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Kavanaugh would make Supreme Court a Republican Party tool

September 6, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The American people need the U.S. Supreme Court to be a neutral, impartial body of legal experts. While Democratic presidents have been nominating such experts to judicial positions on the Supreme Court, Republican presidents have been nominating blatantly partisan Republicans. Brett Kavanaugh would take this to an extreme level.  After the 2000 election Kavanaugh was one of the lawyers for George W. Bush and the Republican Party who forced Florida to stop recounting the ballots.  Al Gore would have won the recount.  Instead, the Republican majority on the U.S. Supreme Court stopped the recount and appointed George W. Bush to […]

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Kavanaugh THREATENS our rights!

September 5, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

See my recent post listing some very serious dangers that Brett Kavanaugh would pose if the Senate were to confirm his nomination for the U.S. Supreme Court.  Trump nominated him precisely because Kavanaugh — who is young — would impose Trumpist cruelty and abuses upon the USA for many decades, long after Trump is gone. See my recent post about this.  Please contact your U.S. senators and DEMAND that they VIGOROUSLY OPPOSE Kavanaugh in every  nonviolent way they possibly can. Among other problems, Kavanaugh would undermine the Constitutional separation of church and state.  He would impose right-wing religious bias as […]

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For DECADES after Trump is gone, his Supreme Court will inflict his politics upon us

September 4, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Imagine Donald Trump on the Supreme Court! His nominee Brett Kavanaugh reflects Trump’s politics and would inflict Trumpism upon the USA for decades: Against women’s rights Against workers’ rights Against consumers’ rights Against the environment Against sensible efforts to reduce gun violence Believes that a sitting president is above the law Please phone your two U.S. senators and urge them to PUSH VIGOROUSLY to oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination. You can call their Washington DC offices and their local offices in your state. If you live in Washington State, call: Senator Patty Murray at (202) 224-3441 in Washington DC or (206) 533-5545 […]

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Nuclear weapons violate international law in several ways

August 14, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

• Nuclear weapons violate International Law in many ways. They violate the United Nations Charter. The U.S. has been violating the 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty. In 1996 the World Court ruled against nuclear weapons. In 2017 the United Nations passed a treaty prohibiting them, and 50 nations signed it promptly. • The U.S. Constitution’s Article VI declares that “all treaties … shall be the supreme law of the land.” When the U.S. violates the United Nations Charter, various treaties and various aspects of international law, the U.S. is thereby violating the U.S. Constitution. • After World War II, the U.S. led […]

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Senate must publicly expose Trump’s nominees & turn public opinion against Trumpism.

August 9, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump keeps nominating horribly corrupt, incompetent and dangerous right-wing nominees for powerful positions in the federal government.  Democratic senators simply vote “no” but fail to take stronger actions, so these Democratic senators trap themselves in a simple defensive role.  When they do that, Trump is free to keep throwing horribly corrupt, incompetent and dangerous right-wing nominees at us, one after another. Democratic senators must STAND UP for humane values, honesty, and the broad public interest.  They must PUBLICLY EXPOSE Trump’s nominees as horribly corrupt, incompetent and dangerous right-wing extremists.  They must REACH OUT TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC and TURN PUBLIC […]

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Experts say evidence proves the U.S. is a dying democracy. “Regime change” here?

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Experts now rank the U.S. among the world’s DECLINING DEMOCRACIES.  This article provides information:   Here is another article about this, drawing from the same original information:   A former intelligence officer says we’re in serious danger of losing American constitutional republic forever.  Putin manipulated the US’s 2016 election.  Trump is Putin’s tool.  This is very scary!  Many Americans are tired of hearing about Russia, but this is the real story.  Read the article at this link:   A constitutional law professor wrote this strong article about the constitutional crisis Trump has been causing.  Read the article […]

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More about Trump’s blatantly racist, xenophobic, partisan “citizenship” question in 2020 census

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Recently I posted several news items — and action alerts — about Trump’s decision to add a question on the 2020 census asking about each person’s citizenship.  That post explained why it is blatantly racist, xenophobic and partisan.  See that post at this link: Now here are two more news items:   #1:  A lawsuit was filed to stop the “citizenship” question.  A judge said the case can move ahead because there is enough evidence that the “citizenship question” could illegally discriminate.  Here is the link to an article about this progress in that lawsuit:   #2:  A […]

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Stop the Endless Wars. Repeal the 2001 AUMF.

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

For decades the Cold War allowed our nation’s militarists — and the weapons manufacturing corporations that fund them — to stampede the U.S. media and politicians and public into decades of recklessly wasteful military spending, including several wars and proxy wars and thousands of nuclear weapons.  They said that this is Priority #1, so we could not afford bold efforts to end poverty, take care of the environment, or do other crucial work. When the Cold War ended, those same vested interests — our nation’s militarists and the weapons manufacturers — and conservative elements that opposed solving our nation’s social […]

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Community Affirmation: Peace, Not Nuclear Weapons

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

This Community Affirmation was affirmed at the June 1982 International Religious Convocation for the Second United Nations Special Session on Disarmament.  It remains timely today.   Community Affirmation   We who live in the shadow of the mushroom cloud and the dangers of bullets on our streets Today declare our hope in the future.   From the diversity of our religious traditions We have come to renew our belief in the holiness of the earth and the sanctity of all life. We declare we are at peace with all people of good will.   We need no leader to define […]

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ACLU’s “People Power” movement can help you protec civil liberties and civil rights.

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

While the American Civil Liberties Union ( works hard in court rooms and in Congress and state legislatures, they also are increasingly organizing and supporting people to volunteer effectively at the local grassroots level. I encourage you to consider working with their People Power campaign ( They can help you work on voting rights, immigrant rights, racial justice, and many other areas of concern.        

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Voters do want prosecutors to be PROGRESSIVE, not “tough-on-crime.”

July 27, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In almost every state, the voters elect their local prosecuting attorneys.  For many years prosecutors were elected and re-elected by being “tough-on-crime,” and public opinion seemed to support “lock-em-up-and-throw-away-the-key” policies.  Mainstream media kept reinforcing that stereotype, and both of the big political parties bought into it.  We were very stuck. But finally people are paying attention to the RESEARCH that PROVES those “tough-on-crime” laws and policies DO NOT WORK. Also, voters want to replace those with fair and just reforms. Besides being seriously biased by race and economic class, they are grossly unjust and they waste taxpayers’ money.  Now the […]

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A public school district PUNISHES its LBGT students by FORCING them to read the Bible.

July 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

A public school district is PUNISHING its LGBT students by FORCING them to read the Bible. This is wrong on so many levels! 1. A public school district is wrong to punish LGBT students. 2. No public school district should be promoting any religion. 3. A religion’s scriptures should be a joy to read and ponder. Forcing people to read them totally destroys the value of scriptures. Such an authoritarian command paints religion as a punishment, so it is actually hurting religion. 4. The U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment guarantees freedom of religion.  Specifically, the Constitution prohibits government from imposing any […]

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Freedom of Religion Does NOT Give Permission to Hurt Other People

July 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

In 1993 the U.S. Congress — with broad support by congressional members of both big political parties and much grassroots support across the political spectrum — passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to explicitly protect people’s free exercise of religion.  This is especially important for religious minorities. Example #1:  Suppose your employer expects you to work on your holy day.  The RFRA supports your effort to exchange that work day for a different day. Example #2:  Suppose your religion expects you to wear something special on your head or grow your beard out, but your employer or some law […]

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URGENT!!! Info AND ACTION ALERT: Protect the 2020 Census from Trump’s abuse!!!

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. Constitution ABSOLUTELY REQUIRES a census that will count EVERY person in the U.S. Presumably, it must be HONEST. But Trump is planning to distort the 2020 census for blatantly racist and highly partisan purposes. Trump is planning to add a question about citizenship in order to intimidate and undercount America’s immigrants. Read this information.  Then keep going down the page and SEND ALL FIVE E-MAIL MESSAGES. Thank you! Trump’s scheme would likely cause millions of persons to be uncounted. The census is used for figuring out how to draw lines for state legislative districts and federal congressional districts. […]

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How to really STOP Trump’s horrible nominees

July 17, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Trump keeps throwing HORRIBLE, CORRUPT, and DANGEROUS nominees at us, one after another. Democratic U.S. Senators think it is sufficient to merely vote “no” to one Trump nominee after another. That is NOT ENOUGH!  We and the Senators need to actually MOBILIZE PUBLIC OPINION to PUSH BACK! Senators have a “bully pulpit” that almost all of them fail to use.  They should use their “bully pulpit” and take other actions to PUBLICLY EXPOSE the nominees’ corruption, cruelty, and horrible track records, in order to MOBILIZE PUBLIC OPINION TO PUSH BACK AGAINST TRUMP and the Republicans! Until Democratic Senators push back […]