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“No room at the inn” — U.S. policies provoke immigration but refuses to accommodate the victims

December 25, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The Christmas story highlights a young family — Joseph and Mary who was 9 months pregnant — who were forced by the oppressive undemocratic government that ruled over them to travel to a distant place.  But there was “no room at the inn,” so they had no choice but to stay in a stable, where Mary gave birth to Jesus. This iconic story of gross injustice keeps playing out nowadays with different characters and new ironies. For many decades the U.S. has supported brutal right-wing governments (sometimes overthrowing democracies in order to install those oppressive regimes) in Latin America and […]

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Fossil Fuel Industry Hijacks Global Climate COP Summits

December 7, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Al Gore Says Fossil Fuel Industry Has “Captured the COP Process.”  The article linked here — — says this:  “The former U.S. vice president accused the United Arab Emirates of ‘abusing the public’s trust’ by naming the CEO of its national oil company as president of COP28.  Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore said Sunday that fossil fuel interests have effectively seized the reins of the United Nations climate summit process, preventing the kind of ambitious action that scientists say is necessary to prevent catastrophic warming and all of its cascading impacts.”   COP28: Amy Goodman Attempts to Question […]

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Biden’s wars antagonize voters and suppress turnout! Biden’s wars will elect Trump + Republicans!

December 7, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

The Democratic Party is electing Trump again. In 2016 the Democratic Party crammed Hillary Clinton down our throats, even though Democratic voters preferred other candidates. Hillary Clinton was a HORRIBLE WAR-HAWK! She was TOTALLY SUBSERVIENT TO BIG BUSINESS – and was making huge amounts of money speaking to audiences of Wall Street bankers. She was so horrible that Trump was able to run on her political LEFT for peace and claiming to be the champion of ordinary workers. The Democratic Party thought Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide because Trump was such a wacko.   The Democratic Party LEARNED […]

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Expose the propaganda and lies that claim a big “crime wave” is endangering us.

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Very often, conservatives and complicit (negligent) mainstream media want to frighten us about something.  Very often, the fears they are promoting are based on propaganda and lies.  They want to frighten us and stampede us into bad “solutions” (more nuclear weapons, “tough-on-crime” laws, oppression of LGBTQ+ people, etc. Now the big new scary thing is a “crime wave.”  Actually, this is bogus.  See these sources of information:   This was posted on October 17, 2023:   We need to reform and humanize our criminal justice system, but this was reported on May3, 2023:  “Media Crime Hype Helps Roll Back […]

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Biden nominated an EXTREME OPPONENT of human rights to a powerful position on diplomacy commission

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Joe Biden has a long history of VIGOROUS SUPPORT FOR WAR.  He has carried that into his presidential administration.  He has appointed MANY EXTREME WAR-HAWKS to powerful positions in his administration. One of the worst is Elliott Abrams, who has committed HORRIBLE WAR CRIMES for George W. Bush and other administrations.  Elliott Abrams is a NOTORIOUS ENEMY of human rights and democracy in other nations.   SEE THIS:  ‘Totally Indefensible’: Biden Nominates Death Squad Backer Elliott Abrams to Diplomacy Panel.  “Elliott Abrams, enemy of human rights, apologist for mass murder, should have no place within spitting distance of any Democratic […]

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Dec. 10: Human Rights Day! Read the U.N.’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights (linked here).

December 4, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

December 10 is the annual day to celebrate and work for human rights! Many of the problems in our world — and in our nation — would be solved if people and governments respected human rights. The United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms a bold, powerful agenda for what we need to be working for. Read it here every year on or before December 10 and find ways to organize to actually implement it.      

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Protect honest science from attacks and declining public trust!

December 3, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

At federal, state and local levels, right-wingers and businesses are applying pressures to hurt honest science. Fewer Americans now understand and respect science. Here are some recent articles:   Americans’ trust in science is declining:  Americans’ Trust in Scientists, Positive Views of Science Continue to Decline   Why Don’t Americans Believe in Science?   The psychology behind right-wing authoritarians’ denial of science:   Don’t Let Them Fool You: Disinformation Is Not an Accident. – Union of Concerned Scientists (   Politically motivated bullies want to “tear down the fabric of science.”   State and Local […]

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Biden violates 2020 campaign promises by BUILDING TRUMP’S WALL, despite 26 laws

November 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Biden said border walls do not work, but he is waiving 26 laws to build more of Trump’s Wall. These two articles were posted October 5, 2023:   and   Also, in order to continue building Trump’s Wall, Biden waived these two laws among the 26:  the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act, the American Indian Religious Freedom Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act .  Biden took his cruel action without seeking any input from local communities. His Department of Homeland Security is FAST-TRACKING the border wall construction and VIOLATING TREATIES.  Biden’s wall will go through a […]

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Our national culture values and worships the OPPOSITE of Nonviolence

November 24, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

We need to recognize that our national culture is trapped in myths, values, beliefs, and an educational system that are the OPPOSITE of Nonviolence. In the 1760s and 1770s, nonviolent resistance was already winning independence for the 13 colonies before the Revolutionary War started killing British troops and thereby gave England a reason to violently wage war against the colonies.  Gene Sharp’s research showed that we would have achieved independence sooner if we had continued nonviolent resistance instead of resorting to war. We have worshiped the military ever since, even though the U.S. has not won a war since World […]

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Interesting insights into psychological aspects of gun issues

November 22, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Here are some very interesting psychological aspects related to people’s attitudes about guns (both pro and con).  Let’s use these insights to help us reduce gun violence. This very interesting article that packs a lot into 7 pages: A different link at the same website offers smart insights into how we might use the overall principles in our organizing about guns.  See this fascinating, practical 5-page article about “Death Anxiety and Social Change”: Seven years ago I interviewed an expert about the topic for my November 2016 TV program.  I titled that episode, “Social and Political Implications of […]

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Biden’s wars ANTAGONIZE VOTERS away from him. Polls show voters choose Trump as the PEACE candidate.

November 6, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Democrats think Biden is a smart politician.  Actually, he — and the Democratic Party — are stupidly ANTAGONIZING VOTERS so they will vote for Trump instead in 2024.  The Democratic Party learned nothing from their 2016 debacle when the party imposed Hillary Clinton upon us. In early November 2023, several public opinion polls showed that VOTERS OPPOSE BIDEN’S WARS and think TRUMP WOULD BE MORE LIKELY TO PROTECT PEACE. Nov. 5, 2023:  Most Americans believe … U.S. would be kept out of war if Trump reelected: Nov. 6, 2023:  Voters think Trump’s more likely to increase peace in world […]

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“Active Nonviolence in Daily Life” — My speaking engagement includes practical and religious aspects

November 6, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Olympia’s Westminster Presbyterian Church invited me to speak there about “Active Nonviolence in Daily Life” on Sunday October 8, 2023. I prepared a message that solidly delivered on the topic they gave me.  The audience liked very much – and they told me so.  Although this was a speaking engagement rather than a sermon, one person said it was the best sermon they had ever heard.  Much of what I said will be new to the friends and family members to whom I’m sending this e-mail. I shared: Insights into understanding profoundly what nonviolence is – and why it is […]

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Trump really is a fascist. He is doing many things that Hitler did.

August 28, 2023 GlenAnderson 0

Trump really is a fascist.  He does not want America to think.  See this:   See this article titled: “Trump Wants to Make the US a Nazi Nation”: Trump Is Maintaining Popularity and the Hitler Parallels Are Terrifying.  Here is the article:   Leading civil rights lawyer shows 20 ways Trump is copying Hitler:   Is Trump following the same well-worn path blazed by other terrorist leaders?  See this:   Trump posed like Hitler for their mug shots.  Notice that the weird lighting almost looks more like a painting than a photograph.  Trump’s mug shot looks […]