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PART 2 of “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World”

November 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Our nation and world are in a horrible mess.  The December 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series examines how to solve the problems. A person or an entire society has a “worldview” — a way of seeing reality — that strongly directs their behavior and public policy.  The worldview that currently dominates the U.S. government and society has caused escalating greed, corruption, cruelty, oppression, war, and other bad things.  Instead, we need to replace that worldview with its opposite — a worldview that is humane, compassionate, peaceful, fair to everyone, and environmentally sustainable. An unjust society seeks to […]

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A blistering critique of U.S. politics! PART 1: “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World”

October 30, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

You can watch the November 2018 episode of the TV program for my series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” through a link on this blog post — or on TCTV cable channel 22 in Thurston County. (See info below.) This is PART 1 of a 2-part topic, “Choose a Better Worldview to Build a Better World.” It focuses mostly on the problems. PART 2, the December 2018 program, will focus more on solutions. SEE THE LINK BELOW for a VERY THOROUGH, BLISTERING CRITIQUE of the worldview that has increasingly dominated U.S. politics. Parts 1 and 2 of this program explains that the […]

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“Let’s Understand the Islamic Faith”

October 1, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series helps us understand the Islamic faith. Islam is the world’s second most popular religion, but most Americans who are not Muslim do not understand it.  Many of the things Americans think they know about Islam are not actually true.  I invite you to watch this TV interview with three knowledgeable, articulate Muslims so you will gain a clear and accurate understanding. See the link below to watch the program — and the link below that to read a thorough summary of what we said and a list of sources for […]

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“Local Governments Must Protect the Environment”

August 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

SEPTEMBER 2018 “Local Governments Must Protect the Environment” This month’s interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” will inform, inspire and motivate us to urge our local governments to do a better job of protecting the environment. People everywhere really do care about the environment, but environmental problems persist all the way from the global level down to the local level. This interview will help you understand why local governments often fail to protect the environment – and how we can be more effective in urging them to protect it. We can indeed think globally and act locally. Three knowledgeable, insightful guests […]

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“A New Dawn for Guatemala?”

July 14, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The August 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” informs us about an interesting and inspiring community in Guatemala where refugees from the previous dictatorship have settled into a new community. These people are empowering themselves at the grassroots to meet their needs for education, clean water, social justice and democracy. About 300-400 people live in Nuevo Amanecer, the Spanish words for “New Dawn.” The community was founded in 1998 by refugees who had fled the genocide and “scorched-earth” campaign of the 1980s and 1990s. The U.S. funded and trained Guatemala’s brutal military to commit those crimes. Now the “New Dawn” […]

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“Base Public Policy on Honest Science”

June 24, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The July 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV program helps us understand how science works. It also helps us push governments to use honest science as a basis for smart and wise public policies.  Governments should make decisions based on what is actually true, not corrupted by financial greed or ideological pressures. To watch the interview, click this link:  WATCH THE INTERVIEW HERE. To read the thorough summary of what we said in the interview — and see a list of excellent sources of information, click this link:  2018.07 Program Summary — SCIENCE. People in Thurston County who have […]

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“A Creative, Practical Way to Fund Jobs, Infrastructure, Climate Cures”

May 20, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” presents an exciting way for the federal government to fund the creation of jobs and solutions to many nationwide problems (housing, climate, etc.).  You can watch Glen Anderson interview Randy Mandell (an expert on Modern Monetary Theory — MMT) at the first link below, and/or read a thorough summary of what we said at the second link.  Near the end of the thorough summary you can see links to many excellent sources of information. To watch the interview, click this link:  WATCH THE INTERVIEW HERE. To read the thorough summary and see […]

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“Hidden Costs of Local Population Growth”

April 16, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” interviews two very knowledgeable guests who have been working to protect the broad public interest in matters affecting our local community. Typically, local communities assume that they are supposed to grow in population. Local population growth is promoted as good for us, but the promoters avoid disclosing the real costs – the hidden costs – of local population growth. This interview explores the costs of such growth. Although some of our examples come from the greater Olympia area, the principles pertain elsewhere too. The City of Olympia expects 20,000 more people here […]

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“Sell Off All Fossil Fuel Investments Now”

March 18, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The April 2018 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” explores an important aspect of the climate crisis that has been largely neglected. If people pay attention to this aspect, we can protect the climate and also save ourselves from serious financial losses. The climate crisis has forced the world to start significantly shifting away from coal and oil. We must shift away from all fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) much more rapidly in order to protect Planet Earth – and all of us – from catastrophic climate disruptions. Sharply reducing our consumption of fossil fuels will financially hurt the […]

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TV series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” is consistent with this blog

February 22, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This blog,, covers a wide range of issues. The TV series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” on TCTV cable channel 22 in Thurston County WA also covers this wide range of issues.  Cable TV subscribers in Thurston County WA can watch each new program on channel 22 every Monday at 1:30 pm, every Wednesday at 5:00 pm, and every Thursday at 9:00 pm for a full month.  Programs are posted to this blog before the end of the month when they’ll air on TCTV, and they remain posted on this blog long into the future.  Programs are posted to the “TV […]

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“Nuclear Weapons Updates: Dangers and Opportunities”

February 13, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The March 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” brings us up to date on the rapidly changing crisis of nuclear weapons. We are facing some seriously increased dangers. But also, the people working against nuclear weapons have made some great progress. During this hour we’ll bring you up to date on both the dangers and the opportunities. Glen Anderson interviews three knowledgeable guests.  All four of us are very active members of the new Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. We share information about several aspects of nuclear weapons, including these facts: • The U.S. plans to replace our entire […]

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“Death Penalty Does Not Work. It Makes Problems Worse. Let’s Abolish it.”

January 13, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The February 2018 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series focuses on the death penalty.  Here is a summary.  See the end of this summary for a link to watch the program and a link to read the transcript. The death penalty promises many things but does NOT deliver what it promises.  It does NOT deter murder, provide justice, help victims’ families, get used on “the worst of the worst,” or save money. Instead of doing what it supposedly intends to do, the death penalty MAKES PROBLEMS WORSE and CAUSES MORE PROBLEMS.  It escalates the cycle of violence and the […]

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“Nonviolence Is Ethical, Practical, Powerful.”

December 17, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The general public — and also many people in progressive movements for peace and social/economic justice — do not understand nonviolence adequately.  People could make much more progress in working for issues we care about if we understood nonviolence more thoroughly and if we grounded ourselves more profoundly in it. The January 2018 episode of Glen Anderson’s TV series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” helps people understand nonviolence more richly and encourages them to practice it more effectively. Watch the video at this link:  “Nonviolence Is Ethical, Practical, Powerful.” Read a transcript at this link:  2018.01 Program Summary — Nonviolence After I […]

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“Real Democracy, Not Corporate Personhood”

December 3, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

“End ‘Corporate Personhood’ and Other Power Grabs” In its January 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision, the US Supreme Court ruled that big business corporations can give as much money as they want to election campaigns. By a 5-4 majority (all 5 were appointed by Reagan or George W. Bush), they overturned a century of settled law that had protected election campaigns from excessive corporate interference. This decision further entrenched the bizarre notion that money is “speech” and that corporations are “persons” with free speech and the same civil rights as living, breathing human beings. The Citizens United […]