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PREVENT Trump from starting a stupid, counter-productive war against Iran.

April 23, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

If you disagree with somebody, the proper way to resolve the conflict is to TALK and use DIPLOMACY and perhaps use a MEDIATOR. The U.S. government sometimes — and especially Trump nowadays — chooses military violence instead. That only backfires. The U.S. keeps bogging itself down in unwinnable wars in many places. These wars waste our tax dollars, which we should be spending for useful purposes. These wars kill and injure many people in other countries. These wars turn world opinion against us. These wars subvert human rights and constitutional rights.   Trump has been trying to start a war […]

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Nonviolent resistance is being used effectively in Algeria.

April 22, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Mainstream media do a bad job of covering international news.  Hardly anybody in the U.S. knows that a campaign of nonviolent resistance has toppled a long-standing autocrat in Algeria. The article at the link below affirms the effective use of principled nonviolence in bringing down an oppressor. The Algerian people are using proven strategies and methods of nonviolent action. See many positive examples in this article!      

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Act Now: Tell Congress to Impeach Bolton

April 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The excellent non-profit organization “Win Without War” ( promotes bold and principled information and efforts for peace. On April 11, 2019, they started urging people to impeach John Bolton for several reasons. See this information and a link to tell Congress to impeach Bolton: This week marks John “Bomb ‘Em” Bolton’s one year anniversary as White House National Security Adviser. And in just a year, ultra-hawk Bolton has destroyed multiple, vital international treaties, and is dragging us inches from two wars of choice with Venezuela and Iran. But John Bolton is not a permanent fixture. In fact, he is impeachable. […]

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Let’s get our priorities straight. Trillions of dollars for what?

April 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In order to get the Republican-dominated Senate to approve the New START Treaty, Obama committed the U.S. to replacing ALL of the U.S.’s nuclear weapons (the bombs, the bombers, missiles, submarines, etc.) with expensive new ones. The cost is likely to be about $1.7 TRILLION during the foreseeable future. In December 2017 Congress passed the Trump/Republican tax scam that is estimated to increase the U.S. deficit by a total of $3 TRILLION to $7 TRILLION in its first decade. In 1941 the U.S. jumped into World War II and abruptly stopped huge parts of the civilian economy and started massive […]

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“Understand Venezuela. Protect its Sovereignty.”

April 3, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Watch my April 2019 TV program on your computer or on TCTV. This month’s episode is:  “Understand Venezuela.  Respect its Sovereignty.” To watch the interview, CLICK THIS LINK. To read a very thorough summary of what we said (and many links for more information sources at the end), CLICK THIS LINK:  2019.04 Summary of Venezuela interview.   The April 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” series (see below for info about watching it through your computer or TCTV channel 22) provides fresh information and insights into the crisis in Venezuela. Venezuela is a sovereign nation – a real democracy – […]

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Pelosi and McConnell Are Inching Us Closer to Nuclear War

March 31, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Bi-partisan enthusiasm for NATO – and NATO’s aggressive escalation of nations all the way up to Russia’s borders – increases the danger of nuclear war. At a global scale bigger than NATO, bi-partisan enthusiasm for nuclear weapons increases the danger of nuclear war. After the Berlin Wall fell, the U.S. and NATO promised that they would move “not one inch eastward.” But the U.S. and NATO quickly broke that promise. The article linked below repeats the often-overlooked hard reality that “NATO has been closing in on Russia’s borders while bringing one nation after another into full military membership. During the […]

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The U.S. should become a positive, responsible member of the world community. Join and respect the International Criminal Court (ICC).

March 29, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Trump keeps rebuffing the rest of the world by withdrawing the U.S. from treaties (the INF treaty limiting nuclear weapons, the Iran nuclear deal, the Paris climate deal, etc., etc., etc.)  Now he is hostile toward the International Criminal Court (ICC). On March 15, 2019, Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the U.S. will deny or revoke visas for International Criminal Court staff.  This rude rebuff is intended to impede a potential investigation into alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by U.S. troops in Afghanistan. More than 120 other nations have signed on to the Rome […]

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Trump wants HUGE INCREASE for Pentagon budget and SERIOUS CUTS in programs that help people.

March 28, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The federal budget hurts people locally in order to divert money from social programs into more military violence that hurts people worldwide. Let’s mobilize a “people-power” movement to reverse federal budget priorities! We need diplomacy, not war. We need to SLASH the Pentagon budget and FULLY FUND programs to meet human needs.   See information from the National Priorities Project (  See information from them and from the Institute for Policy Studies (, including this: and this:   Trump’s budget proposal calls for a HUGE INCREASE in the Pentagon’s budget, which is already BLOATED and funds massive violence. […]

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Four members of E.U. Parliament were arrested protesting U.S. nuclear weapons in Belgium.

March 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S.’s nuclear weapons stationed in Europe do NOT protect Europe.  They ENDANGER Europe. The article in this blog post is largely based on information from the Spring 2019 issue of NukeWatch Quarterly (ISSN 1942-6305) published by th Progressive Foundation, 740A Round Lake Road, Luck Wisconsin 54853.  Subscribe at This article reports, “The U.S. is the ONLY government in the world that places its nuclear weapons in other countries.”  It says the U.S.’s nuclear weapons are based in Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, and Italy.  The U.S.’s nuclear weapons in Turkey might have been removed recently.  Britain, Greece and Canada […]

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INCREASED BOMBING of Afghanistan is causing civilian deaths to reach RECORD HIGH NUMBERS

March 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S.’s war in Afghanistan is the longest-running war in U.S. history.  It has no real purpose — no goal — and no real plan for “winning” — whatever “winning” might mean.  It just goes on and on. Trump is increasing the bombing.  Trump’s bombing is causing civilian deaths to reach RECORD HIGH NUMBERS. Congress and mainstream media ignore this. This article provides important information:

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17 Years, 41 Military Operations, 19 Countries. It’s Time to Repeal the 2001 AUMF

March 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The people who founded the U.S. knew that Europe’s top leaders kept starting wars that hurt their nation, so when they wrote the U.S. Constitution they specified that the president could NOT unilaterally start a war.  A war could start ONLY IF Congress EXPLICITLY DECLARED war. After the 9-11-2001 attacks, the Bush-Cheney regime steamrollered many bad things through Congress (including the PATRIOT Act).  They also pushed Congress into ABDICATING ITS CONSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY to make decisions about going to war.  Congress passed the Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) law, which UNCONSTITUTIONALLY empowered the President to start any wars he […]

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This new, insightful article explains REALLY WHY George W. Bush started his 2003 Iraq war.

March 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Soon after George W. Bush attacked Iraq in March 2003 he landed on an aircraft carrier and spoke of his triumph in front of a huge banner that proclaimed ”Mission Accomplished.” That war actually dragged on for many years, and the U.S.’s bi-partisan war against Iraq and “war against terror” actually provoked terrorism throughout the region and in many other parts of the world.  W’s war was no victory at all! Instead of the “shock and awe” against Iraq creating a decisive, powerful victory for the U.S., the long, bogged-down chaos actually showed how weak and ineffectual the U.S. is. […]

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See Venezuela’s Crisis in the Context of the U.S.’s Foreign Policy

March 22, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

U.S. Foreign Policy Has Serious Implications for Us. Venezuela: Trump and the U.S. government have escalated economic sanctions and military threats against Venezuela, a sovereign democracy. Trump is continuing the bi-partisan U.S. belligerence that has occurred ever since Venezuela elected Hugo Chavez president in 1998. He was re-elected twice and invested Venezuela’s oil wealth to improve nutrition, health, education, and housing before he died in 2013. A few rich people have been hurting the majority poor population. Chavez’s “socialism” angered economic elites, who did not want to lose their economic and political privileges. The U.S. supported the 2002 coup that […]