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“Impeach Trump to Protect the Constitution and the Rule of Law”

August 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The September 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series builds a solid case for protecting our constitutional democracy by activating the part of the Constitution that our founders created in order to correct the kind of crisis our nation is experiencing now. Two knowledgeable guests — Bonnie Jones and Steve Rubicz — discuss what impeachment means, how it works, the compelling reasons for impeaching Trump immediately, and what the American people can do now – instead of waiting for the November 2020 election.  Bonnie and Steve are active with Puget Sound Communities for Impeachment. Our nation’s founders wanted to […]

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It is POLITICALLY SAFE to impeach Trump. Most House Dems want to impeach him now.

August 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

As of August 26, 2019, a clear majority of House Democrats — 130 — want to impeach Trump.  A majority was reached at the beginning of August 2019.  See this article:     This article from August 13, 2019, says that it is POLITICALLY SAFE to call for impeaching Trump: This article says House Democrats should not worry about impeaching Trump – and pundits should stop trying to make Democrats worry about taking that action. The article says worrying about “swing districts” exaggerates the actual Trumpiness of those districts. The 2018 midterm election showed that Democratic voters […]

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Trump wants to take away your right to get information. SIGN PETITION.

August 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

On August 20, 2019, this information came from the non-profit organization at The Trump administration is trying to rewrite the rules on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in order to keep pollution and corruption hidden from the public. The key is what’s called a “no records” response, which allows political appointees like Andrew Wheeler and David Bernhardt to decide what information is released to the public. Fortunately, a bipartisan group of senators has introduced the Open and Responsive Government Act of 2019 to safeguard FOIA requests and ensure the public’s right to information. PLEASE CLICK HERE TO SIGN […]

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Adults as well as youths should strike for the climate on FRI. SEPT. 20, 2019

August 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Bill McKinnon urging us to strike for the climate on Sept. 20, 2019: Calls for maximum adult participation in the young people’s climate strikes: A 17-year-old climate justice activist admits to being “terrified of what the future holds if we remain on our current carbon trajectory.  The climate crisis looms over every single decision I make, and impedes any and all plans I try to make for the future. I have never known a time in my life where life on earth as we know it wasn’t coming to an end thanks to the climate crisis. It’s time […]

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The Green New Deal would be good in many ways!

August 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Green New Deal is an amazingly good idea.  It provides fresh thinking “outside the box” by bringing together environmentalists, labor, local communities, poor people, young people, and other diverse constituencies.  It is a “win-win-win-win-win ” all the way around.  I urge all kinds of people to work together in grand coalitions to pass the Green New Deal through Congress. In the 1930s, FDR’s New Deal helped our nation in many ways.  Now we need a NEW “GREEN New Deal” to help us in many ways, including the environment and climate, which were less pressing issues during the 1930s.   […]

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Urge Congress to pass “No First Use” legislation to prohibit starting a nuclear war — and other bills opposing nuclear weapons!

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

SUPPORT the “No First Use” bills: The U.S. Constitution explicitly states that only Congress can declare war, but since 1945 presidents have claimed the de facto power to start the most horribly destructive war possible without any congressional approval, and Congress has allowed that unconstitutional power to persist. We must restore the Constitution – especially now during the Trump era. • S.200 and H.R. 669 are companion bills. • S. 272 and H.R. 921 are companion bills. Senator Markey and Rep. Lieu introduced Senate and House legislation (S. 200 and H.R. 669) that would limit Trump’s (or any subsequent president’s) […]

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Presidential candidates MUST pledge “No First Use” of nuclear weapons! But CNN’s debate journalist BIASED his question about this.

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Most Americans want a “No First Use” protection against starting a nuclear war.  But during an early August 2019 presidential debate, CNN’s Jake Tapper asked about it in an extremely biased and deceptive way by referring to “No First Use” as “tying the President’s hands.” Actually, “No First Use” is REQUIRED BY THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, which explicitly says ONLY CONGRESS has the authority to declare war.  However, since 1945 a de facto loophole has existed in which a president has grabbed the power to start the biggest war of all — a NUCLEAR WAR — without getting Congress to declare […]

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Military spending HURTS job creation. Lavishing billions on the Pentagon does NOT help employment.

August 13, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For more than half a century, economists have been PROVING that military spending does NOT create jobs. A billion dollars spent on education, housing, health, or other civilian activities creates MORE jobs than spending that billion dollars on the military. Indeed, a sentence way down in the article linked below says:  “Military spending actually proved to be the worst job creator of any federal government spending option those researchers analyzed.” If we want jobs, we should CUT military spending and INCREASE spending for worthwhile civilian activities. Now after more than half a century of articles reporting these findings, here is […]

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Thom Hartmann’s 10-minute video says TRUMP IS SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL.

August 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The problem is not just that Trump is wrong on the issues.  The more serious reality is that TRUMP IS SERIOUSLY MENTALLY ILL. Trumps serious mental illness has made the U.S. a MUCH WORSE place than before he took office. He is deliberately provoking racism and violence against vulnerable people.  He has targeted and abused Muslims, Latinos, African Americans, LGBTQ people, poor people, the working class, and other vulnerable people because he is a bully, and bullies attack vulnerable people.  His mental illness and corruption have hurt our economy in many ways. His serious mental illness has RECKLESSLY ENDANGERED PLANET […]

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Here is a great message for organizers for peace, social justice, etc. …

August 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For many years Doris Haddock (affectionately known as “Granny D”) worked vigorously and walked extensively to promote worthy causes, especially getting big money out of elections. She said this: “Never be discouraged from being an activist because people tell you that you’ll not succeed.  You have already succeeded if you’re out there representing truth or justice or compassion or fairness or love.”    

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These short videos call for impeaching Trump.

August 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In just 32 seconds, this video shows Robert Mueller giving clear answers to questions about Trump’s behavior:   In a little more than 2 minutes, this video provides more compelling information based on Mueller’s investigation.  It briefly explains why Congress ABSOLUTELY MUST impeach Trump.  U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib provided this video:   In 4 1/2 minutes, Robert Reich explains convincingly why we absolutely must impeach Trump in order to protect the Constitution and the separation of powers, to prevent tyranny, etc..  This short video explains that our nation’s founders created the Constitution in order to prevent tyranny.  They […]

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“Insights for Effective Grassroots Organizing”

July 31, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

NONE of the positive changes that have improved our nation’s political or social lives were gifts from Congress or big business.  Women’s right to vote, labor unions, environmental laws, civil rights advances for many kinds of people, and many other accomplishments were won ONLY because of smart, courageous nonviolent grassroots organizing. The August 2019 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV program will help you become more effective in working for the political, economic and social changes you want to see. This month’s interview features three experienced grassroots organizers — Holly Gwinn Graham, Bob Zeigler, and Glen Anderson – sharing insights […]

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Democratic Party FAILS TO CHALLENGE Trump’s foreign policy!

July 31, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Many times every day now I receive e-mails from various parts of the Democratic Party asking me to donate money.  Their opening request invites me to choose my favorite presidential candidates — and sometimes to identify the issues that I care about the most. They list many DOMESTIC issues (jobs, gay rights, college debt, etc.), but ALMOST NEVER ASK ABOUT FOREIGN POLICY or the federal budget’s domination by military spending or the U.S.’s perpetual violations of human rights around the world. This implies that THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS WILLING TO GO ALONG WITH TRUMP’S FOREIGN POLICY! A few of these […]