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Right-wing Christianity merged with the Republican Party and is hurting America.

September 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

After the 2016 election I wrote a thorough essay about how we got into our nation’s current political mess. This “mess” had already existed before Trump came along as a politician. The “mess” has several component parts.  One of the problems leading to our current crisis is that right-wing Christianity merged with the Republican Party in the 1970s. This corrupted both Christianity and our nation’s political and societal realities. Here is a VERY SHORT SUMMARY of this: In the 1970s several right-wing Christian TV preachers and junk mail organizers mobilized millions of right-wing people around “culture war” issues. They worked […]

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Our militarized society fails to appreciate Conscientious Objectors.

September 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Every year several holidays celebrate war and militarism:  Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Veterans Day are national holidays. In many, many ways militarism is honored and celebrated, but peace and people with religious and conscientious objections to war are ignored, if not vilified. On September 4, 2019, the Port of Olympia announced that it will celebrate military troops on Sept. 6 with sirens and flashing lights. I’m still waiting for nearly 50 years for any local governments to celebrate Conscientious Objectors – the many people in the U.S. and elsewhere whose consciences or religious faiths prevent us from […]

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Short article: The currently dominant worldview is hurting our society in many ways.

September 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Our society is suffering in many, many ways.  The problems are all around us — and they are interconnected.  They are rooted in a worldview that has been dominating the U.S. (and some other nations) increasingly in recent decades. I wrote a long article about this.  Here is a very short article that summarizes a few of the main points.  I published it in a recent issue of Works in Progress ( This currently dominant worldview is hurting us.            

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WED SEPT 25 webinar to help you organize locally to prevent nuclear war — Sponsored by Union of Concerned Scientists

September 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Union of Concerned Scientists ( is a very knowledgeable and credible organization that works on some important issues, including nuclear weapons. They are offering a webinar on WED SEPT 25, 2019, to help us become more effective in organizing locally to prevent nuclear war.  If you are interested, please sign up through this reputable organization.  Here is a sign-up link: Their e-mail announcing this opportunity says this: The Trump administration is currently moving forward with plans to spend more than $1 trillion to replace the entire US nuclear arsenal and build new more “usable” nuclear weapons. All while […]

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“Impeach Trump to Protect the Constitution and the Rule of Law”

August 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The September 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series builds a solid case for protecting our constitutional democracy by activating the part of the Constitution that our founders created in order to correct the kind of crisis our nation is experiencing now. Two knowledgeable guests — Bonnie Jones and Steve Rubicz — discuss what impeachment means, how it works, the compelling reasons for impeaching Trump immediately, and what the American people can do now – instead of waiting for the November 2020 election.  Bonnie and Steve are active with Puget Sound Communities for Impeachment. Our nation’s founders wanted to […]

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Adults as well as youths should strike for the climate on FRI. SEPT. 20, 2019

August 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Bill McKinnon urging us to strike for the climate on Sept. 20, 2019: Calls for maximum adult participation in the young people’s climate strikes: A 17-year-old climate justice activist admits to being “terrified of what the future holds if we remain on our current carbon trajectory.  The climate crisis looms over every single decision I make, and impedes any and all plans I try to make for the future. I have never known a time in my life where life on earth as we know it wasn’t coming to an end thanks to the climate crisis. It’s time […]

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Trump’s FBI, etc., go after blacks, Muslims, etc., but largely ignore white nationalists and right-wing terrorists

August 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The term “terrorist” has been slanted to make people think of Muslims. The term “gang” has been slanted to make people think of Blacks or Latinos. But actually, nearly all of the mass shooters have been white, and many of them have been RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS (some quoting Trump’s rhetoric) who targeted the groups that the Trump regime and other propagandists have been pressuring the public to fear and hate (LGBTQ folks, Muslims, Jews, etc.), along with random people. If we want to stop the epidemic of mass shootings — and hate crimes — we must look at who is committing […]

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The Green New Deal would be good in many ways!

August 21, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Green New Deal is an amazingly good idea.  It provides fresh thinking “outside the box” by bringing together environmentalists, labor, local communities, poor people, young people, and other diverse constituencies.  It is a “win-win-win-win-win ” all the way around.  I urge all kinds of people to work together in grand coalitions to pass the Green New Deal through Congress. In the 1930s, FDR’s New Deal helped our nation in many ways.  Now we need a NEW “GREEN New Deal” to help us in many ways, including the environment and climate, which were less pressing issues during the 1930s.   […]

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The U.S. Deserves Its Own Nuremberg Trials

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This smart, insightful article deserves to be read widely and acted upon:        

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Extreme Inequality Is Driving Anxiety and Depression in the U.S.

August 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Economic inequality is a SERIOUS CRISIS in the U.S. — not only because it is economically unjust, but also because it hurts our health and mental health. See this article:        

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“Insights for Effective Grassroots Organizing”

July 31, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

NONE of the positive changes that have improved our nation’s political or social lives were gifts from Congress or big business.  Women’s right to vote, labor unions, environmental laws, civil rights advances for many kinds of people, and many other accomplishments were won ONLY because of smart, courageous nonviolent grassroots organizing. The August 2019 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV program will help you become more effective in working for the political, economic and social changes you want to see. This month’s interview features three experienced grassroots organizers — Holly Gwinn Graham, Bob Zeigler, and Glen Anderson – sharing insights […]

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Democratic Party FAILS TO CHALLENGE Trump’s foreign policy!

July 31, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Many times every day now I receive e-mails from various parts of the Democratic Party asking me to donate money.  Their opening request invites me to choose my favorite presidential candidates — and sometimes to identify the issues that I care about the most. They list many DOMESTIC issues (jobs, gay rights, college debt, etc.), but ALMOST NEVER ASK ABOUT FOREIGN POLICY or the federal budget’s domination by military spending or the U.S.’s perpetual violations of human rights around the world. This implies that THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS WILLING TO GO ALONG WITH TRUMP’S FOREIGN POLICY! A few of these […]

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Groups working to reduce gun violence ALWAYS NEGLECT to oppose war and military violence, which set the tone for gun violence within the U.S.

July 30, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Just now I responded to an e-mail survey sent out by a prominent nationwide non-profit org that works to reduce gun violence throughout the U.S. They asked what their top priority should be. I said they should work to stop all of the U.S.’s war’ and de-militarize our foreign policy. I told them that the U.S.’s addiction to war and military violence create a culture that assumes shooting people is a good way to solve problems. The U.S.’s persistent militarism sets the tone for gun violence within the U.S. This really is “the elephant in the room” that the anti-gun […]