Congress should kick BILLIONAIRES off welfare!

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has introduced legislation that would hold billionaires accountable for the extremely low wages they pay their employees.

Currently, some of the biggest, most profitable businesses pay their employees so little that the employees must apply for welfare, food stamps, government-funded medical care, public housing, etc.  Conservatives blame people for getting “welfare,” but actually our political/economic system allows these giant corporations to get “welfare.”  TAXPAYERS ARE SUBSIDIZING THESE ABUSIVE BUSINESSES.

Bernie Sanders’ legislation is named after Jeff Bezos, the richest man in the history of the world.  His assets total $158 BILLION, and his wealth increases by $260 MILLION every day!

The legislation is called the “Stop Bad Employers by Zeroing Out Subsidies” (BEZOS) Act.

It would require that big, profitable employers either pay a living wage or pay for the “welfare” needed to fill the gap to bring their wages and benefits up to a living level.  It would stop corporate welfare by establishing a 100 percent tax on corporations with 500 or more employees equal to the amount of federal benefits received by their low-wage workers. So, for example, if a worker at Amazon receives $1,000 in food stamps, Amazon would be taxed $1,000 to cover that cost.

The Walton family that owns Walmart is another example of an extremely profitable business that pays workers so badly that their employees receive more than $6 BILLION in public aid every year.

McDonald’s encourages its workers to apply for governmental assistance.  The list goes on and on.



About GlenAnderson 1515 Articles
Since the late 1960s Glen Anderson has devoted his life to working as a volunteer for peace, nonviolence, social justice, and progressive political issues. He has worked through many existing organizations and started several. Over the years he has worked especially for such wide-ranging goals as making peace with Vietnam, eliminating nuclear weapons, converting from a military economy to a peacetime economy, abolishing the death penalty, promoting nonviolence at all levels throughout society, and helping people organize and strategize for grassroots movements to solve many kinds of problems. He writes, speaks, and conducts training workshops on a wide variety of topics. Since 1987 he has produced and hosted a one-hour cable TV interview program on many kinds of issues. Since 2017 he has blogged at He lives in Lacey near Olympia WA. You can reach him at (360) 491-9093