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What issues do YOU care about? FREE online workshops help you organize grassroots movements: Sept-Oct 2022. Gather online. Learn together. Organize to solve problems!

August 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

You have more power than you know! On issue after issue, the status quo is horribly broken. The good news is we can organize grassroots movements to solve the problems! You can strengthen your skills and strategies for organizing grassroots movements!   Here is FREE HELP for ALL of the issues you care about! Let’s choose a bold, positive future! Let’s solve the problems! Let’s build savvy grassroots movements to accomplish bold goals for whatever YOU care about: peace, social/economic justice, environment/climate, humane politics, and more!   You can significantly strengthen your skills – and gain new resources – if […]

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August 23, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

VERY HUGE amounts of evidence show the MANY WAYS in which Trump has been a horrible problem.  Here are a few items I posted to my blog since March 2020.  I have about three times as many items.  If you want more evidence, ask me and I’ll send them to you.   Trump made the climate crisis MUCH WORSE! The Perils of an “America First” Climate Policy: New evidence shows Trump’s war on science was even worse than we thought! Trump’s WAR AGAINST HONEST SCIENCE is hurting our health — and hurting planet earth:   Trump made […]

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2-minute video: An eagle’s amazing skills

July 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

 An Amazing Raptor! An eagle, with a camera installed on its back, was released from the top of Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, now the world’s tallest building (about half a mile high, approximately twice the height of the Empire State building), in order to search for its trainer, who was exactly ten blocks from the building. When the eagle spotted its coach, it plunged downwards for about a minute and a half and then landed on his arm.  Not only can you see some nice images of the city (and the curvature of the earth), but also you can get an […]

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11-minute video supports Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

July 19, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Jim Manista, an active member of the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, produced this smart 11-minute video supporting the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.  This Treaty is POWERFUL and HISTORIC.  Although 66 nations have ratified the Treaty, mainstream news media in the U.S. have ALMOST TOTALLY REFUSED to cover this hot news. We encourage you to watch Jim’s video at this link:      

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Fossil fuel companies and right-wing media fool many, many Americans into denying climate crisis and falling for phony “greenwashing” remedies

July 5, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

“U.S. Has Highest Percentage of People Not Worried About Climate Change in Survey of 31 Countries” –Clearly, the climate deniers, the fossil fuel companies’ propagandists, and the right-wing media have been succeeding.  See this:   We must get more savvy in communicating effectively with the general public.  The FREE online workshops I offer could help the climate movement do this.  I will offer my series again through Zoom in September and October 2022.  Publicity for that series will be similar to this:   This article was posted on March 18, 2022:  Decades of Lobbying Weakened Americans’ Gas Mileage […]

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How YOU can make more progress on issues YOU care about

April 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

We are always the underdogs in working for the issues we care about.   These FREE online workshops really can strengthen our skills and strategies so we can make truly significant progress on ALL of the issues you care about! Nonviolent grassroots organizing has been proven to be effective, but people – even experienced activists – could make much more progress by strengthening our skills.  This series of workshops (“Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing”) really can help! ALL OF US — new people, experienced organizers, and everybody in between — can STRENGTHEN OUR SKILLS and add resources to our “toolboxes” so we can […]

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Legal Rights for Nature: See these videos and articles

March 25, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The concept of recognizing legal rights for nature is growing worldwide.  Here are some recent resources:   My January 2022 TV interview makes a solid case that is easy to understand.  You may watch the TV interview video and/or read the thorough summary I typed up with links to additional information.  Here is the link:   The progressive populist Jim Hightower wrote this article recently:   Panama made good progress on this recently:   A brief introduction to this video says this: “Western views and the legal system tend to view nature as property, and as a […]

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New evidence shows Trump’s war on science was even worse than we thought!

March 3, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Trump official broke the law with attempt to silence government scientists during pandemic: Trump official broke the law with attempt to silence government scientists during pandemic   New documents show how Trump silenced scientists, gutted guidelines, and hid facts from the public.  This was posted Nov. 13, 2021: New documents show how Trump silenced scientists, gutted guidelines, and hid facts from the public   What You Know about Trump’s Assault on Science Was Just the Tip of the Iceberg. This article came from Scientific American:   This was posted in December 2020.  Watch this 4-minute video: Trump wants to infect […]

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The U.S. military is THE WORLD’S BIGGEST EMITTER of climate pollution.

February 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Recently, I have read DOZENS of articles about this.  Here are just a very few.  If you want more, e-mail me at     The U.S. military emits more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than entire countries such as Denmark or Portugal.  However, nobody knows exactly how much, because the Pentagon’s reporting is spotty.  A Humvee gets between four and eight miles per gallon; an F-35 requires 2.37 gallons per mile.  See this article:     A friend added this information in response to another friend’s article about military pollution of the climate:  “The British military emits as much […]

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Insights into “climate deniers” and effective ways to deal with them

February 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

A strong majority of Americans are concerned about the climate crisis.  Some people are “climate deniers” or “climate skeptics.”  Some of these people have been fooled by fossil fuel company propaganda and/or right-wing propaganda.  Some simply do not understand the scientific realities. Those of us who care about the climate want to build the grassroots movement to protect the climate.  Some climate supporters are frustrated, flummoxed, or depressed by the “deniers” and “skeptics” who are polluting mass media, confusing the public, and preventing governments from solving problems. I have seen several recent articles that can help us understand those people […]

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Sign up NOW for FREE, PRACTICAL ONLINE WORKSHOPS to help you make more progress on issues YOU care about

December 18, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

ALL OF US — new people, experienced organizers, and everybody in between — can STRENGTHEN OUR SKILLS and add resources to our “toolboxes” so we can make more progress in working on our issues. That’s why I’m offering my 6 FREE ONLINE WORKSHOPS. Please see information on the flyer I posted at this link – and SIGN UP NOW! 6 practical workshops on Grassroots Organizing — 2022 JAN-FEB — FLYER.docx Let’s build strong nonviolent grassroots movements that will significantly move public opinion — and change the dominant paradigms — and push governments, big businesses, mainstream media, and other entrenched entities to do […]

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Understanding Environmental Water Quality Problems and Solutions

November 27, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

The December 2021 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” helps people understand how water quality in Puget Sound (and bodies of water elsewhere) has been seriously hurt.  We also explain — in easy-to-understand ways — the damage to the the rivers and streams that flow into these salt waters.  Besides examining problems we also propose solutions. Glen Anderson interviewed Harry Branch, who has a solid educational background and extensive professional expertise that includes a variety of hands-on experience in fisheries, skippering boats, conducting marine science research, and more.  Harry explains the science and the practicalities — and the public policies — […]

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These articles criticize COP26’s shortcomings

November 13, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Leaders at COP26 are massively killing the Paris Agreement:   The Young Climate Diplomats Fighting to Save Their Countries:  They grew up witnessing damages from climate change in Rwanda and Ethiopia and are calling on wealthy countries to fund adaptation and pay for losses already suffered:   In a New Policy Statement, the Nation’s Physicists Toughen Their Stance on Climate Change, Stressing Its Reality and Urgency:  The American Physical Society’s new policy is a shift from its 2015 statement, which called the magnitude of future climate impacts “uncertain” and referred to “significant” natural sources of warming:   […]