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Prosecute Corporate Crime to Hold Big Businesses Accountable: Sept. 2023 TV program

August 11, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The September 2023 TV program in the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series helps us understand how some big businesses are allowed to break federal laws – and get away with it. Big business corporations have enormous wealth – so they also have enormous power.  The federal government should be making them obey the laws, but – instead – the government keeps refusing to hold them accountable.  This hurts all of us – and our health – and our environment – and our sense of having an honest government. One expert guest helped us explore this topic.  Rick Claypool is a research […]

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Replace Simplistic “National Security” with TRUE Security

July 30, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

This has POWERFUL INFORMATION and SMART INSIGHTS. I strongly encourage you to watch this TV program and/or read the transcript with additional information. The August 2023 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides a FRESH, BOLD, CREATIVE re-thinking of U.S. foreign policy. Our status quo of seeking “national security” really urges military violence.  Instead, I explain how TRUE Security would be based on fairness, cooperation and nonviolence.  The U.S.’s foreign policy angers the world and does not even make us secure.  The TRUE Security I propose would actually solve the problems that make the world dangerous.  It would make […]

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What’s Wrong with the Debt Ceiling Deal — Watch TV program here and/or read the transcript

June 29, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The July 2023 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series examines the recent bi-partisan bill to increase the national debt ceiling.  I provide much fresh information – and many fresh insights – that counter what politicians and mainstream media have been saying: I explain the “debt ceiling” as a phony baloney scam that Republicans have been abusing. I explain why President Biden should not have caved into House Republicans’ bullying. I explain the very bad parts of this bi-partisan bill. I explain what Biden and Democrats should have done instead. I explain the remedies that would have been better than […]

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Many Bible verses call for peace

June 27, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

While many right-wing religious people support war, actually many Bible verses call for peace. I saw this recently and want to share it with you:                            

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I like this satirical news article about math and fear of

June 27, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

I don’t remember where I saw this satirical news article, but I saved it, and I’m sharing it with you now:    School Teacher Arrested at JFK Airport A school teacher was arrested today at JFK International airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a compass, an ancient wooden device called a “slide-rule” as well as a code device called an “abacus” that he claimed was a calculator. At a morning press conference, the U.S. Attorney General said he believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-Gebra movement. He did […]

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5 characteristics of science denial.

June 27, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The scientific method is valid.  It is scrupulously honest.  But some people still try to deny science. For example, in order to deny science, right-wing extremist Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene used the gimmicks mentioned in this article:              

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Insights into Russia’s current crisis, dissidents, nonviolent resistance to tyranny, etc.

June 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Here is an article from a knowledgeable person who posts information every day about substantive issues:   Russia is screwed up in many ways.  Putin is extremely horrible – and was head of their equivalent of the CIA before he became president.  In the past few years, MANY high-level Russian officials who disagreed with Putin were found dead on sidewalks below open windows of tall buildings where they had been.  This is clearly a coordinated plot to murder people who disagreed with Putin.   I have read a lot about the Wagner group, which not only opposes Putin, but […]

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Republicans actively planning to hurt Social Security, Medicare, etc.

June 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

This was posted by Americans for Tax Fairness ( on June 22, 2023:   Republicans claimed throughout the debt-ceiling debate that they had no intention of cutting Social Security and Medicare, even as they attacked other critical services for working families. Now, 175 representatives who are members of the right-wing Republican Study Committee, have introduced their own budget that does exactly that: Cutting Social Security by raising the retirement age Privatizing Medicare, replacing guaranteed coverage with a coupon Raising drug prices by eliminating Medicare’s ability to negotiate with pharmaceutical corporations, and Slashing funding for other critical programs All without raising […]

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Prevent Republicans’ schemes to make Trump’s tax cuts permanent and give more tax breaks to big business!

June 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Republicans are HELL-BENT to hurt ordinary people — and to strangle the revenue stream for the U.S. Treasury — in order to further enrich big businesses and people who are already extremely rich! We must push Congress to VIGOROUSLY REJECT — AND DENOUNCE — the Republicans’ cruelty!   When Republicans passed their 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” they allowed some of the tax cuts to expire so that the bill looked less costly on paper. It still cost nearly $2 TRILLION  Now Republicans want Congress to make the ENTIRE TRUMP TAX SCAM PERMANENT.  This would add an additional $3.5 […]

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My 6 FREE online workshops in July-August will strengthen your skills and strategies to abolish the death penalty

June 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

I appreciate the efforts of people throughout the U.S. who are working to abolish the death penalty in their states.  I’m on several states’ e-mail lists, and I act upon the action alerts they send me. I can help you in a special significant way!  I’m inviting you to participate in my series of 6 FREE Zoom workshops to strengthen your skills and strategies for building a big, savvy movement to abolish the death penalty.  They will occur on 6 consecutive Wednesdays from July 12 to August 16. This Word document —  Glen’s 6 Workshops Cover These Topics  — summarizes […]

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Information and insights about why to abolish the death penalty

June 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Since 1987 I have invested a huge amount of time and effort into strengthening the movement to abolish the death penalty.  I’m attaching something I wrote that directly addresses the concerns of people who support the death penalty and explains why we do not need it at all.  Here is the document whose usefulness I explain below:  Death Penalty Fails its Promises and Causes More Problems Instead   I use a three-step process that I’ve used when devising outreach strategies for various issues: The current public policy fails to solve the problem it purports to solve. The current policy actually […]

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Click to sign petition to free Rodney Reed, who is INNOCENT but still in prison

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

This came on April 28, 2023 from the Grassroots Law Project, For over 2 decades, Rodney Reed has been rotting in jail for a crime he did not commit with a death penalty looming over him. With a lot of effort, we were able to remove the death penalty for him — and now we have more good news on this case. With unbelievable support from you, Glen, this week the Supreme Court has cleared the way for Rodney Reed to use DNA evidence to prove his innocence. This is HUGE news! But we still have a long way […]