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Good news! Oregon’s governor stopped death penalty before leaving office!

February 7, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Oregon’s voters elected a new governor in November 2022.  The outgoing governor took a strong, smart action before her term expired. See news here: The news was reported at this link too:   In a few states people are considering whether to use their initiative process to gather signatures and force a statewide election to abolish the death penalty.  That is a long, hard, expensive slog.  A ballot initiative is not necessary. Oregon’s law is still on the books until the legislature repeals it.  But in late 2022 Oregon’s Governor commuted the sentences of all people on that […]

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Urgent: Save innocent Tony Apanovitch from Ohio’s death penalty

February 7, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

I’m on the e-mail list of Ohioans to Stop Executions (OTSE).  They do good work in one of the few northern states that still uses the death penalty.  See their message below urging people to tell Ohio to save the life of an innocent person.  I hope you will contact Ohio’s governor and parole board.  I clicked their links and sent letters.  I reworded their letters as follows:   OTSE sent this message and asked us to help: Hello Glen, The State of Ohio is on track to execute an innocent man. Tony Apanovitch’s innocence is not just a matter […]

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Strategically smart messages toward abolishing the death penalty

February 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Building a movement to abolish the death penalty – both through changing public opinion and then through passing legislation – requires strategically smart messaging. Below I’m attaching something I wrote that uses 3 smart steps to help people recognize that the status quo is broken and to decide we can abolish the death penalty without sacrificing public safety: Fact #1:  The death penalty does not deliver what it promises. Fact #2:  The death penalty makes existing problems worse and it causes more problems. Fact #3:  We can let go of the death penalty and still be safe.   I wrote […]

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House Republicans use the phony-baloney “debt ceiling” to hold the U.S. hostage and cut programs we really need

February 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Mainstream news media keep giving credibility to Republican propaganda about the “debt ceiling.” The “debt ceiling” is NOT in the Constitution.  It is simply a law that could be repealed, but Democrats keep failing to take that necessary action.  Congress has routinely increased it — including in every year of the Trump regime — but when Republican Newt Gingrich had power in the House and when Democrats Obama and Biden have been President, Republicans act like terrorists and hold our nation hostage and threaten to shut down our government because they want to cut spending for programs we really need, […]

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Here is what a REAL “Christian nation” would look like

February 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Right-wing Christians and most Republicans keep saying they want the U.S. to be a “Christian nation.” But they do NOT want it to be the kind of society that Jesus was actually promoting. Jesus NEVER objected to abortion or homosexuality or immigration. What Jesus REALLY kept teaching and practicing are ethical, humane, loving, compassionate actions: Feed the hungry Heal the sick Welcome the stranger (and the foreigner and other ethnic groups) with equal human dignity as ourselves Instead of attacking LGBTQ persons or persons who want abortions, Jesus REPEATEDLY LAMBASTED: Rich people who failed to share with the poor Self-righteous […]

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Nonviolent Ways to Heal Our Society’s Dysfunction — Watch Glen’s TV program online or on cable

February 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The February 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides insights and inspiration to help people solve problems that have been getting worse in our society. After mentioning some serious problems, we pivot toward proposing some smart nonviolent ways to solve the problems.  This TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative and practical. Rivera Sun is the expert guest who helps us explore these topics.  Rivera Sun is an author, activist, and the Programs Coordinator for Pace e Bene / Campaign Nonviolence. People in Thurston County WA who have cable TV can watch it on channel 22 three times a […]

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How could we frame our international peace message to avoid a rhetorical pitfall?

January 27, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

We want peace worldwide.  We need to help people understand international issues with a worldwide vision and values that reach all around the globe. However, the right wing — and ultra-nationalists — have been promoting rhetoric AGAINST this worldwide view.  They denounce “globalism” (and often hatefully claim Jews are behind it).  Unfortunately, the right-wing media and many Americans — including some members of Congress — fall into the trap. This irrational mania interferes with our legitimate organizing for peace and international problem-solving (including global environmental, climate, disease, economic, and other problems). Actually, part of the problem is global CAPITALISM, but […]

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Urge WA Legislature to repeal Tim Eyman’s anti-tax propaganda on our ballots

January 27, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The 2023 Washington State Legislature has an opportunity to do something good for democracy. For many years, Tim Eyman has CLUTTERED OUR BALLOTS WITH MEANINGLESS “ADVISORY VOTES” that are really ANTI-TAX PROPAGANDA! Some years ago he fooled voters into approving a statewide initiative to put these on the ballot.  They have NO LEGITIMATE PURPOSE.  They merely rile up voters with anti-tax hysteria.  Every time the legislature increases tax on anybody in any way — even by finally making certain kinds of businesses pay their fair share — and even by closing a stupid loophole — Tim Eyman’s stupid initiative triggers […]

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The “debt ceiling” is a Republican scam to prevent funding programs we need.

January 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The media are currently obsessed with the “debt ceiling” and are grossly distorting the realities! The “debt ceiling” is NOT in the Constitution.  It’s just a law — a law that has been changed many times. Republicans keep using it to bully Democrats into cutting Social Security, Medicare, and other important programs that people really need.  Republicans NEVER call for cutting the Pentagon budget. Spending is one side of the ledger.  The other side is TAXES.  Republican who are worried about deficits and the public debt NEVER call for raising taxes on RICH PEOPLE or BIG BUSINESSES.  They want to […]

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Nuclear weapons “Doomsday Clock” is the closest to midnight it’s EVER been!!!

January 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

On January 24, 2023, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists announced that they have moved the Doomsday Clock even closer to midnight.  Now it’s at 90 seconds.  This is the closest it has EVER been – closer than the peak of the Cold War and closer than 1962’s Cuban Missile Crisis. See their announcement here:   I’m providing more information below about the Doomsday Clock.  But FIRST WE MUST RECOGNIZE that the world needs us to strengthen our organizing to ABOLISH nuclear weapons!  Here are two resources: (1) I’m attaching a list I created of excellent sources of information […]

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Help young people resist pressures by military recruiters

January 24, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Every year the U.S. military spends BILLIONS OF DOLLARS trying to recruit young people to join the military.  Some of their methods are VERY INTRUSIVE.  Some are VERY DECEPTIVE. A few organizations help young people with “consumer protection” information to help them resist the pressures.  I recommend the National Network Opposing the Militarization of Youth (   Also, the guests I interviewed on my September 2022 TV program mentioned counter-recruitment efforts.  You can WATCH the video and/or READ the thorough summary I typed up (with links to additional information) at this link:               […]

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January 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Every few weeks I’ll be posting a CALENDAR of COMING EVENTS. It lists a CALENDAR of SPECIFIC EVENTS during the next few weeks.  After that long list, it includes some recurring events for every day, every week, and every month, so please scroll down through the entire document to see MANY opportunities for a WIDE VARIETY of issues. Here is my calendar for JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2023: CALENDAR — 2023 JAN-FEB      

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Congress still wants to oppress women along with men in the military draft

January 18, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

See the article that BEGINS ON PAGE 6 and CONTINUES ON PAGE 4 of this publication: Click to access ccw-newsletter-Winter-2022-2023-web-opt.pdf It’s published by the Center on Conscience and War.  I’ve been reading their materials and providing financial support since 1972 — more than half a century now.   A few years ago women were authorized to perform the same kinds of combat duties in war zones along with men, so a men’s organization sued the federal government and argued that the male-only military draft discriminated against men.  The federal court agreed.  Now Congress has been trying for several years to […]

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Conscientious Objectors and other War Resisters in Ukraine and Russia

January 18, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Here is the lead article from the publication I’ve been reading (and financially supporting) for more than half a century (since 1972).  The Center on Conscience and War ( has supported conscientious objectors to war since the very beginning of World War II. Their Winter 2022-2023 issue features this lead article, titled “Love Your Neighbor.  No Exceptions.”  It provides information for people in Russia and Ukraine who are refusing to fight the war. Click to access ccw-newsletter-Winter-2022-2023-web-opt.pdf      

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Click to tell Congress: Cut the Pentagon Budget! Fund human needs!

January 18, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

It’s the 62nd anniversary of Pres. Eisenhower’s warning against the “military industrial complex.” Now marks an urgent moment to act. Right now, we’re hearing calls to CUT government spending, but too many in Congress think social programs should face the ax, NOT hundreds of billions for weapons and war. We cannot accept this as our fate. Let’s break this cycle and redirect resources towards programs that truly benefit ALL people.  Now is the time for action. To curb the military industrial complex’s influence in our government, tell Congress to cut the Pentagon budget, NOT funding for social programs.     […]