoning – to other people. Also invite people […]