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TV: “TPP: A ‘Free Trade’ Scam Much Worse than NAFTA”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s November 2013 TV program about the TPP and other “free trade” scams was still relevant in September 2014, so we aired it again then, while the TV station was replacing its equipment for producing new programs.  Watch this program and read the summary at the September 2014 listing.

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TV: “How to Resolve Conflicts”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

See the end of this short summary for links to a longer summary and a link for watching the interview. In a real democracy, people would empower themselves to solve problems – including interpersonal conflicts – in mutually respectful ways. This is actually quite possible, with some basic training and skills – and sometimes with help from skilled neutral facilitators. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s December 2013 TV program focuses on a methodology for helping people resolve conflicts. We also feature a local non-profit organ-ization that uses those methods to help people do that. Across the country and here in […]

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TV: “Living Meaningful Lives”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this inspiring interview, click HERE. To read a summary more thorough than the part below, click Program Description — January 2014 by Glen Anderson, producer and host of this TV series An inherent part of our human consciousness is to seek meaning and purpose for our lives. People who understand that their lives have meaning and purpose enjoy better mental health than those who do not. During World War II the Nazis imprisoned Viktor Frankl in the concentration camp at Auschwitz. Viktor Frankl recognized that the prisoners who saw meaning and purpose for their lives were much more […]

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TV: “Racial Disparities in Criminal Justice System: Problems and Solutions”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Everybody knows that the criminal justice system in the United States is full of problems.  Some of the problems are well known, but our society and our political system seem unable or unwilling to solve them.  Yet workable solutions really do exist. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s February 2014 TV program examines some of our criminal justice system’s problems — with a special emphasis on the racial disparities — and we also look at solutions. Three knowledgeable guests help us explore the topic: • Larry Jefferson has 17 years of experience as a defense attorney in King County and in […]

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TV: “Preventing Humanity’s Suicide”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this interview, click HERE. To read a summary more thorough than the brief summary below, click Program Description — March 2014 The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s March 2014 TV program “connects the dots” between three serious issues: nuclear weapons, nuclear power, and the climate crisis. The program also explores how human beings deal with – or avoid dealing with – these serious issues. Bernie Meyer is our guest for this hour because he deals with substantive issues in fresh ways, and with wisdom and with profound humanity. The specific context for this month’s program is that Bernie had […]

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Nuclear Weapons information sources

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

A great many organizations and other information sources can help you work to reduce the danger of nuclear war and abolish nuclear weapons together.  In addition to the many resources on this blog, also see the “Nuclear Weapons” part of 

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Information about Guns

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

A number of good organizations are working to reduce gun violence. Also, we have posted some information to the “Guns” part of

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Death Penalty information sources

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

A good number of excellent organizations are working hard to abolish the death penalty.  A number of years ago I created a list of the organizations’ names, how to reach them, and their special areas of expertise and activities.  I have updated that list several times.  I’m attaching a 2011 update.  Some have moved since then, but I have not been able to find the more recent update.  When I find that, I’ll replace this 2011 version with the newer one.  Here is the 2011 version:  Death Penalty Information Resources — two 11-inch pages (1)   Also, much information is […]

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Climate information and resources exist elsewhere too.

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The climate crisis is such an urgent and existential crisis that many, many people are working on it. Besides the materials on this blog, please see the  excellent sources of information and organizing available from other organizations.  For several years we posted information on the “Climate Crisis” part of the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s website,  Some of that information is still relevant, and in about 2014 we posted lists of national and regional organizations.  Since then, many new organizations and information sources have arisen.  Fortunately, many of us are communicating and collaborating, so please contact a few organizations, look […]

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Cut the military budget. Use the savings to fully fund human needs.

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

A budget is a numerical way to express what we value.  The U.S.’s federal budget extravagantly funds military violence and fails to support human needs.  This is morally wrong.  It also makes our nation weak.  Sure, the Pentagon has plenty of weapons.  But our people are suffering badly from poor housing, poor health, polluted communities, and so forth. We need to cut the military budget and use the savings to fully fund human needs.  The U.S. has WASTED TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS making war against people in other countries while making the American people suffer also from neglect. In 2011 and […]

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TV: “Strengthen Democracy with a Community Rights Ordinance (CRO)”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this interview, click HERE. To read a .pdf summary of what we said during the interview, click Program Description — April 2014. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s April 2014 TV program takes a fresh look at democracy – specifically, how to make democracy more real and more vibrant by practicing it at the local level. We examine the growing movement for vibrant grassroots democracy through local efforts called “Community Rights Ordinances” – CROs. Our TV program’s three guests help us understand Community Rights Ordinances – and how we might adopt one locally, perhaps focusing on a specific concern […]

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TV: “The Death Penalty Is Unjust and Is Being Abolished”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour program, click HERE. To read a thorough summary — including sources of more information — click HERE for .pdf format or HERE for Word format. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s May 2014 TV program about the death penalty provides fresh information, fresh insights, and fresh support for moving ahead toward abolishing it.Washington State is one of 32 states that can sentence people to death. Therefore, over the years, the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s TV series has produced a number of programs about the death penalty. The first third of the program summarizes the problems in two […]

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TV: Igniting a Grassroots Compassion Movement”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read the following summary in .pdf format, click Program Description — June 2014. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s June 2014 TV program explores the potential of applying compassion to a wide range of social problems. Our four guests (listed near the end of this article) are active in Compassionate Seattle, which began in 2008, when the Dalai Lama visited Seattle and promoted the Seeds of Compassion, which Archbishop Desmond Tutu also supported. Another boost came in late 2009 when Karen Armstrong won a TED award for her Charter of Compassion movement based […]

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TV: “A Vietnam Veteran Now Works for Peace”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read a more thorough summary than the brief summary shown below (and sources of more information), click Program Description — July 2014 for .pdf The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s July 2014 TV program features a warm and frank conversation with Larry Kerschner, a Vietnam veteran who started working for peace and social justice a few years after returning – and has been accomplishing more and more ever since. Drawing upon his religious roots and his experiences in the army, Larry has developed himself into a wise, compassionate, and courageous peace activist who […]

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TV: “Militarism Is the Problem, Not the Solution”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

During mid-2014, Thurston Community Television (TCTV, was replacing its production equipment, so we repeated a great program that we had aired in November 2012 and was still fully relevant now in 2014 — and up to the current day. To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read the brief summary below in .pdf format, click Program Description — August 2014. Since World War II – and especially since the Soviet Union collapsed more than 20 year ago – the US has been the world’s #1 military power. And, indeed, the US has used that military power continuously since […]