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This thoughtful, informative article supports the Green New Deal as sensible economics and good for the climate

October 26, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This article compares the Green New Deal with FDR’s original New Deal. It sees similarities with the Great Depression, but also differences. (For example, the Great Depression was the overriding single issue that dominated national discussion, and nobody denied the existence of the Great Depression, in contrast to the rich, powerful “deniers” of the climate crisis.) Let’s draw upon another similarity. The article says, “The New Deal was made possible by mass movements of insurgent industrial workers, the unemployed, farmers facing foreclosure and ruin, urban dwellers facing eviction, and small businessmen facing extinction, among others.” A few paragraphs later the […]

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New study shows ANY use of nuclear weapons would hurt environment, climate, health

October 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Nuclear weapons are MUCH MORE than merely a “peace” issue.  The new report shows that ANY use of nuclear weapons would cause extremely serious damage to our health, our environment and our climate. We must ELIMINATE NUCLEAR WEAPONS before they eliminate us!   Physicians for Social Responsibility ( reports this: A groundbreaking new climate study shows just how urgent it is to prevent nuclear war and eliminate nuclear weapons before they eliminate us. “Rapidly expanding nuclear arsenals in Pakistan and India portend regional and global catastrophe,” published in Science Advances on October 2 by leading researchers Owen Brian Toon and […]

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Pelosi and House Democrats are TOO TIMID about impeaching Trump!

October 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

For 2 1/2 years House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other powerful Democrats have refused to impeach Trump, despite his MANY, MANY violations of the Constitution and MANY, MANY violations of federal law. The Constitution explicitly urges a strong remedy when a President becomes a tyrant:  IMPEACHMENT!  The Constitution’s explicit remedy has been available to impeach Trump all the way back to his inauguration in January 2017 when he has been clearly — and continuously VIOLATING the Constitution’s EXPLICIT prohibition of using the presidential power as a gimmick for financial gain.  The Constitution explicitly prohibits both foreign and domestic “emoluments.” Since […]

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Several articles about religion, politics, peace, nonviolence, etc.

October 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2019 interview on my TV series “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” focuses on how the Religious Right has hijacked Christianity and much of our nation’s government.  I interview three guests who make a strong case for authentic Christianity, which is the opposite of what has become dominant.  Watch the interview and/or read a thorough summary of what we said at this link: The thorough summary includes much additional information — and links to many articles — beyond what we had time to say during the TV interview. In addition to those resources, I invite you to click the following […]

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Face-to-face connections improve our organizing effectiveness!

October 12, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Grassroots organizing is all about bringing people together to set goals, devise strategies, and plan strategically smart activities to accomplish those goals.  Our interactions with other people are crucial to our success! But nowadays many people think electronic communications (e-mails, Facebook, etc.) can suffice.  They can NOT take the place of connecting face-to-face with other people and building trusting relationships. I wrote this one-page article to encourage us to more and better face-to-face interactions so we can build stronger grassroots movements for the issues we care about: Face-to-Face Organizing Would Help Us Accomplish More — and Enjoy it More   […]

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“Being Christian in America in a Time of Crisis”

October 6, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2019 episode of “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” takes a fresh look at some of our nation’s social and political issues – especially in light of religious faith.  Many of the public policy issues that our nation is grappling with have been pushed hard from conservative Christian viewpoints, but those are NOT the only voices of Christianity. Moderate, liberal and progressive Christians have insights that differ greatly from the highly publicized views that have gained political power. Our October 2019 interview features three retired Christian ministers sharing faith-based insights and perspectives that are VERY DIFFERENT from those that have been […]

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Wow! See how this big business tries to bully Lewis County! Their e-mail exposed their corporate playbook.

October 6, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This non-profit org’s e-mail explains what’s been happening. Perhaps you already know. See this interesting news from Lewis County. I clicked the link in this sentence: The Daily Chronicle, like any good media outlet, published the email.  See the Centralia newspaper’s article at this link:      

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Many “public-private partnerships are neoliberal scams that widen economic inequality.

October 6, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Watch the 24-minute video I have linked below.  It exposes “public-private partnerships” as harmful in many ways. Social problems are “monetized” by using public funding to let big businesses pretend to solve problems, but really the big businesses get rich at public expense – without actually solving the problems. Nationwide, BOTH POLITICAL PARTIES keep supporting these scams that value profits instead of people. This powerful video shows an example of the “public-private partnership” scam in Baltimore and the powerful grassroots organizing that fought back and opposed the gentrification. Here is the link:        

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The Climate Crisis Means the Wrong People Are Running the World

October 6, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

If ordinary people around the world had political and economic democracy, we never would have allowed the climate crisis to get to this extreme emergency: • We would have paid attention to the science. • We would have sharply restricted big business and other economic powers. • We would have forced governments to take strong and timely action decades ago. The fact that the climate crisis exists now proves that the U.S. and the world are existentially suffering from a lack of political and economic democracy. The following article discusses this: The Climate Crisis Means the Wrong People Are Running […]

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What bold, positive realities would you want for 4 years from now?

October 6, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

I am always encouraging people to envision and organize bold goals for a significantly better future.  Recently I posted to my blog this article inviting us to do that: Now I invite you to take the next step. Please read (or re-read) that blog post and send me your e-mail suggestions for this topic: What bold, good reality would you want for four years from now — October 2023? Instead of feeling constrained by the current conditions that are bogging our nation down and curtailing our imaginations, I invite you to BOLDLY AND CREATIVELY IMAGINE the future you really […]

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Christianity and War — See this interesting article

October 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

This article is titled: “Making War: Implications for both Church and State Policy of Christian Theology, International Law, and the Constitution” by Archbishop Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. National Commander, “The Patriots” & Primate, United Catholic Church (a 2009 update of an article first published in March 1995) The article is at this link: Christianity and war — MakingWar2009A