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How to use humor to help the climate (and other scary issues, such as nuclear weapons, etc.)

September 27, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

This article is about how we can educate people about the climate by using humor – helping people laugh first – before the educational part comes out. I have long been urging us to use humor to educate people about hard, scary issues such as nuclear weapons, dangerous right-wing politicians, etc.  This article’s focus on the climate is applicable to other hard, scary issues:   Here is a GREAT EXAMPLE of how to use humor in our outreach: This movie satirized the Cold War. During the workshops I conduct to strengthen people’s skills in organizing grassroots movements, I encourage […]

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United Nations is warning the world about persistently hurting the environment!

September 27, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

U.N. warning #1: A U.N. report blames short-sighted economics for endangering nature.  The dominant policies focus on short-term profits from exploiting nature. Instead, we need to “value” other aspects of nature. The smart article is at this link:   U.N. warning #2: Pay attention to economics: U.N. warns that increasing disasters are ‘setting humanity on a spiral of self-destruction’ Currently, our politicians and our economic models are FAILING TO PAY ATTENTION to the escalating disasters (environmental, climate, etc.).  The United Nations issued this warning.  We – grassroots people – need to push our politicians, big businesses, economists, etc., to […]

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Gov. DeSantis’s FEDERAL FELONIES: Kidnapping immigrants + transporting them across state lines

September 27, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Sign the petition: Ron DeSantis must be investigated. You read that right. Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis may have violated federal law by using over $600,000 in taxpayer dollars to lure 50 asylum seekers onto a flight that diverted them from Florida and sent them to Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. That’s transporting human beings across state lines under false pretenses. Lawmakers and experts think that DeSantis broke the law. Attorney General Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice cannot stand by and let this continue. The asylum seekers DeSantis deceived were told they would be given housing and jobs. Instead, they […]

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Supreme Court is considering an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS right-wing threat to honest elections

September 27, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Our Voting Rights Are at Stake in Upcoming Supreme Court Ruling This is the case that will decide the “independent state legislature” theory.   U.S. Supreme Court will rule on Moore v. Harper by June 2023. I urge you to read this article:     Some of the efforts to overturn the 2020 election through state legislative efforts might become federal law if the Supreme Court agrees with the right-wing extremists that are promoting a bizarre theory.  See this:   For half a century, Common Cause ( has worked to protect honest government and fair elections from the powerful […]

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Inflation: Fresh insights debunk conservative myths

September 27, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Mainstream news media and mainstream politicians have been misleading the public about what has caused the current inflation — and what to do about it.  They — and the Federal Reserve (the bank-owned nationwide entity that decides how much money to circulate) — misdiagnose the causes, so their remedies actually hurt ordinary people. I’m posting here some articles that provide true information, fresh insights, and suggestions for solving this economic problem in ways that help ordinary people.   This video — in less than 3 minutes — DEBUNKS 4 Myths About Inflation.  Robert Reich explains economic realities in clear and […]

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Spending for Military and Nuclear Weapons Makes Poverty Worse — Glen’s October 2022 TV program

September 23, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The October 2022 program on “Glen’s Parallax Perspectives” TV series “connects the dots” between poverty in the United States and excessive military spending, including the costs of nuclear weapons: This TV program begins by recognizing the extent of poverty in the United States – the richest nation on earth. Poverty is a serious crisis – and it is getting worse. Next, we recognize how excessively expensive the U.S. military has become. The U.S. spends a gigantic amount on the military – much, much more than is necessary.  Both political parties keep increasing military budgets far, far beyond reason. We spend […]

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Nuclear weapons NUMBERS and COSTS — 2 images and brief summary

September 19, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

I’m attaching some very brief information about NUMBERS and COSTS with two compelling graphs. These facts should inform the Senate that we have TOO MANY nuclear weapons, and they COST TOO MUCH. The U.S. needs to work seriously and open-mindedly with other nations on Planet Earth to solve this serious problem. Nuclear weapons NUMBERS and COSTS — short info and two images                      

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U.S. is a “rogue nation” in failing to take humane, ethical actions that other nations have taken

September 13, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. is the only (or almost the only) modern industrial nation that fails to help its people and the world in these important ways:   The U.S. health care system keeps ranking LAST among rich nations. The U.S. does not offer paid leave for new mothers, but 186 other nations do. The U.S. has not ratified the Cluster Munitions Treaty. The U.S. is one of only 14 members of the United Nations that have failed to ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The U.S. is the only nation in the U.N. that has failed to […]

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Another example of Republican hypocrisy about “Big Government” — Let’s apply their law to them.

September 5, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Republicans used to denounce “Big Government.” Now Republicans want “Big Government” to inspect the private parts of children who want to play sports at school. VOTERS HATE HYPOCRISY! What if we required Republican politicians to apply this law to themselves?  Republican politicians and candidates SAY they are men or women, but how do we know each one is the gender they claim to be?  Let’s require Republican incumbents and candidates to show their private parts to medical professionals who can verify that they are the gender they claim to be. “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.” […]

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U.S. is ALMOST THE ONLY NATION that fails to protect human rights in several ways

September 5, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

The U.S. likes to think that our nation is the world’s leader in human rights, but actually, we are NEARLY THE ONLY NATION that REFUSES to protect human rights in several ways. Page 8 of the Summer 2022 issue of YES! Magazine ( reported these facts:   The U.S. is one of only 14 members of the United Nations that have FAILED TO RATIFY the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The U.S. is the ONLY NATION in the U.N. that has failed to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  I remember years ago when […]

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YES! We really CAN organize grassroots movements to solve big, hard, scary problems!

September 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Many important issues (climate, nuclear weapons, etc.) are big and scary to think about, so many people do not want to think about them.  Many people feel that those problems are so big and are imposed upon us by powerful forces (big businesses, the Pentagon, etc.).  This power imbalance causes many people feel that they are powerless to solve the problems because the problems were created and are perpetuated by forces that are so big and powerful, and that we are too small and weak to oppose them.  It’s easier to simply avoid dealing with them.  As a result, the […]

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Many Americans are ignorant about — or denying — science. Here are a few articles.

September 1, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

Aldous Huxley’s famous quotation about denying science is worth repeating:  “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”     U.S. Has Highest Percentage of People Not Worried About Climate Change in Survey of 31 Countries: Clearly, the climate deniers, the fossil fuel companies’ propagandists, and the right-wing media have been succeeding: We must get more savvy in communicating effectively with the general public.  I offer FREE online workshops to help people build a stronger grassroots movement for the climate.  Although the opportunity linked here has passed, I invite you to contact me if you’d like me […]

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Let’s organize a savvy grassroots movement to significantly reform the Port of Olympia!

August 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

For many years local folks have been frustrated that the Port of Olympia has been hurting the environment, violating principles of honest democracy, and abusing Thurston County’s taxpayers. We can solve problems if we organize a strategically savvy grassroots movement to educate the public and elect good Port Commissioners.   I’m offering a series of 6 FREE online workshops providing practical ways to strategize and reach out effectively to the voting public and various constituencies so we can build a strong, grassroots movement to significantly reform the Port of Olympia. The workshops will help you make better progress on other […]

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What issues do YOU care about? FREE online workshops help you organize grassroots movements: Sept-Oct 2022. Gather online. Learn together. Organize to solve problems!

August 30, 2022 GlenAnderson 0

You have more power than you know! On issue after issue, the status quo is horribly broken. The good news is we can organize grassroots movements to solve the problems! You can strengthen your skills and strategies for organizing grassroots movements!   Here is FREE HELP for ALL of the issues you care about! Let’s choose a bold, positive future! Let’s solve the problems! Let’s build savvy grassroots movements to accomplish bold goals for whatever YOU care about: peace, social/economic justice, environment/climate, humane politics, and more!   You can significantly strengthen your skills – and gain new resources – if […]