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TV: “Palestine’s Realities With Updates”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read the following information in .pdf format, click Program Description — October 2014. During the summer of 2014 Israel’s military conducted yet another massive assault on Palestine, especially Gaza, the small southern part of Palestine that borders Egypt. Israel’s military attacked innocent civilians and civilian infrastructure (homes, schools, etc.), and even a United Nations refugee camp. As usual, mainstream U.S. news media, politicians and government officials grossly misrepresented what was really happening. They put nearly all of the blame on Palestine and made it seem that Israel’s government was merely defending itself. […]

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TV: “Our Best Values Lead to a Better Future”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read a thorough summary of what we said, click Program Description — November 2014. Most of the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s TV programs examine substantive issues such as nuclear weapons, foreign policy, or economics by laying out the hard facts. But in some months – including November 2014 – we look at the world around us through inspiring stories and the values and insights that guide our lives. Olympia FOR’s November 2014 interview begins by recognizing that the world’s problems result from a dominant worldview that is selfish and harsh. It causes […]

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TV: “Clean Drinking Water: Global Problems and Local Solutions”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

To watch this informative, inspiring 1-hour interview, click HERE. To read a thorough summary of what we said during the interview, click Program Description — March 2015. Dennis Mills, who is active with this activity and with the Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation, wrote this summary of the Olympia FOR’s March 2015 TV program. Our March 2015 interview explores a problem that is very real but is largely hidden from most of us. Half of the people in the world lack access to safe water or sanitation. Every day, 2,000 children die from diarrhea caused by unsafe drinking water and poor […]

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TV: “Confronting the New Nuclear Arms Race”

November 20, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s June 2017 TV program focuses on a crisis that Congress and Obama and Trump have been making much worse. But this crisis has been largely ignored by mainstream news media and the general public. Decades after the Cold War ended, the U.S. is recklessly provoking a new nuclear arms race! It’s bad enough that our government continues its dangerous intentions to use nuclear weapons. But now our government wants to replace our thousands of nu-clear weapons with horribly expensive new ones. Some of these are designed to be more usable – more likely to actually […]

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TV: “100 Years of FOR’s Bold Nonviolent Work for Peace and Justice”

November 17, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s October 2015 TV program celebrates highlights about the FOR’s 100 years of accomplishments in the United States. The national FOR has accomplished much, but usually has been too modest about promoting itself. The FOR works well with other organizations and wants to accomplish good work, regardless of who gets the credit for doing it. As a result, although the FOR is not very well known, it has actually accomplished quite a lot during the past 100 years. This TV program highlights only a few of the fascinating pieces of the past 100 years, but we […]

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TV: “Fukushima, Hanford, and Dangers of Living Near Nuclear Radiation”

November 17, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s November 2015 TV program examines the problems of nuclear power, including the disaster that occurred in Fukushima, Japan, and the ongoing problems at Hanford in Wash-ington State, where the same model of reactor is operating. We’ll also gain insights into how people in Fukushima are dealing with their problems and how people eve-rywhere can deal realistically with the dangers of nuclear radiation. Two guests with long experience and extensive knowledge of nuclear power explore this topic: • Carolyn Treadway has a lifelong connection with Japan, she visited Fukushima twice recently and talked with many people […]

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TV: “Bold, Friendly Action to Help LGBTQ Ugandans Flee to Safety”

November 17, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s January 2016 TV program lifts up a bold, compassionate, nonvi-olent way to help people who are in danger because of the homophobic political culture in the African nation of Uganda. The action began with courageous, compassionate people within Uganda and is supported by Quakers and other people in Olympia WA USA and elsewhere. This month’s TV program explores a bold and courageous way that people in Uganda and elsewhere are protecting the lives and safety of people in Uganda who are endangered because they are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender. People in Olympia and elsewhere […]

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TV: “Vietnam War: What REALLY Happened”

November 16, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Fifty years ago the U.S. was massively escalating the war in Vietnam. Recently the Pentagon launched an expensive propaganda campaign to whitewash what really happened and to glorify the Vietnam War as a noble effort. The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s May 2016 TV program counters that with truthful information that the Pentagon does not want you to know. Two guests – Larry Kerschner and Mark Fleming – help us explore this topic.  Both guests served in the U.S. army in Vietnam.  Both went back to Vietnam recently for peace-related purposes. Both are active with Veterans for Peace (VFP) and with […]

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TV: “TPP and Other ‘Free Trade’ Schemes Endanger Us All”

November 16, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

For decades now, presidents and Congresses of both big political parties have been pushing for “free trade” schemes that promise jobs and prosperity. But – when enacted – these schemes have actually produced the opposite. For example, Democrat Bill Clinton pushed for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and expanding the World Trade Organization (WTO). Republican George W. Bush pushed for several “free trade schemes.” Democrat Barack Obama pushed Bush’s plans to completion, and Obama is pushing hard to complete the huge Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) involving a dozen Pacific Rim nations. Mainstream politicians – and mainstream news media – […]

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TV: “De-Militarize U.S. Foreign Policy”

November 16, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s October 2016 TV program critiques U.S. foreign policy, especially how – instead of providing national security – the U.S.’s military violence actually makes us less secure! The program also helps us understand why the government keeps using military violence. In our daily lives we know that violence is wrong and counter-productive, but the U.S. government routinely threatens and uses military violence all over the world. At the end of this hour we propose nonviolent and socially just ways to achieve more profound, holistic “security” not only for our nation, but for the entire world. You […]

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TV: “Protect immigrant Rights”

November 16, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about the legal dangers immigrants (especially those without documentation) are facing in the U.S. — and about efforts locally and nationwide to protect those rights.  The Olympia Fellowship of Reconciliation’s May 2017 TV program was taped in April 2017, and the news has continuously changed, so when you watch this now some time later things might be different, but much of what we said during this hour is stable over time. Three guests  help us explore this topic. All three are active with the local Olympia effort called “Strengthening Sanctuary,” which protects immigrant rights. • Joanna […]

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TV: “The U.S. Is Risking Nuclear War with Russia over Ukraine”

November 15, 2017 GlenAnderson 0

Watch a 1-hour interview about U.S. meddling in Ukraine and U.S. provocation against Russia — and the danger of a nuclear war resulting from this.  This was Olympia FO’s July 2015 TV program.  Click THIS to watch the interview.  To rea a thorough summary of what we said, click Program Description — July 2015 formatted.