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Let’s use this clever strategy to oppose the housing development at the Sundberg Gravel Pit site.

May 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

We keep seeing new housing developments named after the environmental reality that had been existing at that site before the housing development was built.  So, for example, a forest of cedar trees is clear-cut and replaced by a housing development called “Cedar Park.”  This happens a lot. So, we can use that strategy to oppose the housing development that is planned for the NW Olympia location where the Sundberg Gravel Pit, a Weyerhaeuser log yard, and a toxic waste site have existed.  Let’s start now to publicly – and repeatedly – refer to the proposed housing development as “Toxic Waste […]

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Republicans like to SAY they are “the party of Lincoln,” but they DO THEY OPPOSITE!

May 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Republicans like to SAY they are “the party of Lincoln, but actually they DO THE OPPOSITE!   Lincoln freed the slaves and fought the Civil War to end slavery, BUT: Republicans allow their party members to bring Confederate flags to Republican Party events. Republicans pass laws to prevent teaching school children about racial discrimination in U.S. history. Republicans have prevented immigrants from African nations. Republicans vigorously oppose efforts to reduce gun violence, even though Lincoln himself was murdered by a gun.   If Republicans REALLY were “the party of Lincoln, they would STRONGLY SUPPORT: Black Pride Black Lives Matter Teaching […]

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We CAN’T abolish nuclear weapons until we MAKE THE PUBLIC FACE THE PROBLEM!

May 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

In 1962 James Baldwin wrote an essay for The New York Times titled, “As Much Truth As One Can Bear.”  He wrote, “Not everything that is faced can be changed; but nothing can be changed until it is faced.”  In 1962 Baldwin was writing about the U.S.’s extremely serious problem about pervasive and persistent racial injustice. Baldwin’s insight is still true, and it pertains also to nuclear weapons.  Since 1945 nuclear weapons have been a persistent – but largely ignored – part of the status quo.  Government propaganda fooled the American public into accepting nuclear weapons as an ongoing reality.  […]

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Workshop #2 (Sunday May 1) — LINKS to readings for Workshop #2 and ZOOM LINKS

April 24, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

  I’m looking forward to Workshop #2 NEXT SUNDAY MAY 1, 2022.  Workshop #2 is titled, “How to Strategize and Organize Effective Grassroots Movements.”  The 1:30 session will pertain to a variety of issues.  The 5:00 session will ESPECIALLY FOCUS ON BUILDING A MOVEMENT TO ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Each 2-hour workshop in this 6-part series (“Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing”) includes a lot of substantive information, inspiration, and practical usefulness.  Each workshop is supplemented with some of the best resources I have gathered (and many that I have written) in the past 50 years. Unlike school “homework” assignments that are mandatory, these […]

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Understand why people believe conspiracy theories

April 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

In recent years more and more people have been believing in conspiracy theories.  These have perverted public discussions of issues, and these have perverted all levels of government in wacky and dangerous ways.  These articles can help us understand this trend and why people believe conspiracy theories.   Political scientist explains why so many people were susceptible to QAnon myths:   The Fox News subscription service is pushing preposterous neo-Nazi conspiracies into the minds of American conservatives.  This article reports that Fox Nation host Lara Logan says evolution is a hoax funded by the Jews: Fox Nation host Lara […]

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Ukraine: While U.S. politicians, media and NATO push for war, people need to understand this context

April 22, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Regarding the current Ukraine crisis, nearly all U.S. politicians and news media are aggressively promoting the narrowly nationalistic U.S.-centric foreign policy grounded in arrogance and hubris that refuses to understand other nations’ needs and concerns and refuses to understand the context in which the crisis emerged. The U.S. has done this over and over again in recent decades.  This led to disastrous wars in Vietnam, Central America, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and other countries.  Now our politicians and mainstream media are pushing the U.S. into war with Russia.  This could end in a nuclear war that kills billions of people and […]

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Nonviolent National Defense — A Practical Way to Be More Secure

April 16, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The May 2022 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series provides powerful information and inspiration to significantly improve the U.S.’s “national security” by – ironically — de-militarizing our “national defense.”  Instead of military violence, we could defend our nation better through carefully planned strategies of nonviolent resistance. Besides eliminating the danger of nuclear war, a nonviolent national defense would also provide better security without all of the downsides that violent militarism causes. During this hour Glen Anderson: Encourages us to think open-mindedly, boldly and creatively Explains how nonviolent national defense could actually work effectively Shares examples of nonviolent resistance used […]

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Progressives must “lean into” the “culture wars,” not run away from them

April 9, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

What should progressives be doing about our nation’s polarization about “culture wars”? This article was posted to an online source on November 5, 2021, and it is still relevant now and in months (and years) to come.   AMANDA MARCOTTE Democrats Can Win the Culture Wars — But They Have to Take On the Fight Early and Often Liberals are already winning the culture wars, which is why the right is so mad. Why won’t Democrats lean into it? Tuesday’s election, which was shockingly bad for Democrats even in an off-year, was a pandemic election. Sure, at first glance, it […]

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Watch video recording of “Holding Israel Accountable: Remembering Rachel Corrie”

April 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

You can watch the March 16, 2022, event mentioned below at this link here on YouTube! On March 16, 2003, an Israeli military bulldozer ran over my friend Rachel Corrie, a young woman from Olympia, with whom I had worked on several peace-and-justice issues.  She was in Rafah, Gaza, nonviolently protecting a Palestinian family’s home from being bulldozed down in order to ethnically cleanse the area in order to make room for Israeli settlers to expand their occupation of Palestinian lands. Her family and friends created the Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice (, and this Olympia-based organization has […]

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Nonviolent National Defense Would Be Better in Every Way!

April 6, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

For decades I have been researching the exciting possibilities for converting to a NONVIOLENT national defense. Now I have written an article explaining WHY it would be better than a military defense and HOW it could actually work. See the article here: Nonviolent National Defense Would Be Better in Every Way                  

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How YOU can make more progress on issues YOU care about

April 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

We are always the underdogs in working for the issues we care about.   These FREE online workshops really can strengthen our skills and strategies so we can make truly significant progress on ALL of the issues you care about! Nonviolent grassroots organizing has been proven to be effective, but people – even experienced activists – could make much more progress by strengthening our skills.  This series of workshops (“Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing”) really can help! ALL OF US — new people, experienced organizers, and everybody in between — can STRENGTHEN OUR SKILLS and add resources to our “toolboxes” so we can […]