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Joe Biden actually is a weak candidate: Little grassroots enthusiasm — too conservative and out-of-date on issues

November 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The institutional Democratic Party’s “corporate” wing (now often called “centrist”) wants to continue serving Big Business and the Military-Industrial Complex.  Bill and Hillary Clinton are prominent, and Obama continued that trend, which actually FAILED TO SUPPORT the working class or progressive issues.  Now — as in 2016 — the real voter enthusiasm is for Bernie Sanders, and for another progressive (on economic issues, but less progressive on peace and some other issues), Elizabeth Warren. The institutional Democratic Party is searching for a “corporate” Democrat it can support.  Joe Biden has been pushed forward, and a few billionaires are offering to […]

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After a man who threatened Rep. Ilhan Omar pleaded guilty, she asks for compassion in his sentencing

November 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar came to the U.S. at the age of 10 as a refugee from Somalia.  She is Muslim and African.  She is one of the most progressive and humane members of Congress, but Trump and the right wing have been relentlessly attacking her. A man threatened to shoot her to death.  He was convicted of his crime, and she practiced Restorative Justice by asking for compassion when the judge was sentencing him. Read these articles:        

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Tax extremely rich people! They have the greatest responsibility to pay for the systems that made them rich!

November 16, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In the U.S., poor people pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than rich people do! Rich people keep telling us that “trickle-down” economics will help the rest of us — but “trickle-down” has been PROVEN to be propaganda, NOT how the economy really works. Ordinary people — middle class, working class, and poor — are SERIOUSLY HURT by our nation’s tax system and our states’ tax systems.  Rich people and giant corporations fund political campaigns, and the politicians write tax laws that serve their political donors AT OUR EXPENSE. Finally, some progressive people are urging us to […]

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While Warning of Nazi-Like Fascism and Corporate Crimes, Pope Francis Proposes Adding ‘Ecological Sin’ to Church Teachings

November 16, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

While Warning of Nazi-Like Fascism and Corporate Crimes, Pope Francis Proposes Adding ‘Ecological Sin’ to Church Teachings In remarks at the Vatican, the leader of the Catholic Church condemned “the large-scale delinquency of corporations.”        

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Seattle’s Archbishop Raymond Hunthausen said nuclear weapons crucify Jesus again

November 16, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Nuclear weapons are NOT merely political issues “out there” somewhere. They are very intimate — as intimate as our own human lives — and as intimate as our religious faith. Raymond Hunthausen, the late Catholic Archbishop of Seattle, stated: “Our nuclear war preparations are the global crucifixion of Jesus. What we do to the least of these, through our nuclear war planning, we do to Jesus. This is his teaching. We cannot avoid it and we should not try. Our nuclear weapons are the final crucifixion of Jesus, the extermination of the human family with whom he is one.”   […]

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Ralph Nader says Trump is the most impeachable Pres. ever, but Congress is the most hesitant

November 16, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Ralph Nader wrote this article: The Most Impeachable President in US History vs. The Most Hesitant Congress. What are the Democrats waiting for? Trump is the most impeachable tyrant in the country’s history—hands down.    

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The Democratic Party is so clueless that it is REBUFFING its political base and could unwittingly RE-ELECT Trump!

November 16, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The institutional Democratic Party has a long history of seeking donations and votes from the working class, environmentalists, and progressives — but when elected — nearly all Democrats rebuff the Party’s political base and instead are subservient to Wall Street and the Military-Industrial Complex. This happens over and over again.  It happened with Obama (see below).  It happened with Hillary Clinton (who failed to inspire the base and was more conservative than Trump on several issues), and it is happening again now.  The Democratic Party keeps rejecting progressives (Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) and keeps trying to cram corporate war-hawks […]

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Geo-Engineering to ease the climate crisis is RECKLESSLY DANGEROUS and a DISTRACTION from real solutions!

November 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Beware of climate “geo-engineering” plan to block the sun: I read this article in the magazine’s print version (to which I have subscribed for many decades). Now they offer it online too.  We need a variety of strong actions to protect the climate. But some “geo-engineering” proposals are reckless and would likely cause side-effects and unknown consequences that could be as bad as the climate crisis itself. Some people are actually proposing these reckless schemes. This article discusses the proposal to launch things into the atmosphere to block out the sun:   U.S. Blocks U.N. Resolution on Geoengineering: The […]

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While we work seriously on the climate crisis, let’s also be open to humor and satire.

November 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

When you buy your new pickup truck, include the “Sea-Level Rise Suspension Package” Buy the Sea-Level-Rise Suspension Package for your next vehicle.docx     When sea level rise covers downtown Olympia, here is something we might do: Scientists keep revising estimates of climate disruption upward – and their time-frame more urgent. You’ve probably seen some of the serious reports from the world’s most knowledgeable climate experts. Very often they issue newer reports saying that the crisis is rapidly getting worse. The newer reports say that extremely serious disruptions and damage will occur sooner than they had been expecting. Those two […]

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The Climate Crisis is ALSO a SOCIAL JUSTICE issue!

November 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Some people think of issues as if each was in a separate “silo” unrelated to other issues.  Actually, issues are very deeply and strongly interrelated.  For example, the Climate Crisis is ALSO a SOCIAL JUSTICE issue. This insight should not only broaden our understanding of the climate crisis, but it should also help us strategize more insightfully to reach out and connect the climate crisis with other issues.  We should bring various kinds of people into the climate movement AND bring climate organizers into the movements working on other social justice issues.     This November 21, 2017, article at […]

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NEXT SAT NOV 16: Attend event in Olympia focusing on CLIMATE and NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Learn, connect, and take action.

November 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Western Washington Fellowship of Reconciliation’s 2019 Fall Retreat will focus on BOTH nuclear weapons and the climate crisis. It will occur on Saturday November 16 at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 20th & S. Capitol Way, Olympia. The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is one of several co-sponsors. Keynote: DAHR JAMAIL “The End of Ice: Bearing Witness and Finding Meaning in the Path of Climate Disruption” — Author and journalist Dahr Jamail, on the necessity of listening deeply to the Earth, as the planetary crisis accelerates. PETER LUMSDAINE WA Physicians for Social Responsibility, Nuclear Weapons Abolition Task Force — […]

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How to pay for the Green New Deal

November 8, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Today I posted information from February 7-8-9, 2019, when the Green New Deal resolutions were introduced in Congress.  Those early posts explained why we need the Green New Deal.  Cautious people (and opponents) will ask how to pay for it.  Actually, progressives were ALREADY proposing ways to pay for it BEFORE the House and Senate resolutions were introduced. Here are some VERY EARLY articles that make good economic sense:   Ellen Brown (perhaps our nation’s greatest expert on publicly owned banks) urges public banks as a way to fund a Green New Deal.  Her December 2018 article at the following […]

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Olympia’s people want to CUT the Pentagon budget and INCREASE funding to serve human and environmental needs!

November 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Twice in late summer 2019 the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons organized and staffed information tables at public events. Six jars were labeled with different possible uses for our federal budget. We handed each visitor a stack of ten pennies and invited them to put the pennies into the various jars to show how the visitor would choose to spend the federal budget. The results (listed below) were similar for both events, except “Environment and climate” and “Health care” exchanged places for 1st and 2nd priorities. Military has rated lowest priority every time I have conducted this game over […]

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Nuclear weapons are CRAZY. Nuclear war is NOT winnable. Here are two short examples from the Reagan era.

November 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Since the 1940s the U.S. government has been telling us that nuclear weapons protect us. Actually, the OPPOSITE is true! Two examples from President Reagan’s 1980s illustrate the absolute boneheaded thinking that has been endangering us:   In the early 1980s when President Reagan was escalating the nuclear arms race and pretending that nuclear war would be OK, one of his top experts said that a nuclear war might kill 50 million Americans, but that this would be a victory for the U.S. if we killed MORE THAN 50 million people in the Soviet Union. Decent Americans opposed that madness. […]