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We must EXTEND the “New START” treaty with Russia. Do NOT let Trump let it expire in February 2021.

October 21, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The world is still alarmed in mid-October 2020 that Trump seems committed to letting the last remaining treaty with Russia limiting nuclear weapons to EXPIRE in 2021.  This would lead to a TOTALLY UNCONSTRAINED NUCLEAR ARMS RACE. Trump’s reckless promotion of nuclear weapons has already provoked Russia and China to start massive building of their own nuclear weapons.  We must build a huge grassroots movement to nonviolently force Trump to extend the “New START” treaty in its current form without bogging it down with complicating new complications. Trump lies to us about EVERYTHING.  Trump is PRETENDING to want peace by […]

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Register now for SUN OCT 18 7:00 pm Zoom “ACTION HOUR” to take quick actions to protect democracy from Trump’s coup

October 18, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

More and more people are alerting the public and organizing nonviolent actions to protect honest democracy from Trump’s coup, which is already underway and will likely proceed beyond election day. I’ll send you info about that today, but right now you can SIGN UP FOR TONIGHT’S “ACTION HOUR” on Zoom so you can take quick actions to protect the election and stop Trump’s coup. Here is information I edited from an organizer of TONIGHT’S “ACTION HOUR” on Zoom:   Join with other people to take preventative action to stop Trump’s coup and support a free and fair election! Register now […]

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Let’s build savvy grassroots movements to expand the range of what is “politically feasible.”

September 18, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Elected officials, newspaper editorial boards, and other official power-holders shy away from making the bold, humane changes for social and economic justice because they say those bold reforms are not “politically feasible.” Our job is to organize strategically from the grassroots to build movements that expand the range of what is “politically feasible,” so our demands will become obviously necessary instead of dismissed as unrealistic.   Instead of lamenting “ain’t-it-awful,” let’s change the awful realities by organizing strategically savvy grassroots movements! I encourage you to SIGN UP NOW for the series of 6 weekly workshops starting on YOUR CHOICE of […]

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“Let’s Boldly Create the Future We Really Want”

August 29, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2020 TV program for the “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series addresses the serious problems that we are experiencing and encourages people to boldly envision solutions. People know the status quo is bad – and they want to solve the problems. But nearly everybody is bogged down in feeling powerless.  They don’t feel empowered to solve the problems, and they don’t know how to proceed. This TV program — and the transcript I have posted at this link,  2020.06 BOLD FUTURE — TRANSCRIPT with MORE INFORMATION and RESOURCES — start by confronting the serious problems in our world, our nation, […]

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Urge Congress to PASS GOOD legislation and DEFEAT BAD legislation about NUCLEAR WEAPONS

August 16, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Most Americans do not pay attention to what Congress is doing about nuclear weapons.  Congress funds horrible weapons, but a few members of Congress do introduce good legislation to restrain the nuclear arms race.  I produced this document with information about GOOD BILLS TO SUPPORT — and BAD BILLS TO DEFEAT. See this: Federal legislation and policies to SUPPORT or OPPOSE Please contact your members of Congress (House and Senate) to urge appropriate actions. Thanks!                    

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Info about Hiroshima (Aug. 6) and Nagasaki (Aug. 9)

August 4, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the U.S.’s atomic bombing of Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9). Many peace organizations have planned activities to help us remember and to say NEVER AGAIN.   Women’s Action for New Directions (WAND, and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF, and other groups are live-streaming activities throughout both of those days.  See the full schedule and register here:   Some of the survivors (Hibakusha) wrote a statement and encourage people to sign on to it.  Here is their statement: “The two atomic bombs dropped on August 6 […]

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Trump is HORRIBLY INCOMPETENT in dealing with other nations

July 31, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

During the 2016 campaign (and ever since then) Trump kept promoting himself as an extremely smart business person who was skilled at making deals and interacting effectively with other nations.  ALL OF THAT IS THE OPPOSITE of what he has done since taking office in January 2017.   Trump’s record on foreign policy: Lost wars, new conflicts and broken promises: Building a new anti-war movement that is connected to the domestic anti-police struggle is the only thing that can rein in U.S. militarism.   Trump is utterly INCOMPETENT in foreign policy and ABUSES WOMEN who lead other nations: […]

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U.S. House OVERWHELMINGLY voted NOT to move Pentagon money to better purposes.

July 30, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

On July 21, 2020, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 324 to 93 (with 13 not voting) to DEFEAT a proposal to move a mere 10% of military spending to human, environmental, and health needs.  Here are the lists of 93 YEA and 324 NAY votes:  It’s rare for our local Representative Denny Heck (WA 10th Cong.Dist.) to vote correctly on such an issue, but in this case he was one of the 93 who voted to cut the Pentagon’s budget. MOST Democrats joined ALL Republicans (except for 13 Republicans who did not vote) in defeating this sensible proposal. NEITHER […]

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Hiroshima + Nagasaki — Events, Info, Resources

July 24, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action ( is located immediately next to the Trident Nuclear Submarine base at Bangor in Kitsap County, WA.  Ground Zero has been practicing profound nonviolent and courageous efforts to stop these nuclear weapons since the late 1970s. In July and August 2020 GZ has installed four billboards in the Seattle area.  See this information from GZ’s website: On July 13, and continuing for four weeks, four billboards will display the following paid advertisement: Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor…  Base with largest concentration of deployed nuclear weapons in the U.S., Remembering the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, […]

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URGENT: Click links to tell Congress to CUT 10% from Pentagon budget!

July 17, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Our nation has very serious needs that are grossly underfunded. Congress keeps giving the Pentagon far too much money for violence. A strong movement is building to CUT 10% from the Pentagon budget and use it for better purposes. CLICK THIS LINK to tell Congress:   Many organizations are PUSHING HARD to cut the Pentagon Budget by 10% and use the savings to fund the serious human and environmental needs that are grossly underfunded.  I’m impressed with how many non-profit orgs are pushing for this 10% opportunity.  Many very different kinds of orgs are onboard with this.  It is highly relevant to […]

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Demand Congress mark 75th anniversaries of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by pledging GLOBAL NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT!

July 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

On August 6 and 9, 1945, the U.S. stunned the world by dropping atomic bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, and killed many more than 100,000 people. Since then the U.S. and eight other nations have built many, many more nuclear weapons (mostly the U.S. and Russia) that are vastly more deadly than those two “small” ones. The year 2020 will mark the 75th anniversary of those horrible bombings.  Make this year meaningful.  Please sign this petition to demand Congress pledge for global nuclear disarmament: ALSO:  If you live in the greater Olympia WA area, please participate by […]

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If you think Coronavirus is disruptive and deadly, it is NOTHING compared to nuclear war!

July 5, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Nuclear weapons are an EXTREMELY SERIOUS problem, but the public and news media pay almost no attention to the danger — which could DESTROY THE WORLD in just a few minutes! People are paying attention to the Coronavirus pandemic, so let’s pivot from that to consider how disruptive and deadly a nuclear war would be. The Coronavirus pandemic is seriously disrupting our world. Trump escalated the disruptions and increased the deaths by denying the reality, preventing the government from planning for pandemics, and suppressing the knowledge of scientists and doctors. A nuclear war would be much more disruptive and cause […]