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It’s time to stop federal executions and repeal the death penalty

January 6, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

This came from the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), a Quaker-based non-profit organization that works for peace and social justice:      

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Short videos: Innocent people speak about having been released from death row.

January 6, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

From 1973 through 2020, a total of 173 INNOCENT PERSONS were released from death row! See the data compiled by the Death Penalty Information Center at See the link below in which SIX of these exonerees tell their stories in very brief videos. FIRST-HAND EXPERIENCES are very compelling. Death row exonerees are living proof that innocent people are sentenced to death. They are living proof that WE MUST ABOLISH THE DEATH PENALTY. These videos were created and distributed by Witness to Innocence ( WATCH THEM AT THIS LINK:        

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Trump profits hugely from playing golf on his properties

January 6, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

When Trump goes to his properties (Mar a Lago, etc.) to play golf, the taxpayers pay to fly Air Force One, and the taxpayers PAY TRUMP to house and feed his huge entourage of Secret Service officers, presidential staffers, etc., to stay in his overpriced hotels and eat overpriced meals there.  Trump rips off the taxpayers VERY OFTEN for this purpose.  The Constitution prohibits this:  The “emoluments” clause EXPLICITLY PROHIBITS using presidential power for personal enrichment, but the House Democrats REFUSED to impeach Trump for this blatantly unconstitutional crime.   Washington Post confirms that Trump has charged the US a […]

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Several items with interesting info on the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)

January 5, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

Nuclear Weapons Will Soon Be Banned Under International Law: This climate scientist opposes “nuclear winter” and urges Biden to sign the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons: Interesting article summarizing the UN’s nuclear weapons treaty’s meaning — and what’s next: Cities can endorse the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, even if their nations do not: The highly respected Arms Control Association (ACA) published this article saying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons is a “much-needed wake-up call” — The ACA published this article:  When the TPNW goes into force, […]

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Nuclear Weapons Are a Very Dangerous Local Problem.

January 3, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

I wrote this 8-page document to summarize the current crisis in nuclear weapons and the background leading up to it.  Replacing Trump with Biden is NOT enough to solve the problems, which have persisted since 1945.  This article also recommends some positive actions we can take. This .pdf format will retain the formatting:  Nuclear Weapons Are a Very Dangerous Local Problem This Word format will allow you to easily click links to additional resources:  Nuclear Weapons Are a Very Dangerous Local Problem        

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Sign up for 4-part study group (starting Monday Jan. 11, 2021) on progressive economics: “Modern Monetary Theory”

January 3, 2021 GlenAnderson 0

You are invited to join the Backbone Campaign’s MMT 4 part series: Modern Monetary Theory Study Group Join our 4-part study group on Modern Monetary Theory, Mondays at 4:30pm Pacific / 7:30pm Eastern One of the best experts on Monetary Theory (MMT) is Stephanie Kelton, who has written extenstively about it.  Search the web for her name and MMT.  She summarized MMT by saying, “it is about replacing an artificial revenue constraint with a real inflation constraint. So there are limits. But the limit is not a predetermined numerical level or a percentage of the budget. There is no strict […]

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Now We Empower Ourselves to Achieve Bold Goals

December 30, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The January 2021 interview on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV program will help YOU make progress on the issues YOU care about. Many of our nation’s problems had existed for a very long time.  These include racial injustice, economic inequality, environmental problems, a foreign policy that is both cruel and violent, and some dysfunctional aspects of our electoral systems.  From 2017 through 2020, Trump made these and other problems even worse.  Really, this goes beyond partisanship.  Many of our nation’s problems are long-standing and bi-partisan.  The American people have values that are better, wiser, more compassionate, and more progressive than either of […]

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These quotations support bold grassroots organizing to make significant progress.

December 28, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

My January 2021 TV program includes much information to help us organize bold nonviolent movements from the grassroots to solve major problems. Here are some quotations that support these efforts.  We did not have time to say these during our TV interview, so I’m posting them here.  I wrote the first batch.  Other people wrote the second batch.   Glen Anderson wrote these: People (and our political, economic and other systems) created the problems that threaten humanity.  Since people caused the problems, people can solve those problems. Many conservatives assume either (1) that the realities are not problems, or (2) […]

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Besides Protesting What We Oppose, Let’s Organize Even More Vigorously to Accomplish Positive Goals

December 28, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

We need to keep protesting against the cruelty, corruption, injustice and violence that continually assault us.  But if we spend most of our time and efforts fighting the bad stuff, the oppressors will continue to have the upper hand because they can keep throwing bad stuff at us and we will always be on the defensive. We need to spend most of our time and efforts taking the initiative to organize for the positive goals that we want instead.  We need to be proactive, envision the future we want instead of the current mess, and organize to achieve the positive […]

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Reject baloney. Base public policy on honest science.

December 21, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

Even before Trump waged his war against honest science, “special interests” and their “think tanks” and conservative media were promoting baloney that allowed businesses to corrupt governmental agencies (all the way from the federal level to the local level).  They have been hurting environment, public health, and truth itself. Trump made this worse, as we know, but big business had been abusing federal, state and local agencies for a very long time, including Washington State’s agencies that deal with the environment. This is part of a very long-standing tradition in American culture — a tradition of “anti-intellectualism” that historian Richard […]

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Washington State’s tax system hurts the poor and fails to fund what people need.

December 21, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

For many decades Washington State has had THE MOST REGRESSIVE tax system of any state in the nation.  This means RICH PEOPLE PAY FAR LESS THAN THEIR SHARE — and POOR AND WORKING CLASS PEOPLE PAY FAR MORE THAN THEIR SHARE. Washington is one of just a very few states with no income tax.  (Decades ago the state Supreme Court said it would be unconstitutional.)  Instead, we rely very heavily on the sales tax.  Poor and working class people spend nearly all of their money, so they pay a lot of sales tax, while rich people put more of their […]

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“Nuclear Winter” is a serious and deadly threat after nuclear weapons are used.

December 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

The public is only scarcely aware of nuclear weapons.  Many people stopped paying attention 30 years ago when the Cold War ended.  Even then — and much more so now — the public had been propagandized so effectively by the U.S. government and mainstream media that they were very poorly informed about the danger that could kill all of us if an international conflict escalated — or if a mentally unstable president got angry at another nation — or if a computer problem or inaccurate data analysis or some other glitch caused nuclear weapons to be launched unwittingly. On the […]

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This powerful, short op-ed from a 4-star general warns of nuclear war unless we change now

December 15, 2020 GlenAnderson 0

I urge everyone to read the smart, articulate, effective article linked below.  It was written by somebody with first-hand expertise in the subject. Political “leaders” will not protect us from nuclear war. Every presidential candidate – and every Congressional incumbent and candidate – needs to read and understand.  Unfortunately, nearly all of those folks are trapped in the false assumption that nuclear weapons protect us, and they are relatively impervious to hearing the truths that this article puts forth. Only a powerful grassroots movement to ABOLISH nuclear weapons (starting with the smart steps in the “Back from the Brink” campaign – […]