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Insightful articles about liberation aspects of Christianity

May 11, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Winter 2019 issue of the Veterans for Peace publication (at this link — ) — ends with an amazingly smart article about liberation as the core message of what Christianity is supposed to be about. The article starts on the final page (page 24) and continues two pages earlier (page 22).   This article — — supports the kind of Christianity that MLK believed and practiced.  The article’s beginning starts slow, but it improves when it lays out seven principles.  The author cites an article by someone else, and it is in the context of being an “evangelical.” […]

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U.S.’s mainstream news media parrot Trump’s propaganda against Venezuela

May 11, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For much of the U.S.’s long war in Vietnam the mainstream news media obediently reported the official propaganda that the war was necessary and going well.  Only when the truth became blatantly obvious did the news media start covering it more thoughtfully and accurately. Mainstream news media obediently promoted the propaganda that the older George H.W. Bush and the younger George W. Bush promoted in order to justify their wars against Iraq. The same pattern happens over and over, and this pattern is persisting in support of Trump’s utterly unjustifiable efforts to overthrow Venezuela’s democracy by severe economic disruption and/or […]

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Oppose Trump’s disruption and coup against Venezuela’s democracy.

May 11, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In early May 2019 Trump is still pushing for a coup against Venezuela’s democracy. He and his top foreign policy appointees have explicitly said they want the oil of this oil-rich nation.   On May 6, 2019, World Beyond War ( sent this information: The United States is openly violating the U.N. Charter by threatening war on Venezuela. Read the latest report from activists who are protecting the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington. If you’re in the U.S. email Congress. I urge people to watch this very short video (only 1 minute, 14 seconds) from World Beyond War, calling upon people […]

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Political parties and serious problems

May 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Both of the big political parties cause serious problems. Republican Party leaders deliberately and enthusiastically make problems worse. Republican Party members obediently follow along. Democratic Party members want to solve problems (Green New Deal, Medicare for All, Impeach Trump, promote diversity in the party, etc.) Democratic Party “leaders” refuse to solve those problems. Dem “leaders” rebuff their members – and wonder why Dems don’t win more elections.

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U.S. gov’t makes nuclear weapons crisis worse. Instead, take these positive steps.

April 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Information in this blog post came from a page 8-9 article in the April 2019 issue of the Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action (, the 4 decades-old peace group located immediately next to the Trident nuclear weapons base in Kitsap County WA.  The article was written by Elizabeth Murray based on information provided by Bruce Gagnon, the coordinator of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (, an amazingly informative non-profit organization and website. First I lay out THE PROBLEM.  Then I lay out SOME REMEDIES:   THE PROBLEM: Elizabeth Murray reported that at a recent […]

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Yes, we can organize more effectively at the grassroots for many important issues.

April 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Globally, nationally, and locally, we are confronted with very serious problems. Some people feel overwhelmed and disempowered, so they feel powerless to solve the problems.  But that only allows the horrible problems to get worse. I strongly support the opposite approach:  Recognize that WE CAN INDEED LEARN HOW TO ORGANIZE EFFECTIVELY at the grassroots level (“Think globally and act locally”) to solve the problems. Sometimes people and organizations merely vent or flail about with random activities without a clear strategy for how to make the political and social changes we want.  We can do better than that! Specifically, I seek […]

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U.S.’s “regime change” efforts have been disastrous.

April 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. has OVERTHROWN many governments — including many democracies. Sometimes the U.S. claims we are protecting “human rights” or restoring “democracy.” But the truth is almost always the opposite. See examples at the “Peace” and “International Affairs” parts of this blog,   An April 22, 2019, article on exposed the U.S.’s horrible track record in the context of the Trump regime’s attempt to overthrow Venezuela’s elected president.  READ THE ARTICLE AT THIS LINK. In the article see this photo of a poster attached to Venezuela’s embassy in Washington DC:            

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URGENT: Tell the U.S. gov’t to STOP draft registration.

April 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

NOW IS THE TIME TO TELL THE GOVERNMENT TO STOP DRAFT REGISTRATION — and abolish the draft agency (Selective Service System) altogether. For a few years the government has been studying what to do about draft registration:  End it?  Include women?  Require everybody to serve in some way or another? I have posted information about this on my blog: Here is a late April 2019 update on the military draft registration hearing: Edward Hasbrouck (a draft resister and active member of Courage to Resist ( is an invited panelist on April 25 at the National Commission on Military, National, […]

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Several insights into NONVIOLENCE are inspirational and practical.

April 25, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

“Nonviolence offers many ways to create permanent, long-term positive changes that would enable us to rebuild social institutions on a more humane and sustainable basis. . . . Each of us, whatever our station in life or relation to activism, can carry out his grand ‘experiment with truth’ according to our own capacities and the situation we confront.”  Michael Nagler wrote this.  He writes a lot of good materials about nonviolence.  Although Amazon lists many of his books, I encourage people to buy them from locally owned bookstores:   “Revolutionary change does not come as one cataclysmic moment (beware […]

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June 17-21, 2019: Learn how to mediate disputes.

April 25, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Dispute Resolution Center of Thurston County (the DRC at 360-956-1155 offers TRAINING IN HOW TO MEDIATE DISPUTES. I highly recommend this 40-hour Professional Mediation Training during one week in June (17th through 21st), 2019.  It runs Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  It can help you strengthen your relationships at home, at work, and beyond.  The insights are practical in our daily lives.  I encourage people to take this training even if you do not think you’d want to be one of the DRC’s volunteer mediators. This fun and highly interactive 40-hour training will acquaint […]

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Do not let assumptions about “human nature” interfere with the bold social and political reforms we are working toward.

April 25, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Sometimes when we work to significantly improve our society or our politics, people will try to inhibit our efforts by saying, “You can’t change human nature.” They assume that “human nature” is fixed and impervious to improvement. Actually, history has proven otherwise. People have indeed made radical progressive changes, and we can accomplish more. We do not need to “change human nature.” If we change our society so it will function better, people will change for the better too. So, for example, instead of assuming that “human nature” causes people to be greedy, let’s change our economic system and our […]