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Georgia Democrats Respond to GOP’s Total Abortion Ban With ‘Testicular Bill of Rights’

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

State legislatures have been attacking women’s rights, so in the spring of 2019 a Democrat in Georgia’s legislature took creative action. The article at the link below says:  “Georgia Democratic Rep. Dar’shun Kendrick wants to change the discourse around Republicans’ total abortion ban with legislation that would strictly regulate men’s reproductive health care.” The article says:  “Some of the legislation Kendrick has asked legislative counsel to draft includes requiring men to obtain permission from their sex partner before obtaining a prescription for Viagra or other erectile dysfunction medications; making it aggravated assault for men to have sex without a condom; […]

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Stop the cruel economic sanctions and economic disruptions against Venezuela, Iran, and elsewhere.

June 9, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

In order to bully other nations with whom the U.S. government does not get along, our government imposes cruel economic sanctions — and sometimes viciously disrupts the economies — against other nations. Most Americans go along with this.  They just don’t want American troops “on the ground,” so economic abuses are a way to attack other nations.  But this kind of bullying is wrong too. I wrote this one-page article to explain.  Please urge the U.S. government to stop this abuse. Economic sanctions are bullying without bombing or sending troops    

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Replace the “national security” scheme with “TRUE Security.”

June 4, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is obsessed with “national security” and wastes about half of our discretionary budget on militarism, nuclear weapons, covert actions, and violence around the world. This obsession and waste cause much neglect and suffering within the U.S. as well as abuse and endless wars and suffering around the world. We must replace the wasteful, ineffective, and downright counterproductive “national security” scheme with a fresh approach:  “TRUE Security.” See this: TRUE Security TABLE.doc        

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We’re All in This Together

May 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Oppressors like to use “divide-and-conquer” strategies to disempower the 99%. The Olympian published an op-ed I wrote in May 2019. Here is the article as a Word document: BOC — 2019.05.16 FINAL version — We’re All in This Together Here is the article as it appeared on the editorial page on May 23, 2019:     

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How We Got into Our Current Crisis

May 24, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

I wrote an insightful article in 2017, and it is still valid, so I updated it only a little and posted it here. I’ll write another proposing remedies for how to get out of this crisis.  Look for that within the next few weeks. How We Got into Our Current Crisis  

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“Why the Public Should Own Our Electric Utilities”

May 18, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The June 2019 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Per-spectives” explores the many benefits of having the public own our electric utilities instead of letting big business own them. People typically think about “democracy” in terms of government. But why not also have democracy in how we run our economy? Why can’t our economic institutions – such as our electric utility – respond to the will of the voters? Voters can choose to have local governments own and operate our electric utilities. Dozens of cities and counties in Washington State have long, successful track records of using publicly owned utilities to pro-vide […]

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“A City-Owned Electric Utility Would Help Olympia’s People”

May 18, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Local folks are starting to organize a campaign for the City of Olympia and other local cities to replace Puget Sound Energy here with a successful locally owned electric utility that will provide lower rates, better reliability, and sustainable energy – and will be ac-countable to the public instead of foreign stockholders. They plan to gather enough signatures of Olympia voters during the middle part of 2020 to qualify for Olympia’s ballot for the November 2020 election. Here is one page listing four reasons why this would be a good idea: A City-Owned Electric Utility Would Help Olympia’s People   […]

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Korean people — North and South — want peace. Don’t let the U.S. gov’t reduce them to a bargaining chip.

May 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Technically, the Korean War never ended. A ceasefire occurred in the early 1950s, but the war never officially ended. The De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) has been the most heavily militarized border for more than half a century. Unlike many nations, the people of Korea – North and South – are all THE SAME ethnic group. The boundary is a cruel Cold War relic that divided families. Virtually all Koreans want to be together. This article notes the one-year anniversary of an important joint statement for peace and reconciliation. Since the early 1950s the U.S. government has arrogantly played politics instead of […]

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Progress toward replacing the Electoral College with National Popular Vote

May 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Previous posts on this blog have explained how the Electoral College frustrates honest democracy by over-weighting low-population states (which tend to produce Republican majorities) and under-weighting high-population states (which tend to produce Democratic majorities).  This partisan imbalance has caused several Republican presidents to get elected by Electoral College majorities, even though they lost the popular vote.  Trump is the latest example. Fortunately, a number of people and non-profit organizations have been pushing to replace the Electoral College with a National Popular Vote.  Changing the U.S. Constitution is a horrendously huge, slow process that is not likely because the Senate (which […]

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Biden’s climate policy will doom us

May 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Joe Biden has publicly agreed that the climate crisis is an EXISTENTIAL crisis.  It is so extremely serious that it is a life-or-death crisis. However, he thinks timid steps and compromising with Republicans are sufficient.  He was Obama’s Vice President, and Obama tried for 8 years to compromise with Republicans, but Republicans absolutely refused to take reasonable steps.  Now Republicans are vigorously repealing all of the very moderate steps that Obama took.  Republicans are NOT a reasonable group to negotiate with.  Biden is utterly unrealistic to think that a policy of yielding to them will produce good results for the […]

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The Green New Deal must include PEACE as an inherent part of its agenda

May 17, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. military is an ENORMOUS waster of oil and an ENORMOUS factor in causing and perpetuating the climate crisis. To reduce carbon emissions, we absolutely must reduce all kinds of military flights, ships, and vehicle traffic. The Military-Industrial Complex hires troops and workers who build weapons. The Green New Deal must move them away from climate-killing jobs into jobs that solve our problems and create a sustainable future. A militaristic foreign policy is NOT SUSTAINABLE!!! Militarism is DESTROYING OUR FUTURE! PEACE must be a strategic part of the Green New Deal!!! See this article, which promotes the Green New […]

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We need fresh, bold economics to fight climate disruption. See these great articles.

May 11, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

Here are several interesting new articles in early May 2019:   As Capitalism Fails, We Need a Roadmap to Survive Climate Change. This article says that the climate crisis ALSO challenges us to think about economics in bold, fresh ways. The economics that allowed the climate crisis to occur are NOT sufficient to get us out of that mess. Fossil fuels have fueled our long run of industrial and economic growth. But that is coming to an end. Now we need new economics for a post-fossil fuel future. There are many dimensions to this. The article at this link is […]

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Debunking the Myths of War — Here is a great resource!

May 11, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The non-profit organization World Beyond War ( takes a bold stance: War is not necessary and is never good. We need to debunk the myths that keep war and militarism going. We can indeed choose peace. Debunking Myths of War See their powerful new PowerPoint presentation at this link:  Debunking-the-Myths-of-War1 On April 29, WBW’s Organizing Director Greta Zarro presented a talk on “debunking the myths of war” for the Beyond War & Militarism Committee in Syracuse, NY. In making the case for war abolition, the talk dispelled the myths that war is inevitable, necessary, beneficial, or just.    

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Insightful articles about liberation aspects of Christianity

May 11, 2019 GlenAnderson 0

The Winter 2019 issue of the Veterans for Peace publication (at this link — ) — ends with an amazingly smart article about liberation as the core message of what Christianity is supposed to be about. The article starts on the final page (page 24) and continues two pages earlier (page 22).   This article — — supports the kind of Christianity that MLK believed and practiced.  The article’s beginning starts slow, but it improves when it lays out seven principles.  The author cites an article by someone else, and it is in the context of being an “evangelical.” […]