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Global report lists U.S. among ‘democratic backsliding’ countries:

July 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

People who say “America First” need to recognize that we are below Mongolia and many other nations:  Canadian national security task force is preparing for the collapse of the United States (   Global report lists U.S. among ‘democratic backsliding’ countries:          

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The Republican-dominated U.S. Supreme Court is hurting our nation in many ways

July 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. Supreme Court used to have credibility and respect, but in recent years it has become the enforcement arm of the Republican Party and now most Americans do not trust it to provide real justice. Here are a few recent articles:   Republicans are hell-bent to destroy our Constitutional system and grab power:   A majority of voters think SCOTUS decision is based on personal beliefs, not constitutional precedent:   Supreme Court is carrying out the Republican/Trumpian coup against the U.S.:  5 of the 9 were appointed by Republicans who became president despite having lost the popular […]

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How to devise strategies for abolishing nuclear weapons

June 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

People who plan wars know they need to devise strategies so they can win.  Likewise, we who want to achieve peace – and to abolish nuclear weapons – must also devise strategies so we can achieve peace and abolish nuclear weapons. How could we adapt their war-making strategies into peace-making strategies?  Below I’m listing a few of the classic military strategies and asking how we could use those insights to help us devise smart strategies to abolish nuclear weapons.   Concentrate force at the weakest link.  Military strategists figure out where their adversaries are weakest and focus their attacks at […]

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Colombia elected a GREAT PROGRESSIVE after decades of right-wingers

June 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

For a very long time, Colombia has been ruled by cruel, corrupt, right-wing governments.  The U.S. has vigorously supported (and aggressively armed) those governments. But in June 2022, Colombia’s voters elected a great progressive to be their next president.  He joins some newly elected progressives in some other Latin American nations. SEE THESE ARTICLES:     On June 27, 2022, John Feffer, a very savvy writer about international affairs (who was also a guest on one of my recent TV programs) wrote: Gustavo Petro and Francia Marquez are remarkable leaders. Petro has courageously rooted out corruption and collusion between politicians […]

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Inflation: Instead of blaming workers or other excuses, recognize CORPORATE GREED as a major cause!

June 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

While some politicians and some powerful voices in mainstream media are blaming our current inflation on underpaid workers finally getting some modest pay increases — or vague “supply chain” problems — a very serious cause of inflation is BIG BUSINESS GREED and HIGH PROFITS and OVERPAID TOP EXECUTIVES.  This is true especially in oil companies, which are overcharging ordinary people and getting away with it. Extremely rich people and big businesses are allowed to PAY FAR LESS THAN THEIR FAIR SHARE OF TAXES (in some cases, ZERO taxes) because they fund politicians’ campaigns and corrupt Congress into giving them immorally […]

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Recognize and Counter Mainstream Media Bias

June 24, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The July 2022 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” provides fresh information and insights about a systemic problem that perpetuates war and all kinds of injustice.  This systemic problem also interferes with our efforts to solve all of the problems we care about. This TV interview is about bias in mainstream news media. Media bias is very pervasive – and because it is so very pervasive, it is often not even noticed.  It distorts what people know about vital issues such as war and peace, the economy, race, the criminal justice system, the climate, and all of the other important issues.  […]

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Poverty — Militarism — Nuclear Weapons

June 12, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

I wrote this article about the linkages between poverty and militarism (including excessive military spending) and nuclear weapons. It contains links to more sources of information. I invite you to share it widely. Article for blog — Poverty – Militarism – Nuclear Weapons  

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Everything is wrong with the death penalty. Read this report.

June 8, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Read this report about what is wrong with the death penalty:   If you want to strengthen your insights, skills, and resources, sign up for my powerful, practical and empowering workshops about HOW TO ORGANIZE AN EFFECTIVE GRASSROOTS MOVEMENT TO ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY.  See information here:            

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Nonviolence is MORE POWERFUL than war. Nonviolence WORKS BETTER than war.

June 8, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

I wrote this a few years ago.  If you have not yet read it, it will give you some insights into why nonviolence is not only ethical, but also is PRACTICAL and POWERFUL.  A Solid Case for Nonviolence as Ethical, Practical and Powerful Workshop #1 in my 6-part series about Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing uses some of the information in the resource I linked above, plus a lot more.  I offer the series of 6 workshops several times each year.  The next series runs on Tuesdays from June 14 through July 19, 2021.  See information about the series at this blog […]

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Workshop #1: Here are the readings for Workshop #1.

June 7, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

I invite anyone who has not yet signed up for this series of 6 workshops to contact me at or (360) 491-9093.  See information about the series at  The series that is relevant to ANY ISSUE runs from 6:00 to 8:00 pm PACIFIC TIME.  The series with a special focus on ABOLISHING THE DEATH PENALTY runs from 3:00 to 5:00 pm PACIFIC TIME.  If you live elsewhere, please adjust for your own time zone. Each 2-hour workshop in this 6-part series (“Nonviolent Grassroots Organizing”) includes a lot of substantive information, inspiration, and practical usefulness.  Each workshop is supplemented […]

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Fox News deliberately avoids truth about gun violence

June 4, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Fox News works feverishly to come up with mass-killing causes and solutions that don’t include guns: Fox News offers up 49 of the most pathetic ‘solutions’ to gun violence after Texas massacre: This occurred in 2018:  Las Vegas shooter was a right-wing terrorist, but media & others fail to say so:  

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Trump politicized “Voice of America” for his benefit. Biden promptly undid that corruption and supported whistleblowers..

June 4, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

For decades one of the U.S.’s ways of propagandizing the rest of the world on behalf of the U.S.’s political agenda has been the “Voice of America.”  While basically pro-U.S., VOA did allow other views.  In fact, in November 1974, a month after I quit my job in a Washington State welfare office because the welfare system is abusive in many ways to poor people, VOA interviewed me for a worldwide broadcast they would make soon.  I was invited to explain the economic injustices of the U.S.’s welfare system.  Apparently, the VOA did have some fair-mindedness as they sought to […]

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Several powerful articles express strong concerns that the U.S. is moving away from democracy!

May 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Americans — especially the U.S.’s politicians — like to say that the U.S. is the world’s greatest democracy, we are a beacon of liberty and freedom for the rest of the world, and so forth. That seems to be LESS AND LESS TRUE nowadays.  Recent events have shown that democracy in the U.S. is seriously weakening.   Several articles by knowledgeable persons have provided more information about the serious weakening of democracy in the U.S.  Here are just a few recent examples:   Canadian national security task force fears the USA is ‘backsliding’ into a ‘source of threat and instability’:  […]

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The “pro-life” Supreme Court says it is OK TO EXECUTE someone who might be INNOCENT

May 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on May 23, 2022, hurts death row defendants whose lawyers were not doing their jobs at an effective level of professional quality. Many people have been sentenced to death after their lawyers failed to raise important issues, failed to introduce crucial evidence, failed to effectively argue against police who bullied innocent suspects into confessing, etc., etc. Here is an article about this stupid, cruel decision by the Republican-dominated Supreme Court: The Quaker-based American Friends Service Committee (AFSC, repeated its long-standing call to ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY once and for all: This is […]

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Fresh info, insights and examples: Replace police and jails with nonviolent grassroots alternatives

May 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

For decades I have subscribed to and read a fascinating magazine published in the UK about all kinds of issues with fresh international perspectives.  A few days ago I read the current issue, which includes a number of articles with fresh information, insights and practical examples about people who are currently replacing police and jails with nonviolent, community-based alternatives. I read the print version of this magazine issue.  Now it is on their website. Here is the link: