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“Affordable Housing: Facts vs. Myths about the ‘Missing Middle'”

March 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The April 2020 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives TV program helps the public understand the serious shortage of housing that is truly affordable for people who are not rich.  Local governments in Olympia and elsewhere want to solve the problem, but they have misdiagnosed the problem, so they have proposed the wrong solutions, such as the so-called “Missing Middle.” This interview and the compelling graphs we show help you understand the real reasons for the problem – and why the “Missing Middle” would NOT solve the problems. We need better solutions. For background Glen encouraged people to watch his March […]

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India and Pakistan have been enemies since 1947 — and BOTH have NUCLEAR WEAPONS!

March 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Mahatma Gandhi worked for decades to free India from the British Empire.  Gandhi worked tirelessly and nonviolently to keep the Hindu and Muslim populations united in one India that would recognize religious diversity. But finally, when independence came in 1947, the Muslim-dominated parts became Pakistan (and East Pakistan, which later became independent as Bangladesh), while most of India became a Hindu-dominated nation.  Bitter violence ensued.  Since then, India and Pakistan have fought several actual wars, and they are still militarily opposed to each other in the Kashmir region. Also, NOW BOTH INDIA AND PAKISTAN HAVE NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Even a so-called […]

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The “Back from the Brink” campaign promotes FIVE SMART CHANGES to reduce the danger of nuclear war.

March 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Nuclear weapons are a VERY SERIOUS issue.  But grassroots people and many organizations are ORGANIZING SMART CHANGES in our nation’s policies in order to reduce the likelihood of nuclear war. The “Back from the Brink” campaign proposes five policy solutions to prevent nuclear war. See the website and this page about their five policy solutions:   In 2017 two nationwide organizations – the Union of Concerned Scientists ( and Physicians for Social Responsibility ( – created the “Back from the Brink” campaign. Some other organizations have joined the effort. The “Back from the Brink” campaign recognizes problems and […]

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Abolish nuclear weapons. Replace our nukes with simply leaving our shoes untied.

March 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. government keeps promoting more nuclear weapons in order to make Americans secure. Instead of that, I propose that we ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS and INSTEAD, SIMPLY LEAVE OUR SHOES UNTIED. NEITHER POLICY PROTECTS OUR NATION, but my alternative policy offers two benefits: 1. We will save many billions of dollars. 2. And although either policy – nuclear weapons or untied shoelaces – could cause an accident, if an accident occurs, tripping on shoelaces will cause much less damage than a nuclear war. PLEASE SHARE THIS NEW POLICY PROPOSAL – and my reasoning – to other people. Also invite people […]

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URGENT and CRUCIAL: Do not let Trump trash the New START treaty!!! We must limit nuclear weapons!!!

March 19, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump keeps saying he is a great deal-maker, but really all he does is DESTROY GOOD DEALS and fail to negotiate good ones. He has pulled the U.S. out of the Paris climate agreement, destroyed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty that Reagan and Gorbachev had passed in 1987, destroyed the JCPOA (the “Iran Nuclear Deal”) and threatened war against Iran so he forced Iran to start enriching uranium for their own self-defense, and he kept trying to repeal the ACA (“Obamacare”). Now the ONE REMAINING TREATY between the U.S. and Russia that limits nuclear weapons — the START Treaty […]

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3 smart books support nonviolent alternatives to nuclear weapons

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Today I posted some information to my blog some information related to nuclear weapons.  Here is some information about three books I have not previously mentioned: #1: My blog post about Gene Sharp’s insights about power and nonviolence — — made me think about his excellent, short book from 1970 (and 1985) titled, “National Security Through Civilian-Based Defense.”   In the 1970s and 1980s there was a small, exciting movement for “civilian-based defense,” which was also called “nonviolent national defense” and “transarmament.”  It proposed that instead of using military violence, we could convert to a nonviolent strategies for national defense, […]

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Connect with these info sources AND organized efforts to reduce the danger of nuclear war

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

A great many organizations are working for peace in a variety of smart ways.  Various organizations focus specifically on: Changing the U.S.’s foreign policy overall Changing U.S. foreign policy regarding specific regions of the world (Latin America, Iran, Burma, etc.) Opposing nuclear weapons Organizing and mobilizing people of various faith communities (Quakers, Jews, Lutherans, Muslims, Presbyterians, Catholics, etc.) Working through Congress Organizing at the grassroots level in local communities throughout our nation   I live and organize in the area near Olympia, Washington, so I recommend these resources: Currently I chair the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (OCANW). We […]

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Yes, ordinary people DO have the power to prevent nuclear war and other calamities!

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The world is facing extremely serious dangers, including — but not limited to — the climate crisis and the danger of nuclear war. These are very scary topics. Most people try to avoid thinking about nuclear weapons and the climate crisis.  But if we are to solve these problems, we MUST think about them — and we MUST get past the debilitating emotions and actually EMPOWER OURSELVES to solve the problems. When we reach out to the general public to inform them and engage them, we must recognize people’s feelings of fear, overwhelm, despair and disempowerment.  If we recognize those […]

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Nonviolence is powerful! Gene Sharp’s theory of power supports nonviolent action and nonviolent resistance

March 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Gene Sharp was perhaps the world’s greatest researcher about the power of NONVIOLENCE in protecting populations from invaders, dictators and oppressors.  I have enjoyed — and learned much from — reading the books he wrote since the 1970s. For more than half a century, Gene Sharp has researched and written about nonviolence and how to use it effectively. I recommend the publications available at his website, the Albert Einstein Institution,  Many of them can be downloaded for free. When I conduct workshops about the power and practicality of nonviolence, I include insights from Gene Sharp’s thinking.  I encourage people […]

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Would YOUR non-profit org or faith community or group of friends host our fascinating, informative course on nuclear weapons?

March 7, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Four knowledgeable, active members of the Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons have carefully crafted a fascinating, engaging, informative course titled, “Nuclear Weapons Nowadays: What You Can Know and Do.”  It consists of four two-hour sessions with plenty of handouts. We are conducting it now at a local religious congregation, and we are eager to offer it again to other faith communities, non-profit organizations, or groups of friends (with preferably at least six participants, to make it worth the time and efforts of the four presenters). The course is presented by four active and well informed members of the Olympia […]

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ONE BATCH of new information about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Trump’s grossly inadequate response

March 7, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Cronyism and Conflicts of Interest in Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force:   Trump escalates his war against science while the Coronavirus pandemic spreads   Here Are 17 Ways the Trump Administration Bungled Its Coronavirus Response.  (This list does not include Donald Trump Jr.’s utterly false and reckless claim that Democrats wanted the virus to spread and kill Americans.)  This article really is a damning indictment of HORRIBLE INCOMPETENCE!   Trump is undermining the U.S.’s response to Coronavirus:   TWO articles about Trump’s utterly dangerous incompetence about Coronavirus:   VIDEO info about Coronavirus and Trump starts […]

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Republicans’ policies make Coronavirus (COVID-19) spread more — and make people die from it

March 7, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I’ve been studying the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in detail.  I’ve posted some information to this blog, and I will post more. Our nation needs to take smart actions, but Republicans’ policies are actually SPREADING the pandemic further and MAKING PEOPLE DIE from it. Here — briefly — are FOUR EXAMPLES: 1.  It is highly contagious, so when people have symptoms they should STAY HOME FROM WORK.  However, Republicans keep opposing legislation that would require employers to grant PAID SICK LEAVE from jobs, so people working at low-wage jobs without decent benefits GO TO WORK EVEN WHILE THEY ARE SICK AND […]

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Trump is RECKLESSLY MISLEADING PEOPLE about Coronavirus — and ENDANGERING our population!

March 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Trump is RECKLESSLY MISINFORMING people about Coronavirus (COVID 19).  Trump’s INCOMPETENCE and LIES are ENDANGERING our population!   TWO articles about Trump’s utterly dangerous incompetence about Coronavirus:   Trump is undermining the U.S.’s response to Coronavirus:   Short VIDEO clip about Coronavirus and Trump: Info about Coronavirus and Trump starts just before 1 minute into this and goes until 11:30   Another short VIDEO clip showing the Trump regime’s utter incompetence regarding Coronavirus: The video coverage starts at 16:41 in this video and runs for just a few minutes until 21:20:         […]