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Stop Hurting Other Nations. Accept All Refugees Caused by Our Violence.

November 25, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Parents teach children to clean up their messes. We must teach our government the same lesson. The U.S. keeps attacking other nations, making it impossible for victims to live there, but the U.S. refuses to accept those refugees.  Survivors in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen and many other nations cannot live safely in their home countries . The U.S. has a moral obligation to invite our wars’ refugees to settle here. The U.S. arms dictators and other abusive governments that abuse and kill their people.  The U.S. abuses other nations in many ways, causing those populations to flee for safety.  […]

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Update on NAFTA (9-6-2018) by Lori Wallach from Ralph Nader’s Public Citizen

September 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

NAFTA has been hurting workers and the environment in the U.S., Mexico and Canada since January 1, 1994. It is very unpopular for a variety of reasons.  Trump campaigned against NAFTA.  Now he is renegotiating it — perhaps with Mexico only instead of with all three nations because he has created conflicts with Canada. A number of non-profit organizations have been working hard on issues related to “free trade” during these decades.  One of the best is Public Citizen (, which Ralph Nader had founded in 1971.  Their top expert on the issue is Lori Wallach.  Here is her article […]

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Larry Mosqueda’s insightful article explains the immigration crisis

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

On July 27, 2018, Larry Mosqueda published at CounterPunch his new article about the current immigration “crisis.”  His article corrects the misunderstandings that are widespread throughout the U.S. government, mainstream media, and the general public.  He invites us to share it with other people, so I’m sharing it with you through my blog, You will be able to read it in the August 2018 issue of Works in Progress, Olympia’s progressive monthly newspaper.  See a paper copy or Here is the link to read it at CounterPunch:  

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Impeachable offense: Trump kidnaps children and imprisons families without due process.

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

U.S. law and international law recognize the rights of refugees and persons seeking asylum, but Trump deliberately violates those laws. Trump continues to COMMIT CRIMES that are IMPEACHABLE OFFENSES, but Congress does not seem to care. Separating little children from their families is yet one more kind of child abuse that Trump is committing.  The Trump regime has lost track of many, many of the children that he has kidnapped. Kidnapping anyone is a federal felony.  So is transporting kidnapped victims across state lines.  It is a felony to unlawfully imprison someone. Trump is denying people their constitutional right to […]

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“A New Dawn for Guatemala?”

July 14, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The August 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” informs us about an interesting and inspiring community in Guatemala where refugees from the previous dictatorship have settled into a new community. These people are empowering themselves at the grassroots to meet their needs for education, clean water, social justice and democracy. About 300-400 people live in Nuevo Amanecer, the Spanish words for “New Dawn.” The community was founded in 1998 by refugees who had fled the genocide and “scorched-earth” campaign of the 1980s and 1990s. The U.S. funded and trained Guatemala’s brutal military to commit those crimes. Now the “New Dawn” […]

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Drug War: Bad news from Congress. Good news from Mexico.

July 10, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Starting with Nixon and ever since, the bi-partisan “War on Drugs” has been a political scheme to attack “hippies” and people of color.  After the Nixon years it became a way to attack immigrants too.  It was designed to promote fear, escalate oppressive policing, and take away people’s civil rights. Finally, some people — including fiscal conservatives who oppose the waste of money on an unworkable “big government” program — are calling for changes that reflect common sense.  The “harm reduction” strategies are a great step forward. The Republican-dominated U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that purports to reduce […]

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Great home-made signs from immigrant rights rally

June 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

On Saturday June 30 a huge crowd — certainly more than one thousand, and perhaps two thousand — attended the immigrant rights rally at the Washington State Capitol Building in Olympia WA.  The initial focus was “Keep Families Together,” because the Trump regime has kidnapped more than 2,000 children (including toddlers and infants) from their immigrant parents because their parents had crossed the U.S. border without the necessary documentation.  Trump was holding those children as HOSTAGES in order to pressure their parents to “self-deport” and pressure Congress to pass a cruel law against immigrants.  The Trump regime has lost track […]

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Stop the U.S.’s cruel habit of “regime change.” It is WRONG to violently overthrow governments.

May 26, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. has a long, horrible, cruel habit of violently overthrowing governments and abusively meddling in elections to manipulate their outcomes even if the U.S. militarily does not overthrow those governments violently. I am appalled by the hypocrisy of Americans — a majority of ordinary people, along with politicians and the mainstream news media — who express moral outrage that Russia has meddled in the U.S.’s 2016 election.  The U.S. has done this to other countries VERY OFTEN for many decades. This article summarizes the U.S.’s violent overthrows of other nations.  American politicians and news media and ordinary people do not […]

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How to understand Trump’s current rants about “caravans” of immigrants coming to the U.S.

April 7, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The Quixote Center ( has done great solidarity work with Central America for decades.  They put into context the ranting of Trump in early April 2018. Trump is feeling increased pressure about his many scandals, etc., so he is trying to divert scrutiny of his own bad behavior and that of his appointees by demonizing “The Other” and trying to get Americans to fear “The Other” and support Trump’s claim that militarizing the US’s southern border and violating the human rights of undocumented immigrants here will protect us. This article deserves to be read by many people: A great […]

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December 3, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

In the early morning of June 28, 2009, about 100 soldiers from the Central American nation of Honduras forced their way into the bedroom of Honduran president Manual Zelaya, kidnapped him while he was still in his pajamas, and forced him into exile in another country. This military coup – backed by conservative business leaders – overthrew a freely elected president. Latin American nations unanimously denounced this military coup against democracy. U.S. politicians and news media have distorted the realities, so the American people do not understand what really happened, or why. The crisis has continued ever since.  Human rights […]

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“Decades of Solidarity with Santo Tomas, Nicaragua”

December 3, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Since 1988 our local community has built and sustained a strong relationship with a sister community in Nicaragua. The Thurston – Santo Tomás Sister County Association (TSTSCA) has built peace and across thou-sands of miles of distance by interacting face-to-face with back-and-forth delegations and by collaborating on practical projects in Santo Tomás. While the Reagan Administration was making war on Nicaragua, people in Thurston County and Santo Tomás forged relationships of mutual understanding and respect. Bypassing governments, we just went ahead and did what was needed – and what was right. In March 1987 the second episode of the Olympia […]

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TV: “Protect immigrant Rights”

November 16, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about the legal dangers immigrants (especially those without documentation) are facing in the U.S. — and about efforts locally and nationwide to protect those rights.  The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s May 2017 TV program was taped in April 2017, and the news has continuously changed, so when you watch this now some time later things might be different, but much of what we said during this hour is stable over time. Three guests  help us explore this topic. All three are active with the local Olympia effort called “Strengthening Sanctuary,” which protects immigrant rights. • Joanna […]