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TV: “TPP: A ‘Free Trade’ Scam Worse than NAFTA”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

In mid-2014 Thurston Community Television (TCTV, was replacing its production equipment, so we repeated the great interview about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which we had aired in November 2013.  It was still relevant in 2014, so we aired it for our September 2014 program.  Public pressure had slowed down the TPP, but we had not yet stopped it.  “Free Trade” scams continue to be promoted by the U.S. government and big business. To watch this informative 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read thorough information about it — and see links to information sources — click HERE or HERE. Here […]

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TV: “Palestine’s Realities With Updates”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read the following information in .pdf format, click Program Description — October 2014. During the summer of 2014 Israel’s military conducted yet another massive assault on Palestine, especially Gaza, the small southern part of Palestine that borders Egypt. Israel’s military attacked innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure (homes, schools, etc.), and even a United Nations refugee camp. As usual, mainstream U.S. news media, politicians and government officials grossly misrepresented what was really happening. They put nearly all of the blame on Palestine and made it seem that Israel’s government was merely defending itself. […]

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TV: “Our Best Values Lead to a Better Future”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read a thorough summary of what we said, click Program Description — November 2014. Most of the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s TV programs examine substantive issues such as nuclear weapons, foreign policy, or economics by laying out the hard facts. But in some months – including November 2014 – we look at the world around us through inspiring stories and the values and insights that guide our lives. Olympia FOR’s November 2014 interview begins by recognizing that the world’s problems result from a dominant worldview that is selfish and harsh. It causes […]

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TV: “Restoring the Deschutes Estuary to its Natural Flow”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read the information below in .pdf format, click Program Description — December 2014. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s December 2014 TV program examines an environmental problem that has hurt the greater Olympia and south Puget Sound areas for more than half a century – the problems in the waters near the west side of downtown Olympia where the 5th Avenue dam prevents the Deschutes River flow freely into Budd In-let, the southernmost tip of Puget Sound. Only in the past few years have people been organizing vigorously to solve the problems with […]

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TV: “Climate Change: From Despair and Denial to Courage and Action”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read the following information in .pdf format, click Program Description — January 2015. Climate scientists long ago reached a virtual consensus that the climate crisis is a serious problem, but people’s reactions are varied and complex. Everyone has emotions about it, but our psychological responses differ. While some of us are working hard to cope with the problem, some other people seem stuck for various reasons. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s January 2015 TV program focuses on several aspects of the cli-mate crisis, including: • “Why does there seem to be such […]

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TV: “Human Trafficking: Problems and Solutions”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this TV interview, click HERE. To read the following information in .pdf format, click Program Description — February 2015. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s February 2015 TV interview explores an issue that most of us do not see. The problem is largely hidden from most of us, but it is very real. This is the problem of human trafficking. Some people are trafficked as workers to be abused, and some people are trafficked to be exploited for sex. This 1-hour interview looks at the problems and also proposes solutions. We lift up the work of several non-profit organizations, […]

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TV: “Clean Drinking Water: Global Problems and Local Solutions”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this informative, inspiring 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read a thorough summary of what we said during the interview, click Program Description — March 2015. Dennis Mills, who is active with this activity and with the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation, wrote this summary of the Olympia FOR’s March 2015 TV program. Our March 2015 interview explores a problem that is very real but is largely hidden from most of us. Half of the people in the world lack access to safe water or sanitation. Every day, 2,000 children die from diarrhea caused by unsafe drinking water and poor […]

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TV: “LBA Woods and Other Parks for Our Community”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s April 2015 TV program explores the need for local parks. We focus on a timely opportunity to devote a large amount of addi-tional land to become a park that would serve the greater Thurston County area. A community group formed a few years ago and has generated wide support throughout our community for a 150-acre “LBA Woods Park” next to the current “LBA Park” in SE Olympia, within the city limits. This non-profit organization, the LBA Woods Park Coalition (, has been urging the City of Olympia to buy the available land now so it […]

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TV: “Stop the Dangerous Oil Trains. Protect Our Communities and Climate”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s May 2015 TV program examines the escalating epidemic of oil trains that have been exploding across the U.S. and Canada. Besides explaining why this is happening, we also explain what people can do about it. Explosive oil trains roll through our local communities in Washington State – Spokane, the Columbia River Gorge, Vancouver, Longview, Chehalis, Centralia, Grays Harbor, Everett, Skagit County, and Bellingham. In fact, all five of us in this TV interview – and all of the volunteers serving on our TV crew – live in communities that are endangered by these explosive oil […]

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TV: “Confronting the New Nuclear Arms Race”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s June 2017 TV program focuses on a crisis that Congress and Obama and Trump have been making much worse. But this crisis has been largely ignored by mainstream news media and the general public. Decades after the Cold War ended, the U.S. is recklessly provoking a new nuclear arms race! It’s bad enough that our government continues its dangerous intentions to use nuclear weapons. But now our government wants to replace our thousands of nu-clear weapons with horribly expensive new ones. Some of these are designed to be more usable – more likely to actually […]

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TV: “Young People Downtown: Realities and Opportunities”

November 17, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s June 2015 TV program provides fresh insights into the realities experienced by young people who spend a lot of time downtown. We debunk the myths and offer constructive ways for our local community to address problems and include everyone. While this program focuses especially on young people, much of our conversation will pertain also to people of other ages whom we see downtown. The most common way that governments and social service agencies deal with disadvantaged people is from the top down. In contrast, all three of our guests on this TV program practice solidarity […]

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TV: “Racial Justice Insights for White Folks”

November 17, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Within any very large group of people – such as an entire nation – power is not distributed evenly. Some kinds of people have more political, economic and social power than other kinds of people. In the United States, a big factor affecting the unequal distribution of power is a person’s race. The historical roots go back 400 years to the early 1600s when white European people came here and stole the land from Na-tive Americans and – also in the early 1600s – started bringing African people here to work as slaves. Injustices still continue 400 years later. Also, […]

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TV: “How to Talk Politics with People Different from You”

November 17, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s September 2015 TV program deals constructively with our na-tion’s political polarization. We explore practical ways to communicate across the political divide, so we can all move forward. When Americans have such sharply different values and worldviews, we lack a common starting point about what is real and true. This makes it hard to have rational conversations about controversial issues – and hard to solve public policy problems. Are we stuck with escalating polarization? Or can we find better ways to respect the basic humanity even of people with whom we disagree? Of course, when we […]

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TV: “100 Years of FOR’s Bold Nonviolent Work for Peace and Justice”

November 17, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s October 2015 TV program celebrates highlights about the FOR’s 100 years of accomplishments in the United States. The national FOR has accomplished much, but usually has been too modest about promoting itself. The FOR works well with other organizations and wants to accomplish good work, regardless of who gets the credit for doing it. As a result, although the FOR is not very well known, it has actually accomplished quite a lot during the past 100 years. This TV program highlights only a few of the fascinating pieces of the past 100 years, but we […]