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See Venezuela’s Crisis in the Context of the U.S.’s Foreign Policy

March 22, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

U.S. Foreign Policy Has Serious Implications for Us. Venezuela: Trump and the U.S. government have escalated economic sanctions and military threats against Venezuela, a sovereign democracy. Trump is continuing the bi-partisan U.S. belligerence that has occurred ever since Venezuela elected Hugo Chavez president in 1998. He was re-elected twice and invested Venezuela’s oil wealth to improve nutrition, health, education, and housing before he died in 2013. A few rich people have been hurting the majority poor population. Chavez’s “socialism” angered economic elites, who did not want to lose their economic and political privileges. The U.S. supported the 2002 coup that […]

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U.S. gov’t punishes immigrant workers but lets nasty employers break labor laws

March 22, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. government and conservatives make a big deal about clamping down on undocumented immigrants who get jobs in the U.S., but the U.S. government and conservatives fail to enforce the laws that should be holding unscrupulous employers accountable for breaking the law. Page 28 of an article in the April 2019 issue of “In These Times” magazine reports: “ICE’s 2018 budget for its enforcement and removal department was $4.8 billion, while the Department of Labor’s 2018 budget for its wage and hour department was $280 million.  We spent 20 times the amount chasing unauthorized immigrants than we did chasing […]

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California’s governor imposes moratorium on executions

March 16, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

California has by far the most people on death row (737) of any state in the U.S.  Legal problems with lethal injection have prevented executions for a while.  Unfortunately, California’s voters recently passed an initiative that intends to move ahead with more executions. But on March 13, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom imposed a moratorium that will prevent any executions from occurring while he is California’s Governor.  The death penalty law remains in place — and prosecutors may continue to bring more death penalty cases forward — but executions will be prevented during his term of office. He said, “Our death […]

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How We Got into Our Current Crisis — and How to Get Out

March 16, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This essay is long (29 pages) but worth reading because it is smart, insightful, and profound. Click either the Word version (the first link) or the .pdf version (the second link). How We Got into Our Current Crisis – And How to Get Out — THOROUGH article How We Got into Our Current Crisis – And How to Get Out — THOROUGH article

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“What’s Wrong with the Missing Middle”

March 10, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The March 2019 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series is an interview with Judy Bardin and Jim Keogh, two very knowledgeable Olympia residents who have researched — and want the public to understand — the “Missing Middle” scheme that the City of Olympia adopted recently. The “Missing Middle” is a massive up-zone that will seriously disrupt many neighborhoods and cause several kinds of problems. The City railroaded it through without the necessary public information and conversation that are necessary for an honest democracy.   To watch the interview, CLICK THIS LINK:  Missing Middle interview. Glen typed up a very […]

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Issues (climate, nuclear weapons, etc.) are interrelated!

March 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

More and more people are recognizing that single-issue organizing — while valid for focusing our efforts — can keep us stuck in different “silos” and fail to connect us with allies who could help by joining forces to create a much bigger movement to help several issues at the same time! Several times in the past year or so I have created half-page flyers that link nuclear weapons with other issues that people were organizing about (climate, immigrant rights, gun violence, science, etc.). On Saturday April 13, 2019, the South Sound Climate Action Convention will occur.  I created a handout […]

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Updates: Protect the 2020 census from Trump’s anti-immigrant bias

March 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Four times before I had posted information about Trump’s scheme to pervert the 2020 census in order to hurt immigrants and the communities where immigrants live now.  Those previous posts provide background, for today’s post, which provides newer information, including a way for Congress to fix the problem. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: On January 3, 2019, I posted this update on my previous posts: On November 13, 2018, I posted this: Previously, on July 22, 2018, I posted this: Initially, on July 17, 2018, I posted this:   NEW INFORMATION and ACTIONS: From February 2019 here are FOUR […]

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URGENT! Tell WA State Senate to pass SJM 8006 to Prevent Nuclear War

March 8, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

We got a WA State Senate committee to pass a resolution calling upon Congress to take a sensible step to prevent nuclear war. But it is stuck in the Senate Rules Committee. We must move SJM 8006 from the Senate Rules Committee to the Senate Floor for a vote by next Wednesday March 13, 2019, so it can move on to the House. PLEASE contact members of the WA State Senate Rules Committee.  Phone numbers are on this list:  Also — if SJM 8006 goes to the Senate Floor, contact your WA state senators.  See their names and contact […]

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Congress must take smart, strong new actions!

March 7, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

After this link about one of Congress’s major problems, I will provide links to proposals for how to solve the problems: How Congress Became a ‘Cathouse’ of Prostitutes Paying Off Their Pimps:   Public opinion polling keeps showing that the American people have VERY NEGATIVE views of Congress.  We must push Congress to stop its corruption, to become much smarter, to stop being so timid, and to take positive actions that serve the broad public interest (instead of rich donors and big business and the military-industrial complex).   This link goes to what wants the next Congress to […]

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Practical Strategies for the Green New Deal

March 7, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Don’t let anyone say the Green New Deal is not practical. This article offers 18 practical strategies …      

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Nuclear Weapons and Patriarchy Are Closely Interrelated!

March 7, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This 9-minute video speech “connects the dots” between nuclear weapons and patriarchy. Without blaming any individuals, this smart, insightful woman clearly exposes the systemic links. Let’s reach out to people who care about feminism and help them connect with the peace movement. Likewise, this short video can help the peace movement connect with feminism. Truly, we are all in this together. I encourage watching this smart short video:        

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Interesting information — and some satire — about Trump’s “Wall”

March 7, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Watch this brilliant, funny, VERY SHORT video about “walls” :   Here is another great 1-minute satirical video about Trump’s “wall emergency” :   Beto O’Rourke’s good video about immigrants and Trump’s insane border wall: Although Beto O’Rourke (from Texas) is not very progressive about some things (e.g., he is very subservient to big business), he has good values related to protecting human rights, and he is eager to reach out to the public on behalf of minorities, immigrants, and other folks whose human rights are in danger.  This 7-minute video is good:   Trump’s thinking is […]