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Beyond reforms, we must demand the ABOLITION of nuclear weapons!

January 18, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The peace movement and other people working against nuclear weapons are FAR TOO TIMID in how we work on nuclear weapons.  In order to make progress we must demand the ABOLITION of nuclear weapons, not merely seek reforms and limitations. We have identified and worked for many reforms and limitations, such as: A “No First Use” policy to prevent the U.S. from starting a nuclear war Taking away the president’s sole authority to launch without a congressional declaration of war (except in retaliation) Preventing the total rebuild of all nuclear weapons, which Obama authorized and Trump is pursuing too Preventing […]

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Here is a strategically smart way toward abolishing nuclear weapons and converting to a peaceful foreign policy.

January 5, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Please see the one-page document I wrote at the link below. Nuclear weapons persist after 70+ years because they are rooted in the same deep-seated problems that plague U.S. foreign policy overall. In order to abolish nuclear weapons, we must see the deeply entrenched problems that have propped up nuclear weapons – and also propped up U.S. foreign policy overall. For that purpose, I created the attached document that could guide a group discussion (or even individual thoughtfulness) toward devising strategically smart ways to move toward peace. I’d be happy to facilitate a discussion in order to help the Olympia […]

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I’m building a Big Beautiful Wall around my yard to keep Republicans out!

January 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Although Trump claims that immigrants endanger our national security, and that Mexicans are rapists and murderers, the reality is that immigrants commit fewer crimes than Americans who were born here. Ironically, many serious crimes have been committed by Trump himself and by the crooks he has hired to work for his 2016 campaign or in his administration. Many have pled guilty, and many others have been prosecuted and convicted.  Many others are being investigated and will likely be prosecuted and convicted.  In addition, many have broken ethics rules and federal regulations about conflicts of interest, waste of our tax dollars, […]

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Our systems are not “broken.” They’re working as intended. They are DELIBERATELY UNFAIR.

January 3, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

People keep saying that our nation’s systems are “broken.”  That is misleading.  They are NOT “broken.”  They are WORKING AS INTENDED!  They are DELIBERATELY UNFAIR! On issue after issue, politicians, mainstream media, and the general public keep saying that our systems are “broken.”  But if you look at how they are actually functioning — WHAT THEY ACTUALLY DO — and WHAT THEY ARE PREVENTING — and WHO HAS THE POWER and WHO BENEFITS from the status quo — you’ll see that these systems are NOT really “broken.”  They are serving the rich and the powerful and preventing the changes that […]

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UNDERSTAND and SOLVE the U.S.’s extreme political crisis

January 2, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is experiencing the most serious political crisis in our nation’s history. Even during the Civil War, although the slave-owning states tried to break away, the rest of the U.S. still believed in democracy (although even the North did not practice it well enough).  Now Big Money has corrupted elections, and in some states the Republican Party is deliberately preventing some kinds of people from voting, and in some states that party is refusing to respect the voters’ decisions. Political corruption has occurred in some ways over the years, but now the person in the White House is blatantly […]

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Trump can launch nuclear weapons whenever he wants — with or without Mattis. URGE CONGRESS TO FIX THAT!!!!

December 23, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Washington DC’s foreign policy establishment is upset that Trump’s Secretary of Defense James “Mad Dog” Mattis resigned.  Those folks felt that Mattis was the only “adult” restraining Trump from reckless actions against other nations, such as launching nuclear weapons in a “first-strike.” This article by experts Bruce Blair and Jon Wolfsthal says that no Secretary of Defense can stop an impulsive President: James “Mad Dog” Mattis is an EXTREME HAWK who has said that he enjoys killing people in war. He is the kind of extremist that Trump kept appointing to powerful positions. Yet this war-hungry extremist was considered […]

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I-1631 and I-1634 show that we need to “re-frame” the public’s understanding of taxes.

December 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

“Special interests” with their Big Money deceived Washington State’s voters in the November 2018 election to defeat a good initiative that would have helped the climate — and to pass an initiative that protects giant food corporations from local democracy.  Those “special interests” with their Big Money used anti-tax messaging to defeat I-1631 and to pass I-1634. It’s easy for extremely rich funders to buy huge amounts of advertising and propaganda with simplistic “anti-tax” messaging. That message taps into many people’s latent biases, just like nationalistic and racist messages tap into many people’s latent biases. Regarding taxes – like so […]

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Rescue U.S. foreign policy from ALL hawks including Trump

December 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

News coverage about General Mattis’s resignation as Secretary of Defense is surreal. They keep saying that Mattis was a stabilizing “adult” in Trump’s regime. But Mattis is an EXTREME HAWK known as “Mad Dog.”  He resigned because Trump decided to remove U.S. troops from Syria and to reduce U.S. troops in Afghanistan.  Those are small steps in the right direction.  Trump is no dove, but these modest steps reduce the reckless hawkishness in U.S. foreign policy. When Mattis resigns over those modest steps – and when mainstream media and bi-partisan members of Congress support Mattis’s extreme hawkishness instead of Trump’s […]

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This info about renewable energy differs from what I recently posted

December 21, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

A friend who is a very knowledgeable energy conservation engineer disagreed with what I had posted on Dec. 19, 2018, saying some kinds of renewable energy being NOT really clean, so we need better definitions.  This friend provided different information.  In order to continue informing folks and stimulating better thinking, I am posting some of my friend’s information here. Here is my friend’s rebuttal: We should have a discussion about some of the energy projects in your alarmist and inaccurate energy article from For example, it disses manure digesters, which are essential for turning dairy manure into methane which […]

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Solid info about WHY nuclear power CANNOT be part of solving the climate crisis

December 20, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The nuclear power industry is trying to fool us into thinking that nuclear power is part of solving the climate crisis. Actually, there are many reasons why nuclear power is NOT a practical remedy. I urge people to read this thorough report produced by a very knowledgeable organization, so we can effectively rebut and debunk the pro-nuclear propaganda that has become very widespread. Nuclear power is intimately related to nuclear weapons.  President Eisenhower’s “Atoms for Peace” program was a civilian propaganda cover to justify and continue providing infrastructure for his rapidly growing nuclear weapons programs.  Many problems link nuclear […]

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For national security, let’s ABOLISH nuclear weapons and UNTIE our shoe laces

December 20, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. government keeps promoting more nuclear weapons in order to make Americans secure. Instead of that, my policy is to ABOLISH NUCLEAR WEAPONS and LEAVE OUR SHOES UNTIED. We will save billions of dollars. NEITHER POLICY WOULD PROTECT US. Either policy – nuclear weapons or untied shoelaces – could cause an accident. But if an accident occurs, tripping on shoelaces will cause much less damage than a nuclear war.   PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD – and my reasoning – to other people. Glen Anderson (360) 491-9093 See much information about nuclear weapons and other issues at my blog, […]

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Creating “Medicare for All” would save $5.2 TRILLION over 10 years

December 19, 2018 GlenAnderson 0 See this blog’s “Health Care Reform” section for several good articles. I especially recommend my December 2015 TV program, which makes a strong case for Universal Single-Payer instead of Obama’s weak Affordable Care Act.  Watch the informative interview and/or read a thorough summary of what we said at  The end of that thorough summary provides sources of additional information.      

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A local community passed a pro-democracy ordinance and is sued by business corporations for “lost profits.”

December 19, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Local communities in various places (especially in Pennsylvania and Ohio) have been passing “Community Rights Ordinances” to assert local democratic control and protect their local environments.  Some outside businesses react with lawsuits against the local pro-democracy ordinances, and they demand to be paid for “lost profits.” See information about the legal basis for these local efforts to protect local democracy and local environments at See information about this particular local case at My April 2014 TV program explores this exciting opportunity.  That episode’s title is “Strengthen Democracy with a Community Rights Ordinance (CRO).”  Watch the interview and/or read a […]

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Trump’s nominee for Attorney General wants to impose “God’s Law” upon America. That’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

December 18, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

Right-wing Americans are whipping up fears that state governments might impose Sharia law upon us, even though that is utterly unrealistic. However, the right-wing Christian equivalent — fundamentalist “God’s Law” is a real and present danger.  Trump’s nominee for U.S. Attorney General — the top law enforcement official in our nation — actually is on record saying he wants to impose “God’s Law” upon our nation.  He is a right-wing Christian fundamentalist.  His proposal is BLATANTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL.  It violates the First Amendment’s absolute requirement that the government and religion remain separate. An excellent non-profit organization, Americans United for the Separation […]

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Despite praise for the late George H.W. Bush, he did MANY BAD things.

December 18, 2018 GlenAnderson 0

When the older Bush (George H.W.) died recently, many people were praising him for all sorts of things. Actually, he did MANY BAD things, including using the racist Willie Horton ad during his presidential campaign and starting unnecessary wars and making a lot of money through his business selling military weapons, and on and on. Here are three articles that were excluded from mainstream news media:   His “war for oil” in Iraq — the FIRST Gulf War — was totally unnecessary and extremely cruel.  See this:   He really was a WAR CRIMINAL.  See this:   Also, […]