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TV + online: “Smart Strategies to Organize for Peace and No Nuclear Weapons”

February 23, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The March 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides fresh insights and smart strategies to help us achieve peace in the world and abolish nuclear weapons worldwide. In this TV program, I address these main points: Point #1.    The U.S. has been provoking nuclear weapons since the 1940s. Point #2.    Nuclear weapons exist in the overall context of U.S. foreign policy.  To achieve peace, we must debunk the MISTAKEN ASSUMPTIONS that have trapped us in endless wars and the suicide of nuclear weapons. To get out of those traps, we must think clearly and creatively – and de-militarize […]

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Nonviolent Ways to Heal Our Society’s Dysfunction — Watch Glen’s TV program online or on cable

February 2, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The February 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides insights and inspiration to help people solve problems that have been getting worse in our society. After mentioning some serious problems, we pivot toward proposing some smart nonviolent ways to solve the problems.  This TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative and practical. Rivera Sun is the expert guest who helps us explore these topics.  Rivera Sun is an author, activist, and the Programs Coordinator for Pace e Bene / Campaign Nonviolence. People in Thurston County WA who have cable TV can watch it on channel 22 three times a […]

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January 21, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Every few weeks I’ll be posting a CALENDAR of COMING EVENTS. It lists a CALENDAR of SPECIFIC EVENTS during the next few weeks.  After that long list, it includes some recurring events for every day, every week, and every month, so please scroll down through the entire document to see MANY opportunities for a WIDE VARIETY of issues. Here is my calendar for JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2023: CALENDAR — 2023 JAN-FEB      

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Nuclear Weapons: January 2023 events and opportunities

January 17, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Many events and opportunities will be occurring in late January 2023 and beyond. Please see many listed in this document: NUCLEAR WEAPONS events in January 2023 After I posted this to my blog, my e-mail address changed from to  When you watch any TV videos and/or read the linked documents, please use my new e-mail address if you have any questions or want more information.          

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Three Steps to Nuclear Disarmament

December 24, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The January 2023 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides fresh information and insights toward abolishing nuclear weapons. Besides facts, we provide a positive “can-do” attitude with practical strategies.  We explain things clearly enough so people who do not already know much about nuclear weapons will easily understand and become enthusiastic about abolishing them. One truly expert guest – Tom Rogers – helps us explore this topic.  Tom Rogers retired from the U.S. Navy in 1998 after a 32-year career as a submarine officer.  He commanded a nuclear attack submarine during the Cold War.  When the Cold War ended […]

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Change to a Truly Peaceful Foreign Policy — Glen’s December TV program

December 3, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The December 2022 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides smart information and insights to empower you to push for a truly peaceful, just and sustainable world. The peace movement knows that the U.S.’s foreign policy is stupid and cruel in many ways.  This interview with peace expert David Swanson fleshes out the problems — and ALSO PROMOTES SMART, COMPASSIONATE, EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS.   Glen Anderson introduced a very savvy guest – David Swanson – to join him in identifying problems and proposing solutions.  David Swanson is an author, activist, journalist, and radio host.  He is executive director of World […]

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The 3 newest TV episodes in the series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” — OCT, NOV, DEC 2022

November 19, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

After I produced these TV programs and posted them to my blog, my e-mail address changed from to  When you watch a TV video and/or read the linked document, please use my new e-mail address if you have any questions or want more information. I invite you to watch and share these three new TV program in my TV series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives. The October and November TV programs are already posted to my blog’s “TV Programs” category.  Before November 30 I’ll post the December TV program.  I encourage people to WATCH the TV video and/or READ the […]

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“Choose a Bold, Humane Future” — Glen’s November 2022 TV program

November 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The November 2022 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides many fresh insights that can inform and empower you to take bold, positive actions on issues you care about. The American people know serious problems exist.  Public opinion polls keep showing that increasing majorities say our nation is “on the wrong track.” So what do we do about it?  Take small steps only?  Or solve the big problems? Our November 2022 TV interview is positive, upbeat, creative, and encouraging.  Besides working to stop what we oppose, what if we also worked equally hard and skillfully to accomplish what we […]

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Here are many QUOTATIONS to help you create a BOLD, HUMANE FUTURE

November 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

We all know the status quo is dysfunctional in many ways. We want to create a much better future for every sector of society. We REALLY CAN do that! Over the years I have accumulated (and written) a great many short quotations that can inform and inspire us. I sorted them into 13 categories (Democracy, Peace, Environment, Nonviolence, etc.). I invite you to read these great QUOTATIONS in the document I compiled: 2022.11 BOLD HUMANE FUTURE — QUOTATIONS   After I produced this TV program and posted it to my blog, my e-mail address changed from to  When […]

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At Christmas time 1914 – during World War I – German and British troops refused to fight!

October 2, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

My September 2022 TV program provides encouraging information about soldiers who refuse to fight.  An exciting inspiration occurred during World War 1 when — on Christmas eve — German and British troops got out of their trenches, refused to fight, and celebrated the holiday together.  Besides refusing to fight, they also shared music, singing, chocolate, alcoholic beverages, photos from their families back home, and so forth. John McCutcheon wrote and performed a great song about this: Also, I encourage you to watch this 21-minute video: Please share this with other people. Yes, PEACE IS POSSIBLE!!! We have huge […]

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Spending for Military and Nuclear Weapons Makes Poverty Worse — Glen’s October 2022 TV program

September 23, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2022 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series “connects the dots” between poverty in the United States and excessive military spending, including the costs of nuclear weapons: This TV program begins by recognizing the extent of poverty in the United States – the richest nation on earth. Poverty is a serious crisis – and it is getting worse. Next, we recognize how excessively expensive the U.S. military has become. The U.S. spends a gigantic amount on the military – much, much more than is necessary.  Both political parties keep increasing military budgets far, far beyond reason. We spend […]

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Some People in the Military Refuse Orders

August 26, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

EVERYONE EVERYWHERE can watch this through my blog (see link below).  Also, cable TV subscribers in Thurston County WA can watch it 3 times a week throughout September 2022 on cable channel 22:  every Monday 1:30 pm, every Wednesday 5:00 pm, and every Thursday 9:00 pm.   Some People in the Military Refuse Orders — Glen’s September 2022 TV program and MANY more resources The September 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” shares first-hand experiences, insights, and information about people in the military who refuse to fight wars.   The experience of being in the military – especially while the […]

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Fresh Insights into Felony Sentencing — Glen’s August 2022 TV program and more resources

August 10, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The August 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides fresh information and insights into prison sentences.  Besides discussing several problems about felony sentencing and imprisonment, we will also discuss some solutions that deserve more public awareness, support and implementation. Even if you are already fairly well informed about felony sentencing, you will learn a lot more from this interview.  If you are not already well informed, you will learn a lot! An expert guest helped us explore this topic.  Nazgol Ghandnoosh earned a Ph.D. in sociology and wrote her doctoral dissertation about reducing long prison sentences.  Nazgol works for a […]

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Recognize and Counter Mainstream Media Bias

June 24, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The July 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides fresh information and insights about a systemic problem that perpetuates war and all kinds of injustice.  This systemic problem also interferes with our efforts to solve all of the problems we care about. This TV interview is about bias in mainstream news media. Media bias is very pervasive – and because it is so very pervasive, it is often not even noticed.  It distorts what people know about vital issues such as war and peace, the economy, race, the criminal justice system, the climate, and all of the other important issues.  […]

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Big Money in Elections Corrupts Our Government

May 19, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

While this TV series – “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” – deals with a wide variety of issues related to peace, social justice, economics, the environment, and so forth, the June 2022 interview focuses on a strategically smart way to help us SOLVE ANY public policy problem you care about. This month’s interview shows how we could solve big problems if we would get Big Money out of politics!  Huge amounts of money corrupt election campaigns.  Huge amounts of money corrupt all levels of government – our nation, states, and local governments – and prevent them from solving problems. Certainly, an honest […]