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Click links to see resources about nuclear weapons

June 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Since the 1940s the U.S. has been provoking a nuclear arms race and escalating the dangers.  Only during a few short periods of time when the public organized strong opposition did the government ease up, sign treaties, and reduce its efforts.  Now we must rise up again and organize a strong movement to stop the massive escalation that is underway now.  Beyond that, we must organize a strong movement to abolish nuclear weapons altogether. The Olympia Coalition to Abolish Nuclear Weapons is an active member of a statewide coalition, Washington Against Nuclear Weapons ( WANW has conducted day-long workshops to […]

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Georgia Democrats Respond to GOP’s Total Abortion Ban With ‘Testicular Bill of Rights’

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

State legislatures have been attacking women’s rights, so in the spring of 2019 a Democrat in Georgia’s legislature took creative action. The article at the link below says:  “Georgia Democratic Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick wants to change the discourse around Republicans’ total abortion ban with legislation that would strictly regulate men’s reproductive health care.” The article says:  “Some of the legislation Kendrick has asked legislative counsel to draft includes requiring men to obtain permission from their sex partner before obtaining a prescription for Viagra or other erectile dysfunction medications; making it aggravated assault for men to have sex without a condom; […]

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Stop the cruel economic sanctions and economic disruptions against Venezuela, Iran, and elsewhere.

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In order to bully other nations with whom the U.S. government does not get along, our government imposes cruel economic sanctions — and sometimes viciously disrupts the economies — against other nations. Most Americans go along with this.  They just don’t want American troops “on the ground,” so economic abuses are a way to attack other nations.  But this kind of bullying is wrong too. I wrote this one-page article to explain.  Please urge the U.S. government to stop this abuse. Economic sanctions are bullying without bombing or sending troops    

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Replace the “national security” scheme with “TRUE Security.”

June 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is obsessed with “national security” and wastes about half of our discretionary budget on militarism, nuclear weapons, covert actions, and violence around the world. This obsession and waste cause much neglect and suffering within the U.S. as well as abuse and endless wars and suffering around the world. We must replace the wasteful, ineffective, and downright counterproductive “national security” scheme with a fresh approach:  “TRUE Security.” See this: TRUE Security TABLE.doc        

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We’re All in This Together

May 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Oppressors like to use “divide-and-conquer” strategies to disempower the 99%. The Olympian published an op-ed I wrote in May 2019. Here is the article as a Word document: BOC — 2019.05.16 FINAL version — We’re All in This Together Here is the article as it appeared on the editorial page on May 23, 2019:     

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How We Got into Our Current Crisis

May 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

I wrote an insightful article in 2017, and it is still valid, so I updated it only a little and posted it here. I’ll write another proposing remedies for how to get out of this crisis.  Look for that within the next few weeks. How We Got into Our Current Crisis  

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“Why the Public Should Own Our Electric Utilities”

May 18, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Per-spectives” explores the many benefits of having the public own our electric utilities instead of letting big business own them. People typically think about “democracy” in terms of government. But why not also have democracy in how we run our economy? Why can’t our economic institutions – such as our electric utility – respond to the will of the voters? Voters can choose to have local governments own and operate our electric utilities. Dozens of cities and counties in Washington State have long, successful track records of using publicly owned utilities to pro-vide […]

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The Green New Deal must include PEACE as an inherent part of its agenda

May 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. military is an ENORMOUS waster of oil and an ENORMOUS factor in causing and perpetuating the climate crisis. To reduce carbon emissions, we absolutely must reduce all kinds of military flights, ships, and vehicle traffic. The Military-Industrial Complex hires troops and workers who build weapons. The Green New Deal must move them away from climate-killing jobs into jobs that solve our problems and create a sustainable future. A militaristic foreign policy is NOT SUSTAINABLE!!! Militarism is DESTROYING OUR FUTURE! PEACE must be a strategic part of the Green New Deal!!! See this article, which promotes the Green New […]

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Debunking the Myths of War — Here is a great resource!

May 11, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The non-profit organization World Beyond War ( takes a bold stance: War is not necessary and is never good. We need to debunk the myths that keep war and militarism going. We can indeed choose peace. Debunking Myths of War See their powerful new PowerPoint presentation at this link:  Debunking-the-Myths-of-War1 On April 29, WBW’s Organizing Director Greta Zarro presented a talk on “debunking the myths of war” for the Beyond War & Militarism Committee in Syracuse, NY. In making the case for war abolition, the talk dispelled the myths that war is inevitable, necessary, beneficial, or just.    

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Protect honest science: One funny short video. One petition to Congress.

May 11, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Watch this short video supporting science in the face of deliberate anti-science stupidity. (It includes some foul language.)  Here is the link:   In May 2019 this petition came out.  Please sign it to urge Congress to pass the Scientific Integrity Act: Credo Action ( provided information about this.  I’ve quoted some parts of their message and summarized other parts: “As climate change grows increasingly dangerous, the last thing the government should be doing is censoring its own scientists. But the Trump administration is firing and reassigning scientists, preventing the release of key reports, altering findings, and stacking […]

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Print these anti-Trump labels. Attach them to envelopes you mail.

April 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Every time you mail a letter you could be building opposition to the Trump regime. I created this page of labels that you can print out and attach to the left side of every letter you mail. I circle mine with a bold red marking pen. They are formatted for a very common kind of address labels:  30 per sheet with 3 columns of 10 labels each, with dimensions 1″ by 2 5/8″

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Let’s re-think what REAL “populism” is so we can achieve better democracy.

April 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The term “populism” has been thrown around and given a grossly misleading meaning.  Various pundits have distorted it to seem supportive of racism and Trump’s pandering to his political base’s worst biases. Actually, the U.S. had a TRULY PROGRESSIVE historical era of “populism” more than a century ago.  We need to rediscover those values and build upon the TRULY DEMOCRATIC political instincts that people were organizing around at that time.   This political cartoon should inspire us and guide our truly populist organizing:  CLICK THIS LINK: CARTOON — The people don’t know their true power   “Populism” can be used […]

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Several reasons why the right wing has built its power at the expense of liberals and the Left

April 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The article at this link provides insights into the effectiveness of RIGHT-WING MEMES — and why the Left falls short in that:   The Left had raised the issue of “globalization,” but the Right stole the issue and converted it into right-wing nationalism, racism, and anti-immigrant hysteria.  This allowed Trump and right-wing extremists to gain power in various countries that used to be “liberal democracies.”  This article provides insights:   In the U.S and elsewhere, the dominant economic and political systems are not working, so mainstream (“white”) people feel victimized.  The right wing has promoted the current conservative […]