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Young People’s Bold Lawsuits to Protect the Climate

October 12, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Young People’s Bold Lawsuits to Protect the Climate   Europe:  2021 to September 2023: 6 Portuguese Youth Are Suing 33 Countries to Speed Up Climate Action:  The European Human Rights Court will hear the suit, which aims to hasten climate action by governments.  Published September 27, 2023: United Nations Strengthens Children’s Rights To Fight Climate Change In Court:  Posted in September 2023: and These Youth Climate Activists Are Taking Europe to Court:  “It’s a human rights issue.” December 2021:  Portuguese Teenagers Take 33 European Governments to Court:   U.S.:  2023: Biden Administration Tried to Block […]

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How to Communicate Your Issues to the General Public

October 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2023 TV program in the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series provides a wealth of information, insights, and practical ways for you to strengthen your skills and strategies, so you will be more effective in reaching out to the public and decision-making bodies so you can achieve the goals you want for the issues you care about. It’s not enough for us to merely accumulate more information and talk among ourselves.  In order to achieve our goals for the issues we care about, we need to change public opinion and build a strong, smart movement from the grassroots up to […]

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CALENDAR — Local Activities + Online Opportunities in October 2023

October 1, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

I compiled a big calendar for all of October 2023. It includes in-person events in greater Olympia WA area and many online opportunities.   See the big calendar at this link: CALENDAR — 2023 OCTOBER   A few times each month I plan to continue posting new calendar items on a wide variety of issues. Look for these blog posts.  Please forward the links to your friends. We can make a lot of progress.

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Trump really is a fascist. He is doing many things that Hitler did.

August 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Trump really is a fascist.  He does not want America to think.  See this:   See this article titled: “Trump Wants to Make the US a Nazi Nation”: Trump Is Maintaining Popularity and the Hitler Parallels Are Terrifying.  Here is the article:   Leading civil rights lawyer shows 20 ways Trump is copying Hitler:   Is Trump following the same well-worn path blazed by other terrorist leaders?  See this:   Trump posed like Hitler for their mug shots.  Notice that the weird lighting almost looks more like a painting than a photograph.  Trump’s mug shot looks […]

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Trump has absolutely NO conscience. He acts ONLY to promote his EGO, WEALTH and POWER.

August 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Throughout all of Trump’s behaviors, crimes, vindictive insults, etc., we must recognize these TWO HARD REALITIES: 1. Trump has NO CONSCIENCE. 2. Everything Trump does is for his own EGO, POWER and WEALTH. Trump has NO CONSCIENCE whatsoever.  He was a spoiled brat who never grew up.  All he cares about is his own ego, his own wealth, and his own power.  He will NEVER REPENT because his psychological disabilities prevent him from understanding that he has ever done anything wrong. He must be stopped (nonviolently, of course) and prevented from causing any further damage to the world. I’ve posted […]

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“No Labels” really is a front for Republicans and conservatives

August 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

For a number of months starting in early 2023, a new group called “No Labels” — No Labels — has claimed to be an independent organization that is NOT a political party and is promoting an alternative to presidential nominees from the two big political parties.  However, it is building state-level organizations and it is acting like a political party — or at least a front for one (the Republicans).  It seems to be well financed from “dark money” sources.  It seems to be organizing to take more votes away from Biden than from Trump in the 2024 presidential election.  […]

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The “War on Terror” actually provokes more terror — and other problems, including mass migration

August 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

What the War on Terror Has to Do With the Rise in Mass Migration:  The war on terror has led to the displacement of at least 38 million people, many of whom fled for their lives as fighting consumed their worlds.   For two decades, presidents in BOTH big political parties have been escalating the U.S.’s “War on Terror” in Africa, but this has produced more violence, wars, terrorism and even national military coups.  Pentagon says terror attacks in Africa increased 300% over last decade  As the United States has quietly expanded its military footprint in Africa, the violence […]

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Bad news about the war against science

August 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Montana Governor Signs Bill Banning State Agencies From Analyzing Climate Impacts:   Texas Education Officials Weaken Climate Science in Textbooks:   This alarming news occurred in 2021:  University of Florida researchers destroyed data on COVID-19 to avoid offending Ron DeSantis:   In July 2021 — during Biden’s tenure — this alarming news came out:  EPA scientists allege in letter that the ‘war on science’ has continued under the Biden administration:   Trump’s EPA significantly sabotaged honest science.  Biden has not done enough to restore scientific integrity and eliminate corruption in the EPA. BOTH Trump and […]

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The “No Labels” group is a front for a covert conservative political party

August 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

“No Labels” Says It’s Not a Political Party. But It’s Setting Up State Parties. Democrats and Never-Trump GOPers are worried about the group’s 2024 plans.   “No Labels” is an opaque $70 million scheme that could make Trump the next president. In April 2023 a progressive source of political information ( reported this: No Labels, the purportedly non-partisan organization that supports Republicans and conservative Democrats, is making preparations to promote a third-party presidential ticket in 2024. The group says it is “laying the groundwork for a potential independent unity ticket in 2024” as an “insurance policy” in case both […]

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Support H. Res. 77 to support Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

August 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Most nations in the world want nations to ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).  See for more information about the Treaty. The U.S. and the other 8 nations that own nuclear weapons oppose the TPNW.  We have an uphill struggle to promote it.  Fortunately, three dozen House members have introduced H. Res. 77 to support the Treaty.  Here is some information. Please write to your U.S. House Representative and urge them to take the necessary step and co-sponsor H. Res 77! A smart organization is working on the “Back from the Brink” package of 5 […]

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Olympia’s Bob Zeigler wrote this smart article about nuclear weapons

August 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Bob has volunteered since the 1970s in the movement to abolish nuclear weapons.  He wrote this article in August and submitted it to Works In Progress with the hope that they’ll publish it in their September 2023 issue.  Here is Bob’s smart article: Revised WIP Submission by Bob Zeigler on Nuclear Weapons            

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U.S. orchestrates coups in Latin America. Bolivia is in crisis.

August 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

These two articles were published in early 2023: Evo Morales: Washington orchestrating coups in Latin America The former president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, accused the US administration of being behind what he called the judicial coup against Argentine Vice President Christina Kirchner, the ousting of former Peruvian President Pedro Castillo, and the recent attempted Donald Trump-style coup in Brazil against President Luiz Inacio Lula. Morales, who was his country’s first Indigenous president, has expressed support for the ongoing protests in Peru, and is banned from entering the country. Crisis in Bolivia: Santa Cruz Isolates Itself to Economically Attack La Paz […]

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Latin American elections: Some GOOD news and some BAD news

August 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Ecuadorians Vote to Reject Oil Drilling in Precious Amazon Region Ecuador’s voters on Aug 20 2023 voted to make Ecuador the first country to restrict fossil fuel extraction through the citizen referendum process.   Guatemala:  See these five articles: Anti-Corruption Advocate Bernardo Arévalo Wins Presidency in Guatemala.  “The force of this victory is going to make it clear that there is no place for the attempts to derail the electoral process,” Arévalo said following his win.   Anti-Corruption Advocate Bernardo Arévalo Wins Presidency in Guatemala in August 2023 election.  The question now is whether Arévalo will be permitted […]