This article makes a clear, strong case for a “NO FIRST USE” policy to prevent the U.S. from starting a nuclear war:
MORE INFORMATION about No First Use:
We can make more progress in our efforts to prevent nuclear war and to abolish nuclear weapons if we know where public opinion is now. The fact sheet linked below provides useful information that can help us devise strategies for reaching out to move the public.
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND – provides this information about No First Use of nuclear weapons:
No First Use is basically a pledge for the U.S. not to use nuclear weapons first in a conflict. This policy would reduce the risk of nuclear use by accident, miscalculation, or escalation. Today, the threat of nuclear war is reminiscent of the Cold War era — which makes this diplomatic approach very important.
Here’s an ESSENTIAL fact sheet by ReThink Media on the general public’s opinion of No First Use!
Please see attached summary I wrote about legislation Congress should pass or oppose regarding nuclear weapons. You may share the link with other people and/or print it out (back-to-back) and share copies. It is at this link: Federal legislation to SUPPORT or OPPOSE
The peace movement has been urging Congress to support the “No First Use” bills that were introduced before (HR 669 and S 200). Now two slightly different bills on that topic have been introduced, so PLEASE urge Congress to support HR 921 (as well as HR 669) and S 272 (as well as S 200).
Rep. Denny Heck already co-sponsored HR 669. Ask him to co-sponsor HR 921 also. He is at (202) 225-9740 in Washington DC and (360) 459-8514 in his Lacey WA office.
Sen. Murray: (202) 224-2621 in Washington DC or toll-free 866-481-9186 or (206) 553-5545 in Seattle or through her website
Sen. Cantwell: (202) 224-3441 in Washington DC or toll-free 888-648-7328 or (206) 220-6400 in Seattle or through her website
The movement for a “NO FIRST USE” policy about nuclear weapons is growing!
This article — — happens to mention Lilly Adams, who now works for the Union of Concerned Scientists ( in that organization’s efforts to abolish nuclear weapons. Lilly used to work for Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility (, where she was an early leader of our statewide coalition, Washington Against Nuclear Weapons ( The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (which I chair now) is one of more than 40 organizations that belong to WANW.
Please join with OCANW to act in our local community to build the movement to abolish nuclear weapons. OCANW meets at 5:00 sharp on the third Thursday of every month in downtown Olympia Mixx 96 meeting room at the SW corner of State & Washington, kitty-corner from the Intercity Transit station. For more information, please contact me at (360) 491-9093 or
MORE INFORMATION about No First Use:
We can make more progress in our efforts to prevent nuclear war and to abolish nuclear weapons if we know where public opinion is now. The fact sheet linked below provides useful information that can help us devise strategies for reaching out to move the public.
Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND – provides this information about No First Use of nuclear weapons:
No First Use is basically a pledge for the U.S. not to use nuclear weapons first in a conflict. This policy would reduce the risk of nuclear use by accident, miscalculation, or escalation. Today, the threat of nuclear war is reminiscent of the Cold War era — which makes this diplomatic approach very important.
Here’s an ESSENTIAL fact sheet by ReThink Media on the general public’s opinion of No First Use!
Please see attached summary I wrote about legislation Congress should pass or oppose regarding nuclear weapons. You may share the link with other people and/or print it out (back-to-back) and share copies. It is at this link: Federal legislation to SUPPORT or OPPOSE
No president should be able to start a nuclear war!
See this information:
Sign this petition to PROHIBIT using nuclear weapons unless Congress actually declares war:
We must take Trump’s finger off the nuclear button.
“No First Use” legislation would prevent him or any president from launching nuclear weapons unless:
— Congress has actually explicitly declared war, or
— Another nation has actually launched nuclear weapons against the U.S.
Please sign this message to support “No First Use” legislation:
For more information about nuclear weapons, see other postings in my blog’s “Nuclear Weapons” category at