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Trump diverted $10 million from FEMA aid to increase ICE incarceration

September 15, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In early September 2018 when Hurricane Florence was nearly ready to assault the U.S. East Coast, the Trump regime diverted $10 million from FEMA ‘response and recovery’ to spend on ICE incarceration. See the article at this link: Instead of helping people who are suffering, Trump is taking that money away from helping people recover from the climate-related hurricane so he can use that money to add to the suffering of immigrants who are being abused by the federal agency Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The progressive non-profit organization Moms Rising ( invites people to click this link to […]

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Voters view CORRUPTION as the most important issue. Write letters to editors in Republican communities.

September 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Voters are angry! Some issues become more prominent, while others drift downward. Trump has been promoting CORRUPTION throughout his administration, and Republicans have become the party of corruption nationwide.  In order to save our nation, we must alert and mobilize voters to reject the corrupt politicians. Current research shows that CORRUPTION is a MAJOR CONCERN among voters. Now — before the Nov. 6 election — is a good time for people to raise this issue, use the Republicans’ corruption against them, and write letters to editors (especially in communities that could shift from Republican to Democratic). This article provides information: […]

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Update on NAFTA (9-6-2018) by Lori Wallach from Ralph Nader’s Public Citizen

September 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

NAFTA has been hurting workers and the environment in the U.S., Mexico and Canada since January 1, 1994. It is very unpopular for a variety of reasons.  Trump campaigned against NAFTA.  Now he is renegotiating it — perhaps with Mexico only instead of with all three nations because he has created conflicts with Canada. A number of non-profit organizations have been working hard on issues related to “free trade” during these decades.  One of the best is Public Citizen (, which Ralph Nader had founded in 1971.  Their top expert on the issue is Lori Wallach.  Here is her article […]

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Fresh insights into economic inequality: Challenge the “growth” assumption!

September 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

One of the activities of the Institute for Policy Studies (, a multi-issue progressive think tank, is a project that challenges economic inequality. (See Their post on September 3, 2018, includes a link to this article: The article offers fresh insights into economics. The article’s headline and sub-head say: The Degrowth Movement Challenges the Conventional Wisdom on Economic Health A coalition of academics and activists are taking on the dogma of growth and calling for a radical reorganization of the economy. I encourage people to read it and use its insights to promote economic justice, social justice, and […]

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Teachers’ salaries are lagging behind!

September 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The Economic Policy Institute ( reports that teachers’ salaries are lagging behind those of other professionals with comparable education and experience — and that they have declined relative to inflation in recent years.   See their report at this link:    

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Congress should kick BILLIONAIRES off welfare!

September 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation that would hold billionaires accountable for the extremely low wages they pay their employees. Currently, some of the biggest, most profitable businesses pay their employees so little that the employees must apply for welfare, food stamps, government-funded medical care, public housing, etc.  Conservatives blame people for getting “welfare,” but actually our political/economic system allows these giant corporations to get “welfare.”  TAXPAYERS ARE SUBSIDIZING THESE ABUSIVE BUSINESSES. Bernie Sanders’ legislation is named after Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the history of the world.  His assets total $158 BILLION, and his wealth increases by […]

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New legislation — H.R. 1987 — could protect us from a president unfit to serve

September 6, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

On Sept. 6, 2018, CREDO Action ( sent this e-mail with a link to click to urge Congress to pass this necessary legislation: Tell Congress: Experts must decide if presidents are physically and mentally fit for the job. Click the link below to sign the petition:  The link appears again in the middle of this blog post and also near the end.   Act now: Terrifying new revelations about Trump’s fitness for office “Support H.R. 1987, which would establish the Oversight Commission on Presidential Capacity to ensure medical experts can examine whether any president is fit for the job.” […]

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Kavanaugh would make Supreme Court a Republican Party tool

September 6, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The American people need the U.S. Supreme Court to be a neutral, impartial body of legal experts. While Democratic presidents have been nominating such experts to judicial positions on the Supreme Court, Republican presidents have been nominating blatantly partisan Republicans. Brett Kavanaugh would take this to an extreme level.  After the 2000 election Kavanaugh was one of the lawyers for George W. Bush and the Republican Party who forced Florida to stop recounting the ballots.  Al Gore would have won the recount.  Instead, the Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme Court stopped the recount and appointed George W. Bush to […]

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Kavanaugh THREATENS our rights!

September 5, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

See my recent post listing some very serious dangers that Brett Kavanaugh would pose if the Senate were to confirm his nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court.  Trump nominated him precisely because Kavanaugh — who is young — would impose Trumpist cruelty and abuses upon the USA for many decades, long after Trump is gone. See my recent post about this.  Please contact your U.S. senators and DEMAND that they VIGOROUSLY OPPOSE Kavanaugh in every  nonviolent way they possibly can. Among other problems, Kavanaugh would undermine the Constitutional separation of church and state.  He would impose right-wing religious bias as […]

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For DECADES after Trump is gone, his Supreme Court will inflict his politics upon us

September 4, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Imagine Donald Trump on the Supreme Court! His nominee Brett Kavanaugh reflects Trump’s politics and would inflict Trumpism upon the USA for decades: Against women’s rights Against workers’ rights Against consumers’ rights Against the environment Against sensible efforts to reduce gun violence Believes that a sitting president is above the law Please phone your two U.S. senators and urge them to PUSH VIGOROUSLY to oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination. You can call their Washington DC offices and their local offices in your state. If you live in Washington State, call: Senator Patty Murray at (202) 224-3441 in Washington DC or (206) 533-5545 […]

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Why people support Trump — AND smart ways for us to organize against Trumpism

August 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Read the insightful article at this link: Some of these 15 reasons are things we have already known. But some of these offer fresh insights that have not been discussed very much. We could make progress organizing against Trump and Trumpism by paying attention to these and devising strategies to reduce or counter those supports. EXAMPLES: 1. How could we reach out to the public, connect with their basic values and interests, reinforce good values and the broad public interest, educate them about some of the basic facts, and motivate people to pay attention and get engaged with politics […]

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“Local Governments Must Protect the Environment”

August 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

SEPTEMBER 2018 “Local Governments Must Protect the Environment” This month’s interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” will inform, inspire and motivate us to urge our local governments to do a better job of protecting the environment. People everywhere really do care about the environment, but environmental problems persist all the way from the global level down to the local level. This interview will help you understand why local governments often fail to protect the environment – and how we can be more effective in urging them to protect it. We can indeed think globally and act locally. Three knowledgeable, insightful guests […]

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URGENT! Sign this petition to save the UN’s nuclear disarmament summit.

August 20, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The article at the link below explains that the United Nations is planning a global summit to restrict nuclear weapons. However, forces that support nuclear weapons are trying to prevent this bold step toward peace. Please read this article, including the list under the headline Value of the UN High Level Conference (Summit), so you can see how important this is. After the first paragraph is a link to a petition you can sign. Please sign the petition – and share it with other people! Urgent petition to save nuclear disarmament summit

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Trump’s EPA rollback of fuel efficiency standards WASTES OUR MONEY!!!

August 20, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump and his EPA are rolling back America’s Clean Car Standards.  The clean car standards are a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL policy that have improved clean air and public health. Rolling back Clean Car Standards serves no practical purpose whatsoever!  Rolling back fuel efficiency will DELIBERATELY FORCE US TO WASTE $457 BILLION between now and 2050 because vehicles will be less efficient.  (See for information and a link through which you can e-mail Congress.)  This proves that the Trump regime is extremely corrupt and is subservient to Big Oil. Also, Trump’s EPA plans to revoke California’s authority to use stricter safeguards, […]

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Nuclear weapons are still an extreme danger even after the Cold War

August 14, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Some people think that nuclear weapons are less of a danger now that the Cold War has ended.  Actually, the danger persists and is getting worse!  They are still on hair-trigger alert.  The U.S. is building “more usable” nuclear weapons and is threatening to use them. • After the Cold War ended, the public stopped paying attention. The numbers of nuclear weapons declined, but the U.S. still has a policy of willingness to begin a nuclear war (not merely retaliate), and the nuclear weapons are still on hair-trigger alert. Accidents, miscalculations, and – under Trump – moments of irrational anger […]