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Fresh, smart insights into grassroots organizing — and some related information

November 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Lawsuits Have Become the Weapon of Choice Against Activists:  Legal intimidation suits known as “SLAPPs” are becoming the norm for private corporations and governments trying to silence those who speak out on matters of public interest:   Lessons from Gramsci for social movements today:  The savvy brothers Mark Engler and Paul Engler posted this on August 1, 2023.  They say from Gramsci’s political thinking and practical strategizing come a set of ideas that arguably have only grown more salient with time:   “Death Anxiety and Social Change” — This 5-page resource from the Ernest Becker Foundation provides smart, […]

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Links to a few funny short videos

November 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Funny 3-minute music video about Exxon’s mania for continuing to hurt the climate:   Randy Rainbow’s short satirical singing interview with Trump after Trump’s indictment:   Groucho Marx’s 1-minute imitation of Senator Mitch McConnell starts at about 3:55 and runs for nearly a minute: (This is from the Marx Brothers’ film “Horse Feathers.”)   The anti-vax truck convoy gets hilariously trolled by one slow-moving bicyclist:   Trump “Crime after Crime” parody:   Another parody about Trump:                    

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Israel’s war against Palestinian people VIOLATES and SERIOUSLY HURTS the Jewish faith!

November 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

One of the many reasons why I oppose the Israeli government’s war against Palestinian people is that Israel’s government is actually HURTING the Jewish faith by VIOLATING some of its core ethical values: The First Commandment says we must have no other gods besides the one true God.   But Israel’s government violates that commandment by worshiping the false idol of nationalism and the false idol of military violence.  I wish they would put their faith in God instead of military weapons. Other commandments prohibit coveting anything that belongs to our neighbors. But Israel’s government is breaking that commandment by coveting […]

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Time for a Transnational Uprising Against a Reckless Escalation of the Arms Race?

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Norman Solomon is a very savvy writer about important issues.  In the article I’m linking below, he summarizes some important points in the past four decades of nuclear weapons.  He points out some progress that was made before – and the backward steps taken after that previous progress.  He says nuclear war is becoming more likely now.  He calls for people in the U.S. and other nations to build a stronger movement against nuclear weapons. November 21, 2023 Time for a Transnational Uprising Against a Reckless Escalation of the Arms Race? The specter of omnicide looms. Norman Solomon   […]

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Support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

On October 30, 2023, the Olympia City Council passed a resolution supporting the TPNW.   Thanks to Bob Zeigler, Mark Fleming and others who had a hand in this.  City Council member Clark Gilman strongly promoted this. TPNW Resolution     Please SHARE and ENDORSE this interfaith statement for the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW): Olympia’s Joanne Dufour will be going to New York and attending the upcoming meeting at the United Nations of nations that have ratified the TPNW.  She encourages us to share this interfaith statement and get faith communities (local and larger) to endorse it.  […]

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UN Report Details Rampant US Human Rights Violations at Home and Abroad

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S.’s people, government, and mainstream media like to think that the U.S. is the world’s greatest beacon of liberty — and the world’s greatest champion of human rights.  The facts prove otherwise.   See this article published November 9, 2023: UN Report Details Rampant US Human Rights Violations at Home and Abroad Two-thirds of U.S. breaches of the civil and political rights covenant involve racial discrimination.   Also see this information posted Oct. 24, 2023, by the Center for Constitutional Rights: The U.S. is NEGLIGENT in protecting human rights in the U.S.:   The Center for Constitutional […]

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Interesting insights into psychological aspects of gun issues

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Here are some very interesting psychological aspects related to people’s attitudes about guns (both pro and con).  Let’s use these insights to help us reduce gun violence. This very interesting article that packs a lot into 7 pages: A different link at the same website offers smart insights into how we might use the overall principles in our organizing about guns.  See this fascinating, practical 5-page article about “Death Anxiety and Social Change”: Seven years ago I interviewed an expert about the topic for my November 2016 TV program.  I titled that episode, “Social and Political Implications of […]

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The idolatry of gun worship

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The idolatry of gun worship The U.S. needs to reckon with the way some are distorting sacred scripture and religious tradition to fuel gun violence. Ariel Gold August 13, 2023          

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The government spies on the public. Stop it!

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Very few Americans know that the U.S. government spies on us — a lot!   This was posted Nov. 21, 2023: Secretive White House surveillance program gives cops access to trillions of US phone records A surveillance program innocuously known as Data Analytical Services (DAS) has for more than a decade allowed federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to mine the details of Americans’ calls, analyzing the phone records of countless people who are not suspected of any crime, including victims. Using a technique known as chain analysis, the program targets not only those in direct phone contact with […]

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Biden’s wars ANTAGONIZE VOTERS away from him. Polls show voters choose Trump as the PEACE candidate.

November 6, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Democrats think Biden is a smart politician.  Actually, he — and the Democratic Party — are stupidly ANTAGONIZING VOTERS so they will vote for Trump instead in 2024.  The Democratic Party learned nothing from their 2016 debacle when the party imposed Hillary Clinton upon us. In early November 2023, several public opinion polls showed that VOTERS OPPOSE BIDEN’S WARS and think TRUMP WOULD BE MORE LIKELY TO PROTECT PEACE. Nov. 5, 2023:  Most Americans believe … U.S. would be kept out of war if Trump reelected: Nov. 6, 2023:  Voters think Trump’s more likely to increase peace in world […]

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“Active Nonviolence in Daily Life” — My speaking engagement includes practical and religious aspects

November 6, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Olympia’s Westminster Presbyterian Church invited me to speak there about “Active Nonviolence in Daily Life” on Sunday October 8, 2023. I prepared a message that solidly delivered on the topic they gave me.  The audience liked very much – and they told me so.  Although this was a speaking engagement rather than a sermon, one person said it was the best sermon they had ever heard.  Much of what I said will be new to the friends and family members to whom I’m sending this e-mail. I shared: Insights into understanding profoundly what nonviolence is – and why it is […]

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Watch informative interview: Pension Funds Must Sell Fossil Fuel Investments

November 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The November 2023 TV program in the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series explores an important aspect of the climate crisis that most people have been neglecting.  If people learn about this aspect – and take necessary actions – we can protect the climate and also protect ourselves from financial losses. Our strategies for protecting the climate must go beyond changing specific public policies in order to reduce burning fossil fuels.  We also need to stop “the money pipeline” that funds fossil fuels and the climate crisis.  One way of doing this is to urge all kinds of entities to sell their […]

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Info resources about divesting from fossil fuels

October 15, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

I’ve been working on this for more than a decade.  In 2014 I compiled this list of easy-to-read factual resources.  Many more exist now.  These are likely to still be valid.  My e-mail address changed from what’s on this page.  My current e-mail is