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Sister Helen Prejean spoke about an innocent man on death row whose trial was grossly unfair.

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

On May 8, 2023, Sister Helen Prejean was interviewed about a horrible decades-long case of Oklahoma’s mania to execute an innocent person.  Now even Oklahoma’s Attorney General says Richard Glossip did not receive a fair trial.  Even if you already know about Richard Glossip’s tragic situation, this interview will be interesting.  If you do not already know, this information will be powerful.              

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A strategically smart 3-step testimony for legislation to abolish the DP

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Many times I have testified to Washington State legislative committees.  In 2020 I did this again.  I’m attaching below a slightly longer version of what I said.  This document summarizes a strategically smart three-step process to convince people (legislators, the public, etc.) why it is important to abolish the death penalty — and why abolishing it would not endanger the public. A major obstacle in convincing the public and legislatures to abolish the DP is their fear that it protects our safety.  My third point in this testimony points out that we could abolish it without endangering public safety.  It […]

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Amnesty International’s new report on the death penalty worldwide

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Amnesty International posted this new information on May 16, 2023: Worldwide executions have reached the highest level in five years. According to Amnesty’s new Death Penalty Report 2022 released today, the Middle East and North Africa’s most notorious executioners carried out killing sprees and China remains the world’s leading executioner. “It’s often those from disadvantaged backgrounds disproportionately affected by this callous punishment.” Agnès Callamard, Amnesty International’s Secretary General   VIEW REPORT (PDF)   Amnesty International recorded 883 executions in 20 countries in 2022, a 53% increase from 579 recorded in 2021. This figure represents the highest number of executions Amnesty International recorded in […]

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Death Penalty 101: Learn the “talking points” about why to abolish it: May 31 on Zoom for just one hour

May 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Do you want to repeal the death penalty but don’t know the talking points? Have you gotten involved in the anti-death penalty movement but don’t know the history? This meeting is for you! Come learn about the history of the death penalty and the many arguments against it. There is a midday time and an evening time, both events will have the same content, so pick the time that works best for you to attend this virtual Zoom session. Death Penalty 101 Wednesday, May 31 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM – Register here 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM – Register here Virtual […]

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“Using Lotteries to Create an Open Democracy”

May 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2023 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series helps us think about democracy more profoundly, more creatively, and more boldly than we are used to doing. Instead of narrowly electing one person or another, how could we devise a more profound kind of democracy in which ALL people have real voices and real power?  How could we eliminate the corruption caused by big businesses, extremely rich people, and political parties?  How could we empower real people instead of being dominated by a political class of overlords? Anyone anywhere can watch this June 2023 program through this blog: WATCH […]

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“We the People vs. Corporate Rule: It’s up to Us” — May 2023 TV program and article about constitutional amendment

May 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2023 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series makes a solid case for amending the U.S. Constitution in a way that would greatly strengthen democracy and promote fairness and progress for the wide range of issues people care about. For a long time the Supreme Court has given business corporations constitutional rights that our nation’s founders intended only for human beings – and the Supreme Court has allowed Big Money to corrupt our elections. Glen interviewed two well informed guests who are savvy organizers working with the organization Move to Amend.  They explain how we got into this […]

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“International Courts and War Crimes” — TV + online

April 10, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Anyone anywhere can watch the April 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series.  This interview informs people about exciting, positive ways to protect peace, human rights, and fairness worldwide. Joanne Dufour is exceptionally well informed about the United Nations, International Humanitarian Law, international courts, war crimes, and related issues.  She explains these and related topics in a one-hour TV interview that you can watch through this blog post.  (See the link below.) Also, people in Thurston County WA who have cable TV can watch it on channel 22 three times a week throughout April 2023: every Monday at 1:30 […]

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Poverty results from this: A Quarter of Biden’s Budget Will Go to Pentagon Contractors. They donate heavily to Congress’s armed services committees.

March 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

A Quarter of Biden’s Budget Will Go to Pentagon Contractors March 9, 2023:  Today the White House released the President’s budget request, laying out the President’s priorities for the country. Lindsay Koshgarian Originally in National Priorities Project   Congress’s Armed Services Committee members received $5.8 million from military companies during 2022 election cycle By Taylor Giorno March 3, 2023 1:43 pm   Here is an interesting post about budgets and military spending:   World Beyond War created a billboard that connects the dots between military spending and hunger:   I wrote this article and produced my […]

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Right-wing extremism is a serious threat to democracy in the U.S. and many other countries

March 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The right-wing attacks on honest democracy in the U.S. are occurring in other nations too.  They SERIOUSLY THREATEN democracy in the U.S. and elsewhere.  Ordinary people need to organize smart strategies to protect honest democracy, human rights, immigrants, religious minorities, etc. Here are some recent relevant articles:   It can happen here: Lessons from ‘Rise of the Nazis’ on 90th anniversary of Hitler’s coming to power:   Right-wing extremists dominate some nations and promote chaos instead of competent governance: John Feffer wrote this article explaining that House Republicans, Euroskeptics, Vladimir Putin, and Jair Bolsonaro are the agents of a […]

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STOP the U.S.’s 60+ years of hatred and abuse of Cuba!

March 26, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

For more than 60 years the U.S. government has taken cruel actions against Cuba.  The U.S. government has vented hatred and abuse against our neighbor — and hurt ordinary people there. The U.S.’s abuses against Cuba seem petty and cruel to the rest of the world.  This hateful mania seems to the rest of the world as stupid as the Republican Party’s hateful mania against LGBTQ persons.  The rest of the world gets along just fine with Cuba, but the U.S. is a “rogue nation” in hating and hurting its neighbor.  Actually, the rest of the world greatly appreciates Cuba […]

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Besides humanizing state-level prison sentences, FEDERAL SENTENCING LAW must be overhauled too.

March 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

We must COMPLETELY RE-THINK federal sentencing law: Tackling Excessive Sentences Thousands of people in federal prison are serving severe, outdated sentences that Congress no longer believes are fair. A 2022 Supreme Court decision that seemed to broaden the availability of reduced prison time has been interpreted inconsistently, extending uncertainty on this issue. In the short term, carefully crafted rules can allow judges to offer relief on a case-by-case basis. But ultimately, ending unjust penalties will require a top-to-bottom rethinking of federal sentencing law.   Congress must pass the “SECOND LOOK” legislation to reduce some sentences: A man who had been […]

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Republicans are persistently WRONG + INCOMPETENT about COVID

March 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

It’s surprising that anyone trusts the Republican Party after they have screwed up so badly regarding the COVID pandemic.   When the pandemic struck, Trump denied that it was happening.  Then he said it would completely go away within 2 months.  He said it was nothing more than the flu.  He blamed China in a very racist, xenophobic way.  He put incompetent and corrupt people in charge of it.  When he conducted nationwide TV programs about it, instead of providing honest scientific information he promoted “snake oil” cures manufactured by companies his cronies owned, and he used those TV programs […]

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Gun manufacturers promote violence in U.S. and worldwide! STOP THEM!

March 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Look beyond gun ownership to the gun manufacturing companies. This could transcend political parties. We Need to Broaden Our Conversation About Guns:  Looking at gun manufacturing — rather than just gun ownership — can help bridge America’s red-blue divide.    We Need to Talk About Gun Manufacturers to REDUCE VIOLENCE BOTH domesticallyl and globally! Americans cannot end gun violence without confronting the fact that the U.S. is the world’s primary supplier of weapons.  Gun violence within the U.S. exists within the context of worldwide military violence promoted by U.S. gun manufacturers.               […]